Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Can anyone else see the train wreck coming. The debates hosted by CNBC proved how blind and out of touch the general public are. I felt good about the ass chewing the media got., and felt proud of the group of candidates as a whole. The thing is. That these politicians that were planing and waiting for a Newt Gingrich moment, because they felt that`s what it will take to move the poll numbers. I am not all that upset with them for doing it. But I am very upset with that it actually worked. I am so put off by how many of the asshole voters buy this type of crazy campaigning. Yes it is ok to feel good about the groups actions. But for the only ones who improved in the polls were the ones with the best gotcha lines,, AND THAT IS SICK. Are we really going to be this type of group here. I would like to hear some other thoughts on this. We have been smothered the Trump crap that for months now, good politicians are not getting heard because to many bought into the whole reality tv bull. I think it`s time to stop wasting time with such foolishness. This is too important. I do not see what is playing out, It feels like nothing has been learned from mistakes of the past.THE POPULARITY CONTEST NEEDS TO STOP. .....WHAT SAY YOU!
We must vote for the one who will go to Washington with that being his agenda. Down sizing Washington,restore the Constitution, give the power back to the States. And get term limits out of fantasy land and make them real.
no, I think it can be accomplished in Washington if we get elected officials who learn that a house is build one stick at a time. You can't always get all the things you want so you must learn to work with others to get some progress. Moving the ball down the field is all you need to do because eventually you will score. One can argue that we are running out of time, but I feel that is not a valid argument. Even if it were true what difference does it make, we have not been successful trying to take a larger bite out of the apple, why not accept whatever gains we can and keep the game alive.
Federal Government Takes in Record Tax Haul in 2014
Three trillion dollars is a lot of money. Just imagine what you could do with $3 trillion. The possibilities are practically limitless. Of course no one is worth $3 trillion, individually. However, the United States Federal Government recently reported that for the 2014 fiscal year it collected more than $3 trillion in tax revenue, for the first time ever.
It ain't hay!
Just received 4 bumper stickers for Ted Cruz from a gal in Texas. She was seriously hurt and is just now recovered enough to work within the system. She and her husband have been working the polls. There are a few here who remember her. Anyway, she all in for Ted Cruz, and I have high regards for her political knowledge and experience - even in foreign countries and having to deal with Sharia law. So these 4 bumper stickers will be placed on several cars here in Wisconsin - mine first.
So Jack you are saying that changing how Washington is doing things is not on the top of the priority list ?
No Kevin I am not saying changing how Washinton operates is not a priority, I am just saying to do this you have to find ways to work with the majority of congressman and you have to find a way to get some progress not necessarily al the things you want. If you think you are going to grow your size in numbers that think exactly as you or I do, we are just kidding ourselves. Politics has never worked that way in the history of our country and it will never change.
Politics has never worked that way???. The way Politics has worked is what is wrong !!!.. Special interest groups lobbying the way they do has turned politicians into professional campaigners. That is a starter and I could go on and on with a whole list. I will not because I do believe that you know the list as well. Jack, everything about how politics is run in Washington is way out of bounds. To think you fix one of these parts of the political theater at a time is wrong. The Constitution must be put back to its former glory. The oath of office has become just a formality. When they take the oath, they are laughing on the inside because we have all watched oaths broken with no circumstances. IT IS A JOKE. And that has to change. That will take a huge movement, and not a little at a time. We have a good size caucus that will do the job if we do not bail on them. We the people must not think that they can do it while we go back to sleep thinking we have done our job.We will have to march on Washington to get attention now that we have a fair amount of Tea Party politicians in place.
I believe that professional Lobbyists should be outlawed. Take the money away from Washington and the lobbyists will desert Congress. To do that we must restrain Congress by obliterating their stolen powers. doing that will set the stage for us to start and only start to change how the system works. To gain a consensus we will have to resort to simple generalities to amass the needed numbers to pull this off. Repealing the three toxic amendments will remove the usurped powers and then we can begin to address the subsequent problems congress caused with those stolen powers. It will be a long hard fight but a worthwhile one.
How do you take the money away from Washington M? By taking the money out of Washington and back to the states? That will just move the lobbyists to each state, it doesn't make the lobbyist go away. As long as there is a need to pass laws, there will be a group of lobbyist armed with money to influence what laws get passed. It won't matter if it starts at the state level or the federal level. We have corrupt politics at every level. The only way to curb this would be to make the political job unattractive to hold. If the job is unattractive most politicians would be unwilling to stay, therefore, more difficult to bribe.
You take the money away from Washington by repealing the Income Tax provision and returning the monetary system back to the Treasury from the private bank that's known as the Federal Reserve.
The people have much more control over their State Representatives than they will ever have over the Washington politicians with conditions as they now are.
We need to restore the checks and balances the founders built into the Constitution, and do it in such a way that neither Congress or the Supreme court can challenge it. That means we need to repeal the 14th,16th,17th amendments to have the Constitutionally Legal upper hand over the usurpers.
M in my view the income tax is not the problem or the Federal reserve when it comes to bribing politicians. No matter what system you want to use to fund the government at any level it still takes tax dollars and laws. The states will misuse those tax dollars just as the federal government doses and the lobbyist will always be where the laws are passed and ready to bribe any politician state or federal. They do it now without any problems. No, I don't think term limits are the problem. Politicians will always find a way to improve their financial wealth whether it takes 4 years to 20 years. The only way to keep the crooks out is to make the job unattractive with little power for one individual to make a difference.
That's exactly the point of taking away the free access to all the money by repealing the income tax. Lots less money makes the job les appealing. Combine that with real consequences for malfeasance or misfeasance and you begin to have some control. you will never be able to stop it all, but I believe we can cut it down to the bare minimum. We may need stricter laws concerning Lobbyists too and how they ply their trade.
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