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Bobby Jindal

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George Pataki

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Rand Paul

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Rick Santorum

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Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people ...


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Facebook/Bobby Jindal

Bobby Jindal Demands Information About

Obama’s Syrian Refugees Entering New Orleans

In a letter to President Barack Obama, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal demanded information about the Syrian refugees entering his state via New Orleans.


Post-Paris Attack, Rubio Twists,

Turns on Refugee Admissions

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is standing by his support for bringing Syrian refugees into the United States of America, even after the Paris murder-rampage by migrating Muslims.

RINO to the BONE and could care less about the people of this country/

Marco Rubio

Analysis: Marco Rubio Wins the Democratic Debate

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was the dominant presence onstage at Drake University in Iowa for the Democratic debate. But Republican Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) was the winner.

Dem Debate Iowa (Alex Wong / Getty)

Hillary Clinton & Co. Refuse to Say

‘Radical Islam’ at Dem Debate

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told the Democratic Party presidential debate on Saturday evening in Iowa that she would not use the phrase “radical Islam” to describe the enemy responsible for attacking the United States and the west in general. Her opponents agreed.

Trump: We Should Consider Shutting Down Mosques

Elections | Steve Guest

'It's something that you're going to have to strongly consider'

9/11 Widower Sends Back Award After

Caitlyn Jenner Receives Same Honor

Entertainment | Kaitlan Collins
9/11 Widower Sends Back Award After Caitlyn Jenner Receives Same Honor. (Photo: Splash News)

'Slap in the face'

L o C  I am posting this here so I can reply to it.

No wonder NING is so screwed up there are lots of progressive fingers in this pie including Zuckerberg.  NING  Co founder, now Glam board member, is also  board member on facebook. Small world.....huh? It all makes sense now! LOL

Glam Buys Ning For $150 Million, Andreessen Joins Board

After many twists and turns, DIY social network Ning has finally found a home. Glam Media is buying the network of social networks. A final price is not being disclosed. It is likely more than the $35 million News Corp fetched for MySpace from Specific Media and Justin Timberlake, but less than the $120M or so in capital that was poured into the company over the years. (Update: A source puts the deal price higher, at $150 million). Ning’s co-founder, chairman, and original investor Marc Andreessen will be joining Glam’s board as part of the deal. With Glam’s strong IPO prospects, a large part of the acquisition was probably in stock. Other serious bidders included Google, Yahoo, and even Groupon.

Ning started out as a platform where anyone could build their own niche social network. It turned out that most people just wanted to be on Facebook (Andreessen also sits on its board).

About 18 months ago, Ning laid off 40 percent of its employees, switched CEOs, and started charging for its product. It went from an ad-supported model to a subscription model, and while it is no Facebook, CEO Jason Rosenthal managed to create a decent business with 100,000 Ning-powered sites and 60 million monthly unique visitors. If you just look at the subscription plans and apply a discount, the business is easily doing somewhere between $10 million and $20 million a year in subscription revenues alone.

Glam Media runs its own network of content sites, originally targeted at women, but now broader, with a combined reach of 200 million monthly unique visitors. After taking out duplication, the Ning acquisition should push Glam’s audience count up to about 240 million monthly uniques. Glam also has its own brand-friendly ad network to sell ads against that audience, and a content management platform. Now with Ning it has a social platform as well.

Glam will now be able to incorporate social features into its content platform. With Ning it gets the equivalent of a blogging platform, commenting platform, and social feeds platform all rolled into one. Glam should be able to do a better job selling ad inventory against the visitors to Ning-powered sites.


Facebook, Inc. INSIDERS ON Board Members

Name (Connections) Relationships Title Age
Mark Zuckerberg 7 Relationships Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer 31
Sheryl Sandberg 33 Relationships Chief Operating Officer and Director 45

Other Board Members on Board Members

Name (Connections) Relationships Type of Board Members Primary Company Age
Marc Andreessen 112 Relationships Member of the Board of Directors Andreessen Horowitz LLC 44
Erskine Bowles 104 Relationships Member of the Board of Directors BDT Capital Partners, LLC 70
Susan Desmond-Hellmann M.D. 115 Relationships Member of the Board of Directors University of California-San Francisco 58
Peter Thiel J.D. 52 Relationships Member of the Board of Directors Palantir Technologies Inc. 48
Reed Hastings 36 Relationships Member of the Board of Directors Netflix, Inc. 54
Jan Koum 7 Relationships Member of the Board of Directors WhatsApp Inc.

And the PLOT thickens!!!

Marc Andreessen has sold nearly 75% of his Facebook stock in two week

Marc AndreesenAP ImagesMarc Andreessen.

Marc Andreessen has sold a whopping proportion of his Facebook stock in the last two weeks, Re/code's Kurt Wagner points out, based on SEC filings. 

Andreessen's spree started on October 30 and has continued via a prearranged trading plan, amounting to a grand total of 1.5 million shares valued around $160 million. 

That's more than 73% of Andreessen's ownership of the company, Wagner calculates. 

Andreessen, a Facebook board member since 2008, mentored CEO Mark Zuckerberg back when Yahoo tried to buy the company for $1 billion in 2006.

"Every single person involved in Facebook wanted Mark to take the Yahoo offer," Andreessen recently said in a New Yorker profile. "The psychological pressure they put on this 22-year-old was intense. Mark and I really bonded in that period, because I told him, 'Don't sell, don't sell, don't sell!'"

As far as selling goes, Business Insider reached out to Andreessen via his firm Andreessen Horowitz for any explanation for his off-loading of Facebook stock.

Unreal!!!!! OMG I should have known since every NING site I have ever been on has been dysfunctional.

Putin Seen Laughing Off Obama at G20 Summit

Desperate to portray an image of authority, the Obama White House reached out to Putin to for a photo-op of the two world leaders sitting and talking for photographers.
putin obama g20
Obama and Putin take a moment to pose for photographers at G20.

Putin and Obama sat and spoke several minutes in the lobby at the G20 Summit.

Putin was then seen laughing with his staff after the coffee table moment and looking at Obama dismissively.
DC Whispers reported:

The Obama White House is said to have reached out to Putin staffers wanting to have a quick sit-down moment just prior to the beginning of the G20 Summit hosted this week by Muslim Brotherhood advocate and Turkish Dictator President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It was a blatant attempt at a photo-op said to have been suggested and strongly pushed for by longtime Senior White House Adviser, Valerie Jarrett.

Regardless of personal views world leaders might have of his tactics, Russia’s Putin is now seen as the single most influential player in the war on Islamic terror and the Obama White House was desperate to try make itself appear equally worthy of the fear and respect the world has for Putin’s determination to wipe ISIS off the face of the planet.

The result was this photo being aggressively pushed for widespread publication by the Obama White House.

What the White House won’t be pushing is the apparent reaction Putin had to Barack Obama’s self-serving overtures. He was seen laughing among his staff shortly after the already famous “coffee table” moment, and looking over at Mr. Obama with what is being described as “dismissive derision.”

When images of Barack Obama shaking hands with President-host Erdogan flashed across one of the many monitors placed throughout the G20 summit it proved further fodder for rebuke by the Russian strongman, who then pointed to a monitor while shaking his head at the sight of the widely smiling and seemingly passive American president.

 Reporter Grills Obama For Calling ISIS The JV TEAM (VIDEO)


During a press conference today, President Obama finally got called out by a reporter for his claim that ISIS is a “JV Team” even though they just executed a well organized terror attack in Paris.

Gateway Pundit reports:

I want to go back to something that you said to Margaret earlier when you said you have not underestimated ISIS’s abilities. This is an organization that you once described as a JV team that evolved into a force that has now occupied territory in Iraq and Syria and is now able to use that safe haven to launch attacks in other parts of the world.

How is that not underestimating their capabilities? And how is that ‘contained’, quite frankly? And I think a lot of Americans has this frustration that they see that the United States has the greatest military in the world. It has the backing of nearly every other country in the world when it comes to taking on ISIS. I guess the question is, and if you’ll forgive the language is, why can’t we take out these bastards?

I got to hear most of his speech -hubby was sick so didn't control the TV. Anyway, there were several times I thought he was very angry with the reporter(s) and I wouldn't be surprised if this one was rejected for future speeches.  What I did notice, many, many Hum, and ahs, while he tried to find the words - and he referred to American's leadership - being tops and our military the best.  Right.  Hums and ahs usually accompany lies, and he certainly is not a leader. Even at the beginning of the G20 meeting, while all the other leaders shared a moment of silence, Obama was missing. Nice. When he arrived, he started in on his discussion, nothing to show he cared about the Paris horror.  UI also heard him say WE, then a minute later, he referred to Muslims. Both times referring to Muslims, but once including himself. .




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