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Sheriff David Clarke Warns of Obama’s “Gun Confiscation Mission”

Sheriff David Clarke Warns of Obama’s “Gun Confiscation Mission”

Written by: Tim Brown

Published on: November 2, 2015

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke has opened up about the recent gun control push by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and Obama’s talks regarding an Australian-style gun confiscation plan here in the united States.

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart, Sheriff Clarke was asked about the recent focus change by the IACP from longer prison sentences for criminals to exclusively pushing gun control, partnering with the National Law Enforcement Partnership to Prevent Gun Violence (NLEPPGV).

“I was extremely disappointed when I heard that my fellow law enforcement executive colleagues had gotten into bed with Obama and his gun confiscation mission,” said Clarke. “That’s really what it’s about. It’s not about reducing violence, it’s not about reducing mass murder or suicides. The real intent of Obama and these gun groups is gun confiscation and they know they are going to have to do it step by step. They’re not going to be able to go after that today, as there would be fierce blowback. So they are doing it in stealth ways and this IACP meeting is one of those ways.”

Though Clarke said that police chiefs who met in Chicago “speak for themselves” and not for “the law enforcement profession,” he was saddened that the IACP had aligned themselves with the NLEPPGV.

Get Bradlee Dean's My War, a DVD series that takes on the issues of today and gives understa...

“We, in law enforcement, have an obligation to be on the side of crime victims,” he told Breitbart. “Not on the side of the criminal element. Gun control has nothing to do with the crime and violence that these chiefs see in their cities on a daily basis and they know it. But many of them, especially in your large urban centers, are under the thumb of anti-gun, soft on crime, mayors. And they have to sing from the same sheet of music that their mayors are singing from.

“But the crime and violence we see in our cities and counties is not the result of a lack of background checks, and these chiefs know that,” he continued. “The research and data are there. Criminals don’t care about laws in general and they don’t care about gun laws or gun restrictions. They will find a way to get around those.  And that’s why I ultimately say that the chiefs’ push for more gun control has nothing to do with reducing violence. Rather, it has to do with gun confiscation.”

Clarke also made reference to Obama’s speech to the IACP last week, in which he not only made the ridiculous statement, “I reject any narrative that seeks to divide the police and the communities they serve,” which is clearly the opposite of what he has been doing (just look at Ferguson, New York, Baltimore, etc.), but also said, “It is easier for young people in this city and [communities around the country] to buy a gun than it is to buy a book.” 

Clark believes this type of rhetoric is being used to manipulate the people of America into accepting more illegal gun control measures. So far though, the people have withstood against that temptation, and rightly so.

Both Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton have made reference to Australian-style gun bans and open talk of repealing the Second Amendment following the shooting at Umpqua Community College in Oregon at the first of October.

Sheriff Clarke doesn’t believe that Obama will be able to see gun confiscation during his term in office. However, he did show concern if Clinton were to be elected.

“But even they know it’s down the road,” he said. “I don’t know how far, but these people are slick, they are stealth in how they go about it. What they do is lay the groundwork, they pave the road approaching their ultimate goal of confiscation.”

“What Obama will try to do with his remaining time in office is further weaken the Second Amendment and frustrate the ability of people to keep and bear arms and purchase guns without having to jump through unreasonable hoops,” he added. “Then the next person will take it step further, then the next person, then the next, and suddenly you realize gun confiscation is within reach. And that is their goal.”

Finally, Clarke warned, “Between now and then they will go step by step, slowly conditioning the American people to buy into the lie.”

Already, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals has opened the door to an Australia... regarding the New York SAFE Act. These tyrants are moving slowly but surely in a manner reminiscent of the tyrants of our forefathers. Let us remember what our forefathers did when Britain came a callin...

Read more at http://sonsoflibertymedia.com/2015/11/sheriff-david-clarke-warns-of...

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Milwaukee Sheriff Clarke blasts Geraldo Rivera over police brutality charges

politics | Nov 4, 2015 | By Martin Barillas

On Fox News, media veteran Geraldo Rivera said that President Barack Obama has “failed most profoundly in the area of race relations,” while saying that the president is only interested in race “when the African-American person is portrayed as the victim, whether it’s Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown or any of the others.” Moreover, he told host Sean Hannity and Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, on November 3 that Obama “jumps in with the classic NAACP, ‘We are victims, woe is us, take care of this situation.’”
Rivera said that black-on-black violence is a bigger problem than police brutality. He continued, saying   “Yes, there is a terrible problem with police brutality,” and added, “But it pales in comparison to the ghetto civil war that’s going on, this black-on-black violence is not to be ignored, it’s not to be minimized.”
Obama, said Rivera, has “never seen the president get engaged when it’s an African-American killing another African-American or two gangs killing and an 8-year-old is killed in the crossfire.”
Outspoken Milwaukee Sheriff Clarke disagreed, saying that police brutality is “not a pervasive problem in America, Geraldo, you know better that.” Clarke said that Obama is “delusional” for asserting that race relations have improved during his tenure. “Race relations have always been tenuous in America,” Clarke said.
“Slavery and discrimination left an ugly scar on the soul of America, but that scar has been healing for years. President Obama came along with sandpaper, rubbed it raw and then poured salt on it to inflame it for political gain,” said Clarke.
Rivera wasn’t buying it, saying Clark’s views are “harsh.”
“Deal with it,” Clarke said.

“Slavery and discrimination left an ugly scar on the soul of America, but that scar has been healing for years. President Obama came along with sandpaper, rubbed it raw and then poured salt on it to inflame it for political gain,” said Clarke.

Well said.

The First Amendment: Liberal Edition
By Steve Crowder

Once again innocent people slaughtered in GUN FREE ZONES by terrorists. WHEN WILL PEOPLE WAKE UP? ARM YOURSELVES, and refuse to be terrorized by murdering criminals.

President Obama Doesn't Think ISIS Is 'Gaining Strength'


Published on Nov 13, 2015

ABC News' George Stephanopoulos sits down with the president.

9 Reasons the Terrorist Attacks in Paris Could Be a False Flag Event

Saturday, November 14, 2015 2:59

(Before It's News)

False Flag

My heart goes out to anyone who lost a family member in these horrific attacks, it does, but once again, history tells us to keep a watchful eye over what happens next. With details still sketchy at best, and the number of dead or injured being very fluid, one number I noticed in the video below was not fluid: President Hollande declared a state of emergency and mobilized 1,500 troops to patrol Paris streets. In the video, you’ll see an article that says “officials“ have the right to perform searches, and “military justice” may be enacted. I assume that means citizens can get ventilated if they aren’t fully cooperative, no questions asked… but who knows? Also in one article, Obama promises to do “whatever it takes” to bring the terrorists to justice. Hmmmm.

The task of keeping a city or a country safe is one that very few people in this world have to deal with, so who are we to second guess their decisions right? Is 1,500 troops a harsh response? Would 500 be better? What about 5,000? It’s easy to Monday morning quarterback a scenario after it’s over, but right now there’s no way to know if the attack is over, not for sure anyway, and the government’s priority SHOULD be protecting the people of Paris… period. 

Where things begin to get dicey, is how and when all the current hightened sensitivity begins to dissipate… or doesn’t it? Once the threat has been contained, and that is confirmed, do the soldiers remain on the streets? Are searches and “military justice” still sanctioned? Recall the words of former Obama Chief of Staff, Rham Emanuel, “never let a crisis go to waste.” It’s disgusting to think that “conspiracy theorists” jump immediately to the possibility of a false flag attack, when there are families that don’t even know to begin grieving yet… BUT… anyone who doesn’t believe a government would fire on it’s own for what it perceives to be the “greater good,” doesn’t know history very well. 

Earlier this week, the United States did our best North Korea impression with the launching of two nuclear capable missiles. Just yesterday, in a post titled, Jim Willie Explains U.S. Nuclear War Threats to China and Russia Over Challenging Dollar Supremacy, Jim Willie explained why the U.S. would risk nuclear war at this point. The world is a powder keg waiting to blow, and events unfolding in the Middle East and Europe are at the heart of the tensions. Who knows what a government might do to rationalize actions it felt were in its best interests. Whether Paris was a false flag attack or not should be more evident in the days to come as we watch and see how the government responds. Whether it is or it isn’t, doesn’t negate the fact that we live in a time that as citizens, we have to be eternally vigilant of our surroundings if we expect to survive. That includes being VERY aware of what our governments are up to.

Paris Coordinated Terror - Another Paris False Flag Attack?



WOW! In the second video, adding fuel to the fire that Paris might have been a false flag, is the who’s who of the intelligence world that was just in Paris. CIA Director Brennan Met With French Secuity Chief Before Paris Attacks – Report | 13 Nov 2015 | The White House correspondent for French television network Canal+, Laura Haim, reported an interesting tidbit during a live report with MSNBC’s Brian Williams Friday evening. Haim stated that Central Intelligence Agency director, John O. Brennan, recently met with his counterpart, French intelligence (DGSE) director Bernard Bajolet. The French equivalent of MI6 and CIA is the Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure. [See: CIA-GW Intelligence Conference: Panel on The Shared 21st Century International Mission --GW Center for Cyber and Homeland Security 29 Oct 2015 Panel on "The Shared 21st Century International Mission" featuring CIA Director John Brennan, former UK MI6 Chief John Sawers, Director of the French Directorate for External Security Bernard Bajolet, and former Israeli National Security Advisor Yaacov Amidror. Held as part of the 2nd Annual Ethos and Profession of Intelligence Conference, co-hosted by the Central Intelligence Agency and the George Washington University. Held on October 27, 2015.

BOOM! CIA Director Met with French Security Chief and Mossad Before Paris Attacks


Brandon Turbeville at Activist Post writes:

As France finds itself in the grips of martial law and its first mandatory curfew since it was occupied by the Nazis in 1944, there exists a number of questionable details surrounding the recent terrorist attacks in Paris.

Only hours after the first shots were fired, stories and reports are beginning to change and contradict one another. Considering the history of the French government, French Intelligence agencies and the Anglo-American/NATO Intelligence apparatus, particularly the recent events surrounding the Charlie Hebdo attacks that were exposed as false flags, one would be justified in wondering whether or not these recent attacks in Paris were of the same variety.

Below are a number of reasons to question the official story of the Paris terror attacks.

1.) How many gunmen? Already, the number of individuals involved in the Paris attacks is in question. While some reports suggested four shooters were involved, others suggested three. The majority of mainstream reports seem to be only acknowledging two shooters. So how many shooters were there? Two, three or four? One witness, Pierre Marie Bertin, a 36-year-old who was at the theater when the shooting began, stated that there were as many as four gunmen. Bertin described some male hostages who “went onto the balcony and tried to negotiate for the life of their wives with one of the guys [terrorists]. It was sickening.” Bertin recounted somewhat more detail than some other witnesses and was clear that there were as many as four gunmen. Australian news media is reporting that three gunmen have been killed.

This might seem inconsequential to many readers, but, in informed researching circles, it is well-known that the information that comes out shortly after the event is usually the most reliable. This is not to discount the existence of confusion related to panicked reports coming from eyewitnesses and the like. However, the information coming out early on has not yet been subjected to the top-down media revision that will inevitably take place as the story becomes molded to fit the narrative pushed by the individuals who either directed the attack at the higher levels or at least have connections with those who are able to control the manner in which various media outlets report the event. For instance, in times of false flag attacks, the initial reports may point to 5 gunmen. Very shortly after, reports may only mention two. Only a few hours after the attack, however, all references to more than one gunmen are removed entirely, with only the “lone gunman” story remaining. Any other mention of additional gunmen after this point is ridiculed as “conspiracy theory.”

2.) The types of weapons used While some reports suggest that the attackers were using AK-47s, other reports are suggesting that shotguns were used. While the contradiction in reports can certainly be attributed to victims and witnesses simply not being aware of the type of weapons being used in the attacks and panic in the heat of the moment, there is none the less contradiction in the reports being issued. As of the time of the writing of this article there has been no clarification as to what type of weapons were used. Since the assailants were supposedly killed by police it should be clear what weapons they used.

3.) Were the gunmen killed or arrested? While the number of gunmen itself is in doubt, news reports coming from Fox and Sky are suggesting that a suspected gunmen was actually arrested. In fact, the suspect allegedly stated to police, “I am from ISIS” giving us all the information we need as for who is responsible for this attack.




4.) Gunmen connected to ISIS, gunmen connected to Syria – Along with the very convenient and immediate statement by an allegedly arrested suspect that he was from ISIS, we also have screams of a shooter that “This is for Syria!” This gives us all the information that we need regarding the motivation of the alleged attackers. They are from ISIS. They hate the French because the French are “attacking” ISIS and because somewhere in France in a very darkened corner, under the sofa, there are freedoms. ISIS hates freedoms. This is quite coincidental considering the fact that a Russian airliner was recently bombed, allegedly by ISIS – at least according to the West.

5.) The timing of the event – Aside from the obvious connotations derived from the attacks occurring on Friday the 13th, the Paris massacre has taken place shortly before a major climate summit that was set to take place in France. The French government was expecting massive protests they alleged could potentially become violent, by activists opposed to globalization and energy austerity. Interestingly enough, France had already planned to impose border controls starting on November 30th in anticipation of the U.N. Conference on Climate Change in Paris “because of the terrorist threat or risk of public disorder.” Needless to say, there will be no massive protest now considering the fact that 2015 France resembles the 1943 version of itself more than anything else.

6.) Security – Considering the fact that the security had been so heightened both on the heels of the Charlie Hebdo attacks and the anticipation of disorder for the U.N. Conference on Climate Change, how on earth did such a major terror attack slip through the hands of the DGSE? After all, France is nothing if not a police state. It is also giving the United States a run for its money in the contest for how much information it is able to nab up on its citizens. No doubt, we will be sold the line of “pre-civilized savages outsmarted first-world high end military surveillance states.”

7.) Drills – One hallmark of the false flag operation is the running of drills shortly before or during the actual attack. Many times, these drills will involve the actual sequence of events that takes place during the real life attack . These drills have been present on large scale false flags such as 9/11 as well as smaller scale attacks like the Aurora shooting.

For instance, as Webster Tarpley documents in his book 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made In USA, at least 46 drills were underway in the months leading up to 9/11 and on the morning of the attack. These 46 drills were all directly related to the events which took place on 9/11 in some way or other. Likewise, the 7/7 bombings in London were running drills of exactly the same scenario that was occurring at exactly the same times and locations.

Although one reason may take precedence over the other depending on the nature and purpose of the operation drills are used by false flag operators for at least two reasons. One such purpose is the creation of intentional confusion if the drill is taking place during the actual attack. The other, more effective aspect, however, is using the drill as a cloak to plan the attack or even “go live” when it comes time to launch the event. Even more so, it gives the individuals who are involved in the planning of the event an element of cover, especially with the military/intelligence agency’s tight chain of command structure and need-to-know basis. If a loyal military officer or intelligence agent stumbles upon the planning of the attack, that individual can always be told that what he has witnessed is nothing more than the planning of a training exercise. This deniability continues all the way through to the actual “going live” of the drill. After the completion of the false flag attack, Coincidence Theory is used to explain away the tragic results.

All of this must be considered, when one reads reports suggesting that the UK conducted counter-terrorism drills earlier this year that included scenarios that involved terror attacks in Paris similar to those that took place on the Charlie Hebdo massacre. As the reports surrounding the UK drills were released, a number 10 spokesman confirmed “it had been agreed that future exercises, which take place on a regular basis, should seek to learn from events in France.” David Cameron himself stated that there was  a need for police “to call on military help if there was a major emergency.”

8.) Charlie Hebdo – The recent Paris attacks were similar to the Charlie Hebdo massacre that occurred earlier this year. The Charlie Hebdo attacks, however, were largely revealed as a false flag operation. Evidence for which can be seen in my article “15 Signs the Charlie Hebdo Attack Was a False Flag.” Thus, there exists a clear precedent for such attacks in France, albeit on a much larger scale

9.) Who controls ISIS? For many, claims that the attackers belong to ISIS is a deal breaker. For these individuals, ISIS is a shadowy terrorist organization that supports itself and has created a caliphate in eastern Syria and western Iraq that can scarcely be defeated (except when the Russians bomb it). However, the facts do not support such a shallow understanding of the ISIS terrorist organization. ISIS was entirely created, funded and directed by the United States, Britain, France and other NATO countries. Its actions have been coordinated by the Anglo-American Intelligence apparatus for geopolitical purposes all across the world both at home and abroad. For this reason, the declaration that ISIS committed a terrorist attack in Paris is by no means a get-out-of-jail-free card for the western Intelligence apparatus. Instead, it is the trademark of their handiwork. Please see these articles for more information on the nature of ISIS: here, here, here and here.

While the information presented above may not be enough evidence to conclude that the Paris attacks were false flag attacks, it is reason enough to question the official story thus far. If these attacks are indeed placed in the lap of ISIS, however, all fingers should immediately point to NATO and the Atlanticist Intelligence apparatus. It is they who control ISIS and they who bear the responsibility for its actions.








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