A coffee shop in Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago, a largely Hispanic area, was hit with threatening racist graffiti.

This time vandals told the owners of Pilson Bow Truss Coffee to get out!
“White People Out of Pilsen”
Of course, if this was a black-owned store the story would make national headlines.
Racist vandals hit the same coffee shop earlier this year.
DNA Info reported:
PILSEN — Anti-gentrification signs have again popped up at Bow Truss coffee shop in 18th Street, this time reading: ‘White people out of Pilsen!”
The coffee shop, at 1641 W. 18th St., has been vandalized five times in the last two or three weeks, Bow Truss owner Phil Tadros confirmed Monday. The latest anti-gentrification messages, posted sometime late Sunday or early Monday, are in the form of stickers fashioned to look like the Chicago flag.
In January, anti-gentrification signs reading “”Fresh Roasted Gentrification Served Here!” and “Wake up and smellllll the gentrification” were plastered over the windows at Bow Truss, a coffee shop that The next weekend, the shop was hit again, prompting the Chicago-based owner to ask those targeting his store to come forward and talk about the polarizing issue.
On Monday, Tadros renewed that call. To date, nobody has claimed responsiblity for the signs, he said.
“They’re racist,” he said of the stickers. “A lot of hate is ignorance. I think the conversation needs to be had and I think that the person who is doing this, if your goal is to get something productive to happen, shoot me an email.”

This latest round comes off with a lot more anger and seems way less about the coffee. http://bit.ly/1Mfq7Yl