Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
My name is Kathleen Grillo, aka USA_kat, aka Kat here at wtpusa!
I am a new member of The New York State Group of We The People USA; I invite all interested New Yorkers to become involved here, with our efforts and an eye towards turning the tides away, finally, and once for all, trailing behind half-dead regressive, communist thugs, The Fascista in Washington, D.C.,(and their cronies in Albany and throughout Our Diverse States' local communities) with a lead-from-behind a 'treasonous traitor' (w/thanks to MAC, I believe), who may be entertaining visions of an illegal/Unconstitutional third term!
Take nothing for granted; not an American Penny, to the blatantly Un-American possibilities of which WeThePeoples' so-called "leaders" and their flunky cow-towing appointees--from the Horror Show of The illegal Iranian Nuclear "Treaty" through the illegal school curriculum adopted under the Obama Administration known as "Common Core"!
That is barely the tip of the Anti - American iceberg in sentiment and in practice, daily!
Every aspect of these most ill-advised (unless you are among 'TheEnemyWithin') Official Policies and Practices of The Federal Government of The Republic of The United States of America is soaked through the fabric, fiber, spirit, culture of every single citizen, legal resident (illegal alien) of Our Very Own, One-Of-The-Original-Thirteen-Colonies, New York State!!!
As New Yorkers, we must stand for Our State's Sovereign Rights, as well as those Rights which We Hold Dear as both Americans and New Yorkers!
FYI -- I'm Down-State, Westchester County, Yonkers (originally born & raised in TheBronx (a BIC - if you are not familiar, BIC = BronxIrishCatholic! As a Resident of New York's Fourth Largest City, I am certainly more aware of matters Down-State, especially Westchester County!
Again, I urge all New Yorkers to join with us here not only at wethepeopleusa, but then
to join the New York State Group, as well!
I thank you for your time! BeWell,StaySafe,GodBless!
God Bless America!!!
In Liberty,
Hi Kathleen: Good to read your post. From another downstate New Yorker who hears ya' and is with ya'.
HowYaDoin, Brooklyn? Great to meet you, even if it's here in cyberland; haven't spoken to a New Yorker here (to my knowledge anyway); glad you and I can understand at least part of what each other has experienced (of course, we may be years apart in age)!
No biggie even if we are -- great to meet you, Brooklyn!
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