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Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic



Epic Fail: Establishment Plan to Stop Trump ‘Anemic, Underfunded, U...

Matea Gold and Robert Costa at the Washington Post update the Republican Establishment’s struggle against 2016 frontrunner Donald Trump–and its failure to attract big-money donors such as the Koch brothers or legacy operatives such as Karl Rove.


Ted Cruz’s Surge in Polls Angers Rubio Supporters

Haters from the Rubio camp and those Democratic Party talking points-spewing armchair quarterbacks, who think they can accurately foretell the future when it comes to the 2016 Republican presidential primary race, have better come to terms with the fact that Senator Ted Cruz is very much “electable.”

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Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Hillary Clinton: ‘No Matter What Motivation’ Shooters Had, We Need ...

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton is trying to downplay the possible religious motivations behind the San Bernardino, California, shooting in order to focus on pushing her gun control agenda in the aftermath of the tragedy.

AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews

Hillary Clinton Backs Release of Hostages in Iran Despite Supportin...

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton’s campaign offered public support to the cause of freeing American hostages in Iran.


Rubio: Gun Laws Are Only Effective At Keeping Law-Abiding Citizens ...

Florida Senator and Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio declared, “it’s never been shown that these gun laws are effective, other than in keeping guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens” in an interview taped on Wednesday that was broadcast

AP Photo/Cheryl Senter

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Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey speaks during the 2016 Republican Jewish Coalition Presidential Candidates Forum in Washington, DC, December 3, 2015. AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB / AFP / SAUL LOEB (Photo credit should read

Christie: ‘We Are in the Midst of the Next World War’

Thursday at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s presidential forum, while referencing the mass shooting in San Bernardino, CA that killed 14 people, Republican presidential candidate Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) declared we are “in the midst of the next world war.” Christie said,  “Let me

<> on November 13, 2015 in Orlando, Florida.

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Republican Presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee, former Governor of Arkansas, speaks during the 2016 Republican Jewish Coalition Presidential Candidates Forum in Washington, DC, December 3, 2015. AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB / AFP / SAUL LOEB (Photo credit should read

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Getty Images

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Presidential hopeful Ben Carson speaks during the 2016 Republican Jewish Coalition Presidential Candidates Forum in Washington, DC, December 3, 2015. AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB / AFP / SAUL LOEB (Photo credit should read

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Pro-Kasich Super PAC Spending $2.5M to Attack Trump

Charles...Money does not seem to matter this time around..Bush had the most and was the establishment darling and the FNC has forced him upon us day in and day out  and it has only gotten more embarrassing to them for forcing him down our throats...All the free publicity and he is only hanging on by a thread...Kasich is a JOKE...his face was screwed up in rage so many times that he looked like a demented psychopath...lol...

The die seems to me to be cast..Lord willing...we are going to see a Trump/Cruz ticket...and because of it we will see the White house in Republican hands for the next 16 years AT A MINIMUM...Trump is bringing out the Reagan /dems and the Evangelicals and Cruz is doing the same...I don't know much about the silent majority...but I have read about Reagans election and a book about him and political writings of him to know that  Trump ..tho very different than Reagan...is striking the same Chord within those folks..and All fall in love with Cruz when they get to hear him speak...Mesmerising....Trump will not hide him away as VP..Trump is secure enough in himself to put out the best he has to back his agenda and CRUZ IS THE BEST FOR AMERICA...Trump will make a great POTUS....and he will  put only the best on his team...Love to see you here  posting again Charles....You are a great poster...

Donald Trump is once again alone at the top of the Republican field, according to the latest CNN/ORC Poll, with 36% of registered Republicans and Republican-leaning independents behind him, while his nearest competitor trails by 20 points.

Three candidates cluster behind Trump in the mid-teens, including Texas Sen. Ted Cruz at 16%, former neurosurgeon Ben Carson at 14% and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio at 12%. All other candidates have the support of less than 5% of GOP voters in the race for the Republican Party's nomination for president.

Carson (down 8 points since October), former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (down 5 points to 3%) and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul (down 4 points to 1%) have lost the most ground since the last CNN/ORC poll, conducted in mid-October.

Cruz (up 12 points) and Trump (up 9 points) are the greatest beneficiaries of those declines. Rubio is also up slightly, gaining 4 points -- an increase within the poll's margin of sampling error -- since the last CNN/ORC poll.


DV..I am loving your postings on Politics...and the ensuing horse races....You are the most entertaining guy on here and it raises my hopes with each posting you make..We have in common that we are both cinservatives who love to take part in the political side show... and it is somewhat of a sideshow.... You have got me commenting more here...our beloved Mac keeps us all anchored and keeps all things running smoothly...Kev is a good mod and we have the best of the best posting here..Mangus will lie low until the election is over..Then he will be posting more of his Brilliant posts and for sure about the AV Project..we actually have as many posting  as did on the closed down TPPS forum...Most only viewed there because Posters were attacked so badly by the Libertarians there and after Tio could not moderate anymore there  was little or no moderation there...We have some outstanding gals here as well  and I am proud to be friends with them...good research going on here...DV You are a star at this as well...I am just soo proud of the way that this Tea party is Building ....Thanks to Jean and our Mac for building us into a force to be reckoned  with...

DE, stop hiding in the shadows, your posts are so informative and are part of what is growing this site. However, my word processing has gotten overloaded, trying to keep up with your informative articles. I gather these to share with my family - making sure they get the right message - seems they only use Netflix, darn them. You present articles and information that I haven't seen, so thank you. Grin

I have noticed that the posts are being more open and much less feisty. Instead of infighting, we are fighting against the mass of government administration and media bias. It's getting more comfortable here. And that allows for more interaction and ideas to come forth. So yes, disagree, but keep it low.  Disagreements sometimes point out ideas that weren't apparent before. So De, keep up your postings, and the rest keep it up 

Virginia...You  have such a good heart..and you definitely are informed You and some more of our girls are the backbone of this tea  party......

by Dimitri Veans..Look at how little the leading candidates spent..and how much the losers spent...amazing..

Here is a first, based on today's CNN/ORC poll the two who spent the least money on adds are polling number 1 and 2.  This tells me more people are paying attention to the candidates and more are getting their news from the Internet. This must be scaring the poop out of the establishment and the media.
• Team Bush: $28.9 million
• Team Rubio: $10.6 million 
• Team Kasich: $8 million
• Team Christie: $6.4 million
• Team Carson: $2 million
• Team Paul: $869,000
• Team Cruz: $665,000
• Team Trump: $217,000

if it wasn't for all the free press trump is getting the others would stand a chance...makes me wonder whos side the LIBERAL media is on..so far its been trump..and if that doesnt say a lot about the trumpmiester dont know what does

heard tell a politician say about the media...'''first you want them to talk about you...then you want them to say something nice''

The media just spent two weeks trashing Trump and they have badly under report Cruz. So it's not the media driving these polls its conservative values. Or as you put it the other day mob rule. LOL

heard tell a politician say about the media...'''first you want them to talk about you...then you want them to say something nice''

The media has sucked up to Bush, with your logic he should be 2nd place and not polling at 3%. LOL




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