We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Ever wonder why Obama comes up with outrage after outrage like Executive Orders that fly in the face of the Constitution?
It may not always be about why, but rather when.
I always look at the House Oversight Committee Calendar. I can guarantee some crazy stuff at the white house/CNN whenever all eyes should be on the hearings.

Example, what topic came up every time there was an IRSS Hearing? Syria, it is a fact. You are being played like a fiddle.

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Hank, You are so right. The staff of the POTUS is loaded with strategists that look to deceive the citizens. It is just not Obama`s administration. The progressive movement in both parties have hidden agendas that are very much becoming visible in the last few years.. Obama has put the movement on hyper drive. Plus he has other agendas that are attached to his Islamic faith.The leadership in the Muslim Brotherhood has played him like the pawn he is...This of coarse is my opinion...But your basic issue of distraction is obviously correct to me..  When a pick pocket does his work he usually relies on distraction.

The Obama administration is now calling on the Social Security Administration to bar many recipients of Social Security from purchasing a gun, which would deny millions of Americans their Second Amendment rights!

You got a link for that Hank?


Since the SSA has all the medical records it can be done. Not because one is on SS but due to being on SS. Remember they pass out anti-depressants in doctors offices like they used to hand out lollipops. Accept that prescription or even the diagnosis that they are needed and that is all that is required under this unlawful act. 

Due process indeed.

I already picked up on that, and let my husband know He wasn't much concerned, but I am. - his health is at issue with all he has gone through If he receives any notification from the SSA about guns, we may have to lawyer up. I'm not giving up any rights because of a unconstitutional pretend president. Our Doctors have not been asking about guns in our home  - if it becomes an issue, they will be told that is not related to medical issue, and should not be addressed. So if we find out the SSA has put a stop on my husband's right, then we will be on the hunt for the lawyering up.  

My sympathies for your burden, it is one we all eventually must bare and Ive born more than my share but far less than many. May his health improve God willing and the creek dont rise.


Difficult to lawyer up when they are on the doorstep and intent on the act.

I have no clear picture of how far these thugs will go.

Refusal to answer can be just as damning, in their eyes. So I advise one to "maliciously comply" and just say no. They have no right to the truth anyway.

BTW I have told them no with the empty IWB holster on my side (no sanity zone) and looked em dead in the eye while doing so. Not a peep from em, of course I got a hell of a make my day look that goes along with it.

Not to mention how many are using marijuana for medical issues, many due to it being the only medicine that works others by preference but if one has a prescription then that is also a clear path to fu**ery. That one pulls some very strange bedfellows together doesnt it.

We should make sure to let the WH know we are very interested in Thursdays House Oversight Committee Hearing that will examine how and why certain agencies withhold information that will assist investigations (This should be the lead story on the news every night).

I wasn't aware of this committee hearing - only knew about Obama's dancing in front of the NRA in Fairfax on Thursday.  Do you have who is heading up the committee?

Sorry, I do not have the details. Chaffetz maybe.



Haven't had to  say no, thankfully, I haven't been very good at keeping a lie from showing in my face.  My husband isn't worried - he just keeps buying more fishing poles and more shells, shot and reload supplies. (Secret - he now has over 150 fishing rods/reels. I could build one whole wall in our trailer- all 80 feet- with these things.)




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