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Sheriff David Clarke: Obama Doesn’t Have the Courage to Be Honest With Black Community

Hundreds of race activists turned out in New York City for the #RiseUpOctober march and rally on Saturday.
The Rise Up October movement is a three day protest against police killings and brutality.
The rally was organized by local Communist leaders.
fight back protest

The protesters chanted “F*ck the police!“ as they marched to Bryant Park in midtown.
** Barack Obama supports this anti-police movement.

On Monday Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke slammed Barack Obama for his shameless support of this radical anti-police movement.

“Well, there is no way to understand this nonsense… The claim made by President Obama that “this is not based on emotion, it’s real,” is just plain wrong. These claims are based on fiction. Once you strip away the myths, the lie, the propaganda all that remains is the facts. Lies put out and repeated over and over again by the President of the United States are not a substitute for empirical research… The President of the United States lacks the courage to look at the black community and tell them to look in the mirror as the source of their problems.


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It Begins… Chicago Coffee Shop Hit With Racist Graffiti: “White People Out of Pilsen”

A coffee shop in Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago, a largely Hispanic area, was hit with threatening racist graffiti.

white people stickers pilson

This time vandals told the owners of Pilson Bow Truss Coffee to get out!
“White People Out of Pilsen”

Of course, if this was a black-owned store the story would make national headlines.

Racist vandals hit the same coffee shop earlier this year.
DNA Info reported:

PILSEN — Anti-gentrification signs have again popped up at Bow Truss coffee shop in 18th Street, this time reading: ‘White people out of Pilsen!”

The coffee shop, at 1641 W. 18th St., has been vandalized five times in the last two or three weeks, Bow Truss owner Phil Tadros confirmed Monday. The latest anti-gentrification messages, posted sometime late Sunday or early Monday, are in the form of stickers fashioned to look like the Chicago flag.

In January, anti-gentrification signs reading “”Fresh Roasted Gentrification Served Here!” and “Wake up and smellllll the gentrification” were plastered over the windows at Bow Truss, a coffee shop that The next weekend, the shop was hit again, prompting the Chicago-based owner to ask those targeting his store to come forward and talk about the polarizing issue.

On Monday, Tadros renewed that call. To date, nobody has claimed responsiblity for the signs, he said.

“They’re racist,” he said of the stickers. “A lot of hate is ignorance. I think the conversation needs to be had and I think that the person who is doing this, if your goal is to get something productive to happen, shoot me an email.”

pilson door

This latest round comes off with a lot more anger and seems way less about the coffee. http://bit.ly/1Mfq7Yl 




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WE should all be reminded that the group that call itself, {black lives matter} is funded by the GEORGE SOROS,organization who is known world wide for funding social movements to destabilize nations for the purpose of over throwing their governments, in fact he and his organizations  were  just kicked out of RUSSIA for this same reason.

WE black AMERICANS are now being faced with whole manufactured black movements that claim to speak in our name for our cause and are nothing more than movie productions from JEWISH billionaires wishing to exploit our legitimate grievances.

LET’S pass the word on these people so we’re not played as useful idiots serving a cause unknown to us .

THIS website has numerous articles on SOROS  and black lives matter in it’s archive but the article below is from THE DAILY MAIL , dated 1/16/15 and more updated video’s on the most recent protest.

Billionaire George Soros spent $33MILLION bankrolling Ferguson demonstrators to create ‘echo chamber’ and drive national protests

Hedge fund mogul’s Open Society Foundations made huge donations

Organizers bussed in from New York and D.C. to take over campaigning

Different cash recipients would repeat each others’ messages

Helped to keep events and messages at the top of news agenda

Soros cash, from speculating on markets, is given to many liberal causes

Liberal billionaire George Soros donated $33million to social justice organizations which helped turn events in Ferguson from a local protest into a national flashpoint.

The handouts, revealed in tax filings from Soros’s private foundation, were given to dozens of different groups which weighed in on the crisis.

Organizers from professional groups in Washington, D.C., and New York were bussed into the Missouri town to co-ordinate messaging and lobby to news media to cover events using the billionaire’s funding.

The flood of donations were uncovered in an analysis of the latest tax return by Soros’s Open Society Foundations by the Washington Times.

The cash was reportedly funneled into keeping up numbers of protesters in the community over a period of months by bringing in outside activists.

Meanwhile papers from think tanks were disseminated to bring in extra coverage of the civil unrest, also linked to the police killings of Eric Garner in Staten Island and Tamir Rice, 12, in Cleveland, Ohio.

Outlets which covered the research, and the movements themselves, included one, Colorlines, which Soros himself has funded.

The slew of organizations reportedly created their own online ‘echo chamber’, by using their extensive social media presences to ‘like’, repost and comment on articles putting across their point of view.

The director of Soros’s fund said that they have no direct control over the groups they give to, and said they are all trying to improve accountability.

He told the Washington Times: ‘Helping groups combine policy, research [and] data collection with community organizing feels very much the way our society becomes more accountable.
‘The incidents, whether in Staten Island, Cleveland or Ferguson, were spontaneous protests – we don’t have the ability to control or dictate what others say or choose to say.’
The Soros cash was also put to work driving buzzwords and social media campaigns to propel Ferguson into the national consciousness.
One recipient of his funding is the Organization for Black Struggle, which in turned established a group called the Hands Up Coalition, that has helped make ubiquitous the ‘hands up, don’t shoot’ slogan.

The words are reference to how contentious witness accounts describing how Michael Brown was raising his hands in surrender when Ferguson officer Darren Wilson shot him dead this August.
Soros also gave money to the Drug Policy Alliance, which worked on the perpetuation of the ‘black lives matter’ buzz phrase, which has been incorporated into speeches by political figures including Hillary Clinton.
The billionaire’s fortune was made from speculating on financial markets, most notably making more than $1billion in the 1990s helping cripple the British financial system by speculation on the pound sterling.
He is currently ranked at number 17 on the Forbes 400 richlist, with an estimated worth of $24billion.


Black Louisville Judge Dismisses Entire Jury Because They’re White (Video)

In April Louisville Judge Olu Stevens gave two armed robbers and home invaders a light sentence because he felt their three year-old baby victim was being racist.

The family said their little girl reportedly feared black people after the armed attack.

judge olu stevens
Judge Olu Stevens

Now this…
Judge Olu Stevens dismissed an entire jury for a drug case because they were all white.

The state supreme court is going to look at the issue and see if Stevens has the authority to dismiss jury panels because of a lack of minorities.
WDRB reported:

Unhappy with the number of potential black jurors called to his court last week, Jefferson Circuit Court Judge Olu Stevens halted a drug trial and dismissed the entire jury panel, asking for a new group to be sent up.

“The concern is that the panel is not representative of the community,” said Stevens, who brought in a new group of jurors despite objections from both the defense and prosecutor.

And this wasn’t the first time Stevens, who is black, has dismissed a jury because he felt it was lacking enough minorities. Now the state Supreme Court is going to determine whether the judge is abusing his power.

On Nov. 18, after a 13-member jury chosen for a theft trial ended up with no black jurors, Stevens found it “troublesome” and dismissed the panel at the request of a defense attorney.

“There is not a single African-American on this jury and (the defendant) is an African-American man,” Stevens said, according to a video of the trial. “I cannot in good conscious go forward with this jury.”

A new jury panel was called up the next day.

After that, the Jefferson County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office and Attorney General asked the Kentucky Supreme Court to look at the issue and see if Stevens has the authority to dismiss jury panels because of a lack of minorities. And last month, the high court agreed to hear arguments.


FBI Director James Comey: Police Officers Reluctant to Do Their Job in #BlackLivesMatter Era

FBI director James Comey argued this weekend during a talk at the University of Chicago that scrutiny of police conduct and the threat of exposure through “viral videos” has generated a “chill wind blowing through American law enforcement over the last year.”

** Murder rates are up across the country since the Obama endorsed Black Lives Matter movement took off last year.

Police officers today are under constant threat of exposure and abuse since the violent #BlackLivesMatter movement formed after the shooting of robber Michael Brown.

From the video:

FBI Director James Comey has been talking a lot this past weekend about the police and #BlackLivesMatter, specifically about why officers are more reluctant to do their jobs “in the age of viral videos.”

In a speech to the University of Chicago Law School, Comey said there is a “chill wind that has blown through American law enforcement over the last year,” partly due to people taking out their cell phones and “taunting” officers as they record them doing their jobs.

He said one police leader “urged his force to remember that their political leadership has no tolerance for a viral video,” and officers need to keep doing their jobs as normal in order to keep their communities safe.

Comey is talking about what is colloquially referred to as the “Ferguson effect,” cops not doing their jobs out of worry about being overtly scrutinized.Comey elaborated today at the International Association of Chiefs of Police annual convention:



L o C ,thanks for starting this thread. :)

Black leader rips Democrats for picking which 'lives matter'

Presidential candidates 'intimidated' by racial movement


By Paul Bremmer

Contrary to what some Democratic presidential candidates said during their first debate, all lives matter, declares a black talk-radio host, author and columnist.

“In my personal opinion, there’s nothing wrong with saying all lives matter, because all lives do matter,” said Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, author of the forthcoming book “The Antidote.” “So, as a black man, I’m really offended when I hear whites and other black people saying that black lives matter, but not all lives.”

During the debate, a law school student submitted a video question asking the candidates, “Do black lives matter, or do all lives matter?”

Bernie Sanders, the junior senator from Vermont, replied “black lives matter,” prompting cheers from the crowd. He went on to voice the need to reform the criminal justice system and “combat institutional racism.”

Martin O’Malley, the former Maryland governor, said the Black Lives Matter movement makes a “very, very legitimate and serious point” that the U.S. has undervalued the lives of black people. He also said “black lives matter” but refused to say all lives matter.

Peterson believes Sanders and O’Malley are intimidated by the Black Lives Matter movement. He remembers when BLM activists hijacked the stage and microphone at a Sanders rally in Seattle this past summer. O’Malley, meanwhile, was booed and jeered for saying “all lives matter” at a campaign rally.

“They’re afraid of being attacked by these people, and then they’re afraid if they don’t cater to Black Lives Matter, that they’re going to lose support from black people who normally vote for the Democrats,” Peterson said. “And so right now they’re controlled by these folks, without a doubt.”

Colin Flaherty, a reporter who chronicled numerous cases of black mob violence in his book “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America a... told WND Democrats don’t understand the true nature of racial tension.

“Democrats who are afraid to say all lives matter have bought into the greatest lie of our generation: that black people are relentless victims of relentless white racism – all the time, everywhere and that explains everything,” Flaherty said. “When in fact the opposite is true: black violent crime is wildly out of proportion. As is black-on-white crime.”

Peterson does not believe white Democrats would support Black Lives Matter if they did not feel pressured to do so. And he doesn’t believe either the Democratic Party or the Republican Party would support a white group with similar aims.

“If Black Lives Matter was a white group with the same message, the same attitude, they would call them racists, they would shun them, they would not support them, but there’s a double standard,” Peterson said. “And these evil black organizations are ruling right now.”

The only Democrat on the debate stage to suggest all lives matter was former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb.

He said, “As president of the United States, every life in this country matters.”

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/10/black-leader-rips-democrats-for-picking-...

Michael Savage: Black Lives Matter Are Obama’s Shock Troops, Like Hitler’s Brown Shirts (Video)

Michael Savage, host of the Savage Nation, author of “Government Zero” and best-selling author, joined Steve Malzberg on Newsmax TV to discuss his new book “Government Zero.”

Malzberg Savage

Savage also weighed in on the recent violence in Israel, the Black Lives Matter movement, the open border policy in parts of Europe with regards to Muslim refugees, as well as GOP and Democratic races. This was an amazing interview!

The conservative radio host said the latest Iowa polls with Carson leading are due to “white guilt.”

Michael Savage: The only solution is a patriot who is nationalistic. That is Donald Trump.

Steve Malzberg: You believe Donald Trump is the answer. Are you concerned, not only is he behind in three polls in Iowa but a New York Times-CBS poll today shows him, I think, four or five points behind Ben Carson nationally for the first time?

Michael Savage: The New York Times, CBS, Pravda means nothing. Do you think they interviewed one conservative voter? No. Polls don’t mean anything. In Iowa, as I say, God Bless Iowa, I’m on a big station in Iowa. The fact of the matter is Iowa is not America. Iowa is a very different place. If they are going to use their white guilt to elect a man simply because he’s an African-American who speaks really quietly, we’re in real trouble.

Michael Savage went on to tell Steve that the Black Lives Matter movement is Obama’s shock troops.

Michael Savage: The establishment does not want Trump. The establishment would rather work with Hillary Clinton than with Donald Trump.

Steve Malzberg: Let me ask you quickly about the Black Lives Matter. We have another incident in a school in South Carolina… Now the FBI is investigating. Black Lives Matter they chant in the street. Put pigs in a blanket. Where the heck are we heading?

Michael Savage: The black lives matter movement, and I’m going to say it like it is, are Obama’s shock troops. They’re the brown shirts that Hitler had in Germany. How’s that? Does that work for you?

Via Newsmax TV:

The black lives matter movement, and I’m going to say it like it is, are Obama’s shock troops. They’re the brown shirts that Hitler had in Germany. How’s that? Does that work for you?

I agree it is OBVIOUS that OBAMA finally got his BROWN SHIRTS.

Obama’s DOJ and FBI to Investigate SC Deputy Tossing Student to Floor

A South Carolina school officer was caught on video this week wrestling down and arresting a belligerent female student at Spring Valley High School in South Carolina.
school beating cop
The school resource officer, Deputy Ben Fields, has been placed on administrative leave pending the results of an investigation.

The video is hard to watch:

The incident started when the girl pulled out her cellphone and refused her math teacher’s request to hand it over during class. The teacher then called the administration and security. The female student still refused to cooperate. That’s when Officer Fields took the student out of her desk and tossed her on the floor while she was swinging at him. The officer arrested the female student and her friend.

No one was hurt in the incident but the video went viral. Now, the Obama DOJ and FBI are going to investigate this South Carolina high school incident.

This is the same politicized DOJ that dropped charges against IRS officials who targeted over 500 conservative groups in the run-up of the 2012 election.





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