We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The big Lie. 
Joseph Goebbels:
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."
The Democrats created the big lie and to defend it they created the PC culture. Today in America you will note there is no tail to large told by the left that demands apology from the PC culture. On the same token you see there is no truth to small from the right that an effort by the PC culture will not demand silenced.
Freedom of speech in PC culture basically says what ever the left wants us to believe is good and everything else needs to be censored.
Look at the media war coming from the left today, they tell us we all want illegal Mexicans and Muslims in our country. They tell us if we don't want them we are racists and bigots and make every effort to convince us if we don't want them there is something wrong with us.
That's another big lie and we see and hear it through the media everyday, and when anyone points out that many of these Mexicans are rapists and thugs the PC culture comes to the rescue by not reporting it and telling us this is not the view of the majority just a few conservative crazies. We see the deaths at the hands of Mexicans, we see the growing drug problem because of our borders to the south.
The left says the war on drugs is a failure so lets legalize it and let those incarcerated out of jail, those crazy conservatives want to build a fence and patrol it, they want criminal aliens deported. However the big lie lives on in the media telling us all forget it, your neighbor does not want it.
If you take the time to read the Qur"an you would be shocked, researchers have stated this is the most violent religion http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/11/research-islam-really-is-the-worl... and yet the media and the POTUS lies and tells us the Qur"an is peaceful.
The Muslim religion teaches it is not just OK but you must lie to the infidel if need be to further the cause. It teaches killing the none believer is righteous these are not the acts of a friendly religion.
I am proud to be a crazy conservative, I don't want illegal immigrants taking benefits away from Americans that need them. I don't want to see 94 million Americans out of the work force as millions of illegal's take jobs at ridiculously low wages. I don't want to go to a football game a mall or a restaurant in fear of a Muslim attack. I have a concealed carry permit not be cause I want to carry a gun but because the left forces me to as they bring a new level of fear in to American streets in the form of illegal's and Muslims.
If I'm crazy to support Trump and Cruz because they want what I want then so be it, at least if enough of us crazies get out and vote we can take back our country from those smart people who want to destroy it.
 I even say God bless America, just more proof of how crazy I really am.

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The USA is constantly running under a national emergency, this when combined with the national emergency act passed by congress gives a president great power over areas of the government and shields congress from their role of checks and balances. 

At the moment we have emergency acts being renewed from the Carter years and every presidential act of emergency since. It is a game in Washington to subvert the constitution and they have been winning. That's why we the people are standing up and rejecting them in this election.

It is time to return to the rule of law. 

We have known this since the early 1960s and its been pointed out many times in the last 50+ years what a danger it represents. That nothing has ever been done about it means this country deserves what its going to get.

See any push at all from anyone to correct this situation?

The point thus stands.

Hispanic voter clout imperiled by Texas case before U.S. Supreme Court

The growing influence of Hispanic voters in the United States could be blunted by a case coming before the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday in which two voters backed by a conservative group are challenging the way Texas draws electoral districts.

At issue is whether these districts should contain the same number of people or whether they instead should contain the same number of eligible voters. The distinction may seem mundane, but the court's ruling in the case could be consequential.

Hispanic advocates and civil rights groups said a ruling backing plaintiffs Sue Evenwel and Edward Pfenninger could trigger nationwide political upheaval by diminishing the influence of Hispanic voters, who tend to back Democrats, and boosting the power of rural white voters, who tend to back Republicans.

Read more at Reutershttp://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-court-election-idUSKBN0TQ1HO20151207#py3QeVJ3Dlxg8Zz1.99
You can read the entire article but this is what the case boils down to, illegal immigrants are counted and since they live in areas that vote democrat they tilt the districts to the left. If the districts were drawn based on eligible voters it would diminish the voting power of Hispanics by not counting illegal's. The Hispanic community is outraged by the proposition.

God willing ...The Hispanic illegals will not win this thru the usurping SC justice John  Roberts....Excellent info DV....

Science has always been full of differing opinions and as time passes one view is elevated over another based on the facts. However when it comes to the big lie of climate change we see a new kind of thought developing.
The climatologist's supporting the view want those who deny its real banned from the conversation. Considering the growing course of deniers is science now hijacked by politics and in doing so we now must employ Gerbils big lie and squash the truth from the light of day. If they have undisputable evidence as they say would they not invite deniers to the table and prove there point instead of invoking the BIG LIE.
Activists demand UN ‘revoke’ credentials of ‘climate deniers’ in Paris – Claim ‘Climate Hustle’ film is ‘full of lies’ – without seeing it – Warn skeptics may ‘derail’ UN treaty

Read more: http://www.climatedepot.com/2015/12/06/greens-want-muzzle-on-climat...

There it is - the real problem is the behind the scenes manipulation by many members of Obama's crew, and the many others with money interests in controlling our way of living. I believe this does include Iran (and helped along by Valerie Jarrett - Iran's citizen spy, along with her family)  And what about Saudi Arabia, and other oil rich countries - believe they want America to open up our country's underground wealth? And Russia, along with China, seems they are looking at Alaska and the seas nearby. Shut down our processes and what happens. We lose.

Or is the real problem that people in general have lost the ability to see through even the most blatant lie?

Did they ever have it? 

Evidence suggests not.

Rhodes, you may be even closer to the big problem -not even lack of ability to see the big lie, but no time or inclination to even look for it.

That would be my conundrum and why I am not winning many popularity contests :)

Questions must be asked and the more uncomfortable they make people the better the question. 

Well Rhodes that may just be your job here... to make us think and if that makes us uncomfortable ..then so be it...Virginia and I are always wanting to learn..we are both optimists and thus always hopeful..There is definitely a place here for you..so stick with us...:)

Talk about another big lie..
Over the last few weeks I have begun to receive donation requests from the Republican Senatorial Comity. This is not all that strange except they are using Ted Cruz's name selling bumper stickers as if to suggest they want to help Cruz. Talk about the big lie Rino's in the Senate hate Cruz and since he's running for president not a dollar of this money will be spent on his campaign.
They just want to raise money to elect more Rino's to the senate and get ride of the Cruz's of the world. I have been giving to Cruz but at tedcruz.org don't give to the NRSC unless you like people like John McCain. 

Thanks for posting this..I give directly to TedCruz.org.........You are right... to heck with the RNC..and the senatorial committee..they  DO only want to elect RINOS....




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