We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

On 'Hannity,' GOP candidate discusses in-fighting among Republicans, 'Black Lives Matter' movement

Ben Carson: We need to unite, not divide America

On 'Hannity,' GOP candidate discusses in-fighting among Republicans, 'Black Lives Matter' movement

On 'The Kelly File,' the billionaire addresses attacks from Democrats, motivations behind political involvement

Charles Koch opens up about his 'classical liberal' views

On 'The Kelly File,' the billionaire addresses attacks from Democrats, motivations behind political involvement

On 'The Kelly File,' GOP candidate reflects on state of her campaign, remarks by competition

Fiorina: Poll numbers will rise as people learn my story

On 'The Kelly File,' GOP candidate reflects on state of her campaign, remarks by competition

Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump goes 'On the Record' on seeking Secret Service protection, why disagrees with the format of the next GOP debate, Obama's decision to keep US troops in Afghanistan longer, Netanyahu's unhappiness with America and more

Trump: If I was a Dem, I'd have Secret Service protection

Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump goes 'On the Record' on seeking Secret Service protection, why disagrees with the format of the next GOP debate, Obama's decision to keep US t...

Reaction from The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway

Clinton's email scandal not an 'issue' for mainstream media?

Reaction from The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway

Presidential candidate surges in latest Fox News nomination poll; Insight on 'The Kelly File'

Money Men: Carson, Bush, Cruz lead latest round in GOP cash race

Ben Carson, Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz appear to be leading the money race in the Republican presidential primary, according to third-quarter numbers released by the campaigns ahead of ...

He has the cash, the ground game and he's rising in the polls. Will Ted Cruz's campaign path lead to the GOP nomination? Republican Lauren Claffey and Democrat Richard Fowler discuss the Texan's strategy with Chris Stirewalt.

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Paul Ryan (R-WI) leaves Capitol Hill October 23, 2015 in Washington, DC. Ryan agreed yesterday evening to place his name in contention for the position of Speaker of the House after receiving support from a majority of the Republican caucus groups in the House of Representatives. (Photo by

Massive Debt, Budget Deal Introduced In Dead of Night, Vote Violate...

The giant debt ceiling increase rolled together with a budget deal was introduced at 11:36 p.m. Monday, in the dead of night, several congressional sources confirm to Breitbart News.

Getty Images

Washington Post: Ted Cruz is Running the Best Campaign of Any Presi...

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton get all the headlines. Marco Rubio and Bernie Sanders get all the buzz. But Ted Cruz is running the best campaign of the any of the 19 people seeking the presidency.

Republican presidential hopeful Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) speaks to the crowd at the Heritage Action Presidential Candidate Forum September 18, 2015 in Greenville, South Carolina. Eleven republican candidates each had twenty five minutes to talk to voters Friday at the Bons Secours Wellness arena in the upstate of South Carolina. (Photo by

Ted Cruz’s Plan to Win

While businessman Donald Trump and former surgeon Ben Carson have been generating most of the headlines, Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign has been quietly building out what most concede is the kind of infrastructure one will need to win the GOP nomination.

Mary Ellen Matthews/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images

Pressure Mounts on ‘SNL’ to Cancel Donald Trump Episode

With just under two weeks to go until Donald Trump hosts NBC’s Saturday Night Live on November 7, calls for the network to cancel the billionaire Republican presidential frontrunner’s hosting gig have intensified.

Ben Carson

Mediaite ‘Others’ Ben Carson with ‘Strange’ Dog Whistle

Going back to the days of slavery, Reconstruction, and the segregated South, the Democrat Party has built up a sordid 400 year history of punishing and making an example of black people who threaten their power structure. The only thing

Ben Carson waves to the crowd as he arrives to discuss his new book 'A More Perfect Union: What We the People Can Do To Reclaim Our Constitutional Liberties' October 9, 2015 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. AFP Photo/PAUL J. RICHARDS (Photo credit should read

Wikipedia Trolls Tie Ben Carson To Pedophiles At Top Of Google Sear...

Republican presidential contender Dr. Ben Carson’s Google search results have been manipulated to prominently link his name to the “North American Man-Boy Love Association” (NAMBLA), a pedophile advocacy group.The top search result for Ben Carson on Google is his Wikipedia page, after sponsored links and news. The NAMBLA Wikipedia page is featured as the first related link on Carson’s Wikipedia blurb, just below his name.

Donald Trump holds up a cap that he signed for a supporter during a rally at the Expo Hall of the Richmond International Raceway on October 14, 2015 in Richmond, Virginia. AFP PHOTO/MANDEL NGAN (Photo credit should read

Trump: Carson ‘Wants To Abolish Medicare,’ Which Is ‘A Program That...

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stated that fellow Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson “wants to abolish Medicare,” “a program that’s worked” on Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” Trump, in response to a question on why people should vote for


Dem Rep Grijalva: Hillary’s Sexism Charge Took Sanders ‘Completely ...

Representative Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), who is supporting Senator Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) bid for the Democratic nomination criticized Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s charges of sexism against Sanders as “not true, and taken completely out of context”

Vitor Belfort

UFC Champion Vitor Belfort Endorses Ben Carson for President

Heading into Wednesday’s GOP presidential primary debate, Dr. Ben Carson is throwing a heavyweight behind him – literally. UFC Champion Vitor Belfort endorsed the GOP presidential candidate on Tuesday after Carson visited Vitor and Joana Belfort’s gym and corporate facility.

AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Nancy Pelosi Praises Bernie, Throws Hillary Under The Bus On Gay Ma...

Democratic House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi is going out of her way to praise Bernie Sanders for voting against the Clinton administration’s Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defined marriage as one man and one woman.

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson speaks outside the Alpha Gamma Rho house during a campaign stop at Iowa State University on October 24, 2015 in Ames, Iowa. A recent poll indicates that Carson has surged past Donald Trump to lead the race for the Republican presidential nomination in Iowa. (Photo by

Ben Carson Vows to Not Raise Debt Ceiling, if President Will Addres...

GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson vows he won’t raise the debt ceiling if elected President of the United States, and says he’ll address the budget “immediately.”


Christie Battles CNBC Anchor: Even By New Jersey Standards, You Are...

Wednesday at CNBC’s Republican presidential debate, Republican presidential candidate Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) got into a heated back and forth with the debate moderator John Harwood. After Jeb Bush answered a question on fantasy football Christie said, “We are talking about


Proof: NBC Debate Moderator John Harwood Lied About Rubio’s Tax Plan

A document has been unearthed proving John Harwood, the left-wing moderator of Wednesday night’s CNBC debate, lied when he attacked Senator Marco Rubio over his tax plan — and that document is Harwood’s own tweet from just two weeks ago.

AP Photo/Mel Evans

Chris Christie Has a Breakout Night at GOP Debate

The consensus winner of the CNBC GOP Debate in Boulder, Colorado was Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in second. But New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie deserved the “most improved” award with a performance that could vault him back into serious contention.


Trump: I Never Criticized Zuckerberg on H-1B Visas, ‘It’s Fine If T...

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump denied he had ever criticized Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg on H-1B visas and stated, “It’s fine if they come in, but they have to come in legally” during Wednesday’s round two GOP presidential debate on CNBC.


Rubio: Increase Number of H-1B Visas, But You Need Reforms To Ensur...

Florida Senator and Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio defended increasing the number of H-1B visas, but argued for reforms to prevent undercutting wages and abuse of the programs at Wednesday’s part two GOP presidential debate on CNBC. Rubio was asked

Getty Images

Donald Trump: Gun Free Zones Provide ‘Target Practice for the Sickos’

During the October 28 Republican debate in Boulder, Colorado, presidential hopeful Donald Trump criticized gun free zones as being “target practice for the sickos and for the mentally ill.”

Republican Presidential hopeful Donald Trump speaks during the CNBC Republican Presidential Debate, October 28, 2015 at the Coors Event Center at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado. AFP PHOTO/ ROBYN BECK

Exclusive — Larry Kudlow On Donald Trump’s Corporate Tax Plan: He’s...

“I’ve endorsed Donald’s 15 percent corporate tax rate many times,” Kudlow told Breitbart News in a brief interview during a commercial break.

I don’t know all the details about his entire tax program, it’s certainly moving in the right direction lowering rates but specifically on the 15 percent corporate tax rate I have argued for it for several years. And by the way, I happen to think it would grow the economy, attack capital from all over the world—China’s at 25, we’d be at 15, it would easily pay for itself. Easily. I believe it would lower the deficit. Again, I can’t speak for the whole plan—I can speak for the 15 percent corporate tax rate. He’s spot on. And I’m honored that he mentioned me. Honored.” Kudlow’s comments to Breitbart News about Trump come after an exchange in the opening part of the CNBC debate here where co-moderator John Harwood asked Trump extraordinarily contentiously about his tax plan.


Watch: CNBC Anchor Booed for Question Aimed at Carson

Wednesday at the CNBC Republican presidential debate, when moderator Carl Quintanilla questioned Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson over a company for which he gave paid speeches, the audience disapproved by loudly booing the anchor. Quintanilla  asked, “This is a company


Rubio: Media Is Hillary’s Super PAC

Florida Senator Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio dubbed the mainstream media Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s super PAC at Wednesday’s part two GOP presidential debate on CNBC. Rubio stated, “The Democrats have the super PAC. It’s

Donald Trump

GOP Debate: Trump Did Call Rubio ‘Zuckerberg’s Personal Senator’

Donald Trump was doing well at the GOP Debate on Wednesday evening until a blunder in which he claimed not to have called Marco Rubio “Mark Zuckerberg’s personal senator.”


Bill Maher Celebrates Ted Cruz Fight with CNBC Debate Moderators

After Sen. Ted Cruz lashed out against the Republican debate moderators at CNBC, Comedian Bill Maher celebrated on Twitter.

California Republicans React to GOP Debate

California Republicans are reacting to Wednesday’s GOP debate, hosted by the CNBC in Boulder, Colorado.

Andrew Burton/Getty Images

Davi to Evangelical Voters: ‘We Need a Fighter, Not a Healer’ for P...

We need a fighter, not a healer in the White House. The presidency is not a nice-guy competition. We need someone with the know-how and determination to be a warrior for the battles that lie ahead. We do not need comfort food. We need to be told the truth.


Kurtz: Debate ‘Absolute Trainwreck for CNBC,’ ‘Disaster For All Of ...

Fox News Media Analyst Howard Kurtz slammed CNBC’s GOP debate as “an absolute trainwreck for CNBC” and “a disaster for all of us in the news business” on Wednesday’s “Kelly File.” Kurtz said, “Megyn, this was an absolute trainwreck for


Carson: ‘Sick And Tired’ of Media Bias, ‘Obscure Network’ CNBC Had ...

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson criticized CNBC’s “preset agenda” and criticized the network as “an obscure network” while saying he’s “sick and tired” of media bias on Wednesday’s “Kelly File” on the Fox News Channel. Carson said, “Well, I


CNBC Moderators: Candidates Hoping People Don’t Care About Facts, W...

CNBC debate moderators John Harwood and Sharon Epperson said, “I wanted to…play out the divide in the Republican field” and “They’re hoping that people don’t really care about the facts” while discussing the GOP presidential debate on Wednesday’s broadcast of


Marco Rubio Crushes Jeb Bush In CNBC Debate

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) so solidified his standing as the new establishment frontrunner on Wednesday evening here in the CNBC debate that Rubio’s team wouldn’t even comment on the poor performance by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

Republican Presidential hopeful Donald Trump speaks during the CNBC Republican Presidential Debate, October 28, 2015 at the Coors Event Center at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado. AFP PHOTO/ ROBYN BECK

Trump Walks Backs from Low-Immigration, High-Wage Plan

At the CNBC’s primary debate, Donald Trump walked away from two critical elements of his immigration policy by downsizing his proposed U.S.-Mexico border wall, and by disavowing his prior commitment to curb corporate use of foreign university graduates.

AP Photo

Ben Carson Campaign: Donald Trump Right, CNBC Wanted Longer Debate

GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson’s spokesperson Deana Bass told Breitbart News that fellow GOP candidate Donald Trump was right – CNBC planned to have a much longer debate until Trump and Carson negotiated it down to two hours, despite CNBC’s John Harwood arguing the debate was always going to be only two hours.

AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill

Chris Christie Trashes Jeb! over Debate Answer on Fantasy Football

After CNBC posed a question about government regulating fan sites promoting wagers on fantasy football, Jeb Bush took the opportunity to remind the crowd that he was winning his fantasy football league.


Carl Bernstein to Mainstream Media: We Must ‘Start Paying Attention...

After blasting CNBC’s “disgraceful” GOP debate that he said was filled with nothing but “gotcha” questions, veteran establishment journalist Carl Bernstein said mainstream media journalists must pay more attention to “right-wing” media outlets. On a Wednesday evening CNN appearance, Bernstein


Krauthammer: CNBC Debate ‘Most Appalling’ That I Can Remember, ‘Fla...

Columnist Charles Krauthammer slammed the CNBC debate as an “appalling,” and “obnoxious” performance by “flaming liberals” moderating the debate on Wednesday’s “O’Reilly Factor” on the Fox News Channel. Krauthammer said, “This was the most appalling performance by the moderators that


Washington Post Declares CNBC a ‘Loser’ of the Presidential Debate

In its usual-usual write-up looking at the winners and losers of Wednesday night’s Republican presidential debate, the Washington Post declared the host network, CNBC, one of the debate losers. [A] lot of the questions the moderators asked seemed to be


RNC Reince Priebus Trashes ‘Hostile,’ ‘Rubik’s Cube’ CNBC Debate

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus finally pulled the plug on CNBC, trashing the questions from the debate moderators on stage and describing the event as “a pretty hostile environment.”


RNC Chairman Priebus: ‘Very Disappointed’ In ‘One Gotcha Question’ ...

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus criticized CNBC for asking “one gotcha question, one personal low blow after the other” after Wednesday’s GOP presidential debates. Priebus said, “I was proud of our candidates for standing up to a pretty hostile environment. I



October 28, 2015  RECAP & VIDEOS
  3rd Republican Presidential Primary Debate
    Coors Events Center
    Boulder, Colorado

  November 10, 2015 6PM & 9PM ET
  4th Republican Presidential Primary Debate
    Milwaukee Theater
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin

  November 14, 2015
  2nd Democratic Presidential Primary Debate
    Drake University
    Des Moines, Iowa

  December 15, 2015
  5th Republican Presidential Primary Debate
    Reno, Nevada

  December 19, 2015
  3rd Democratic Presidential Primary Debate
    Manchester, New Hampshire

  January, 2016
  6th Republican Presidential Primary Debate

  January 17, 2016
  4th Democratic Presidential Primary Debate
    Charleston, South Carolina

  February 6, 2016
  7th Republican Presidential Primary Debate
    St. Anselm College
    Manchester, New Hampshire

  February 11, 2016
  5th Democratic Presidential Primary Debate
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin

  February 13, 2016
  8th Republican Presidential Primary Debate
    South Carolina

  February 26, 2016
  9th Republican Presidential Primary Debate
    Houston, Texas

  March, 2016
  10th Republican Presidential Primary Debate
    Location to be determined

  March 9, 2016
  6th Democratic Presidential Primary Debate
    Miami, Florida

  March 10, 2016
  11th Republican Presidential Primary Debate

Icon for Post #134565

In an interview with Bill Maher, Democrat Congresswmoman Tulsi Gabbard said that Obama’s foreign policy was so incompetent that he was “essentially working...

n an interview with Bill Maher, Democrat Congresswmoman Tulsi Gabbard said that Obama’s foreign policy was so incompetent that he was “essentially working hand-in-hand with Islamic extremists.”

Watch below:

Now a lot of less reputable websites are yelling “treason treason!!” but Tulsi is not saying that he is actually calling up ISIS and getting commands from them on how to help the Caliphate become a reality on Earth. She is pointing out that in making enemies of two sides in a five-sided Civil War, Obama is stupidly working against himself when trying to topple Assad because that will help ISIS.

Not that Obama hasn’t committed treason against the Constitution and America many times over. He has! But that’s not what Tulsi is admitting to here.

Her main point is that because Obama cannot identify WHO the enemy is, and he cannot identify WHAT the mission is that he’s putting our soldiers into harm’s way. And she’s absolutely right. It is not out of jingoism that we claim we have the most incredibly capable and lethal military in the world, it’s just true. But it’s an egregious misuse of the office of the presidency when Obama sends them into combat (though they idiotically deny it’s actually combat) and hamstring them with restrictive rules of engagement.

Although she’s a Democrat, you gotta respect her willingness to call out Obama on these issues…

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/democrat-congresswoman-says-obama-is-worki...

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/#ixzz3qLBTfxY9

Folks..do you feel safe in your beds tonight....????..Check out your state....I live in Bama..Thank God for rednecks...there is one  with a gun behind of every blade of grass in my state....and they know how to protect the weak and vulnerable ..and women and children...God bless 'em and Protect them and all of us...

Icon for Post #134481

In an analysis of stats from the Refugee Processing Center, which assists in the processing of refugees for resettlement in the United States, it appears that a tiny...

In an analysis of stats from the Refugee Processing Center, which assists in the processing of refugees for resettlement in the United States, it appears that a tiny minority are non-Muslims, despite the fact that so many Christians and others are being oppressed in the Middle East.

From the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog:

The Obama Administration says they will resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees in the US in FY 2016 which began October 1. Here is a map showing where the first 187 Syrians have been placed (as of today). Two weeks ago, it had been only 51 (see here), but Kentucky is still the number one destination (here with 26).

Of the 187 admitted to the US this month, 183 are Sunni Muslims. There were 3 Catholics and 1 Christian. That is 98% Muslim. Last year the percentage of Muslims in the Syrian flow to America was 97%.

…If Obama wants to get 10,000 in here in one year, they will surely have to step this up. I expect the slow start involves the problem they are having doing the security screening. He will have to get almost 900 a month in here to make his quota.

Here’s a map of where the first refugees ended up in America:


This is just the first month and there haven’t been that many refugees allowed in yet, but it’s a pretty good indicator of where they’re gonna end up.

So we’re gonna trust the same federal government that couldn’t fulfill a 3-day check on Dylann Roof and prevent him from shooting up the church in South Carolina to vet these people.

Which is also the same government that allowed in the Tzarnaev brothers AND also gave them welfare for years while they plotted to murder Americans.

Which is ALSO the same government whose multicultural policies allowed Major Nidal to spout off pro-Islam nonsense and made everyone look the other way while he plotted to murder American soldiers.

Oh yeah, this is gonna work out just

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/97-of-syrian-refugees-to-america-are-musli...

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/#ixzz3qLHb4W7o

Primary Debate Schedule
  August 6, 2015  RECAP & VIDEOS
  1st Republican Presidential Primary Debate
    Quicken Loans Arena
    Cleveland, Ohio

  September 16, 2015  RECAP & VIDEOS
  2nd Republican Presidential Primary Debate
    Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
    Simi Valley, California

  October 13, 2015  RECAP & VIDEOS
  1st Democratic Presidential Primary Debate
    Wynn Las Vegas Resort
    Las Vegas, Nevada

  October 28, 2015  RECAP & VIDEOS
  3rd Republican Presidential Primary Debate
    Coors Events Center
    Boulder, Colorado

  November 10, 2015 6PM & 9PM ET
  4th Republican Presidential Primary Debate
    Milwaukee Theater
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin

  November 14, 2015
  2nd Democratic Presidential Primary Debate
    Drake University
    Des Moines, Iowa

  December 15, 2015
  5th Republican Presidential Primary Debate
    Reno, Nevada

  December 19, 2015
  3rd Democratic Presidential Primary Debate
    Manchester, New Hampshire

  January, 2016
  6th Republican Presidential Primary Debate

  January 17, 2016
  4th Democratic Presidential Primary Debate
    Charleston, South Carolina

  February 6, 2016
  7th Republican Presidential Primary Debate
    St. Anselm College
    Manchester, New Hampshire

  February 11, 2016
  5th Democratic Presidential Primary Debate
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin

  February 13, 2016
  8th Republican Presidential Primary Debate
    South Carolina

  February 26, 2016
  9th Republican Presidential Primary Debate
    Houston, Texas

  March, 2016
  10th Republican Presidential Primary Debate
    Location to be determined

  March 9, 2016
  6th Democratic Presidential Primary Debate
    Miami, Florida

  March 10, 2016
  11th Republican Presidential Primary Debate


Presidential Horse Race 2016: Seeing the personal side of Carly Fiorina


Trump and Carson continue to lead in post-debate poll. Plus, Cruz says future moderators should have voted Republican… at least once; Ben Carson continues to confound the “professionals”; Jeb blames pundits for his campaign’s sorry state, and, The personal side of Fiorina exposed through tragedy.

The FedUp PAC Debate Poll Results Are In

In the wake of the the 3rd GOP Presidential debate, which took place on Wednesday, October 28 in Boulder, CO, FedUp PAC conducted a series of three polls.FedUp PAC supports constitutional conservative candidates, and all FedUp PAC polls are 100% based on grassroots opinion, completely free of influence by any presidential campaign or surrogates. Here are the results.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Owns Debate Disaster

Richard A. Viguerie, CHQ Chairman
Democrats, not being the Party of Stupid, never buy into the idea that a “debate” is a nonpartisan affair. And that begs the question, “Who handed over the power to set the agenda in the Republican Primary to Hillary Clinton’s agents in the far-Left establishment media?” The answer is Reince Priebus, Chairman of the Republican National Committee. Here are three things you can do to help make sure this doesn't happen again.

When the Clinton Scandals Boil Away
National Journal, by Ron Fournier    Original Article
Posted By: abuela10- 11/3/2015 11:29:39 AM     Post Reply
She bur­ied Benghazi. She de­leted the email scan­dal. Such are the hopes of Hil­lary Rod­ham Clin­ton’s team after an NBC News/Wall Street Journ­al poll sug­gests that Amer­ic­ans are less in­clined to con­sider either is­sue crit­ic­al to their 2016 vote. So is Clin­ton out the woods? No—not if voters still want to trust their pres­id­ent. First, the good news: In the poll re­leased Tues­day, Clin­ton’s lead over in­sur­gent so­cial­ist Bernie Sanders has widened to a 2-to-1 mar­gin among Demo­crats. More than 80 per­cent of Demo­crat­ic voters be­lieve the former sec­ret­ary of State is the most likely to win their party’s nom­in­a­tion.

Homeless in the Country They Served
Fox News, by Jon Conradi    Original Article
Posted By: KarenJ1- 11/3/2015 11:08:02 AM     Post Reply
"We are going to remain relentless ... in our fight to end homelessness among our veterans. We have to have zero tolerance for homelessness among our veterans.” -- President Barack Obama (January 24, 2011). In 2010, President Obama declared that his administration would end homelessness among veterans in five years. A lofty, ambitious goal after 14 years of a nation at war, a deep recession and an economic recovery that has primarily benefited upper-income Americans. That goal has fallen short. On a brisk fall afternoon in a homeless encampment just a mile from the White House, homeless veterans haven’t seen

Survey: Religious Americans
keep faith amid secularization
Associated Press, by Rachel Zoll    Original Article
Posted By: NorthernDog- 11/3/2015 10:11:34 AM     Post Reply
NEW YORK — A survey released Tuesday brought some good news for faith leaders alarmed by the spike in the number of Americans who say they have no ties to a particular religion. U.S. adults who continue to identify with a faith group, about 77 percent of all Americans, have largely stayed as religiously engaged as they were seven years ago, according to the Pew Research Center, evidence of a solid core of committed faithful who remain a bulwark against secularization. Two-thirds of religiously affiliated adults said last year that faith was very important to them and they prayed daily,

Office of Civil Rights says disguised
boy has right to shower with girls
American Thinker, by Ed Straker    Original Article
Posted By: magnante- 11/3/2015 8:47:37 AM     Post Reply
The Department of Education´s office of civil rights says that a disguised boy has been discriminated against because he is not allowed to shower naked with girls. Federal education authorities, staking out their firmest position yet on an increasingly contentious issue, found Monday that an Illinois school district violated anti-discrimination laws when it did not allow a transgender student who identifies as a girl and participates on a girls’ sports team to change and shower in the girls’ locker room without restrictions. The Education Department gave 30 days to the officials of Township High School District 211 to reach a solution or

Heat flash over Sinai prior to
Russian plane crash reportedly
detected by US satellite
RIA Novosti [Moscow, Russia], by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: LittleHoodedMonk- 11/3/2015 8:36:55 AM     Post Reply
Just before a Russian passenger airliner crashed in Egypt’s Sinai on Saturday, a US infrared satellite reportedly detected a heat flash in the same vicinity, indicating that an explosion may have happened on board. The US intelligence community believes that a fuel tank or bomb may have been the source of the heat signature, NBC News reported. The same satellite ruled out a missile attack, as it didn’t detect a heat trail that a rocket engine would have produced, the channel’s source said. The heat flash may not be related to the crash since the Sinai Peninsula is a volatile place with regular military activity, a Pentagon official told

Iran’s Parliament Says ‘Death
to America’ Chant Is the ‘Symbol
of the Islamic Republic’
PJMedia, by Robert Spencer    Original Article
Posted By: earlybird- 11/3/2015 8:28:06 AM     Post Reply
As he was concluding the calamitous nuclear agreement with Iran last summer, John Kerry asked the Iranians to cut out the “Death to America” chants. (This was not long before he told an astonished world that the chants did not really mean that the Iranian mullahs wanted to kill us.) In yet another indication of just how disastrous the nuclear deal really is, the Iranians have not only rejected Kerry’s request, but are ramping up the genocidal rhetoric. On Monday, 192 of the 290 members of the Iranian Majlis (Parliament) declared: The martyr-nurturing nation of Iran is not at all


Scarborough: GOP a ‘Wholly Owned Subsidiary’ of Trump, Carson

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” host Joe Scarborough reacted to the results of the new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, conducted prior to last week’s GOP presidential debate, and a Morning Consult tracking poll, conducted after that debate. Both show




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