Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
For the members of We The People I think it would be nice for you to know Pete Santilli who shines the lite on the establishment trolls. He seems to be a Great American.
Kevin !!!
Yes dear...You rang..
Now I can listen to all of these Yahoo. Finally.
......Here it is...Pete Santilli , Is a man of many hats. ..In this live stream Pete Talks about how They will get Ammon daily updates out only through Pete Santilli. Ammon is done watching his press interviews get chopped up and spun by the MSM..I urge you to at least listen to the first segment so you know what the plans are. Please do not listen to the MSM filtered news.
..........Ammons daily update is near the end of this live stream feed.
I would like to say something here about these last 2 videos. If you notice the the MSM is using words like militants, Armed take over.I was wondering if the MSM would be more understanding of their mission if they burned buildings down like the other movement going on in our Country. You know the Baltimore and Ferguson protest...These people are cleaning up a disgusting mess that the Federal government did....OH BY THE WAY THE DOORS WERE OPEN WHEN THEY GOT THERE...So breaking and entering can not be a charge..LOL...I ask all you to watch as much as you can skipping through the video`s just enough so you can feel that you know the truth....Watching these videos I feel compelled to go there and help...This is raw footage ,so you know they are not deceiving like the government owned news does.(COMMUNIST NEWS)..We the People really have to change our news watching habits.
Sheriff Mack on the Oregon Standoff and What the Media Isn’t Reporting
Truth In Media's Joshua Cook spoke with Sheriff Richard Mack Wednesday about the Hammond family of Oregon, whose conflicts with the federal government led to the widely-reported occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters in Burns, Oregon.
While the standoff— in which Ammon Bundy, son of Cliven Bundy, joined with other individuals to occupy the refuge headquarters to protest the re-sentencing of 73-year-old Dwight Hammond and his son, 46-year-old Steven Hammond— has been covered by news outlets nationwide, Mack provided details about the conflict between the federal government and the Hammonds that the mainstream media has largely avoided discussing, and also condemned the fact that the Hammonds were charged with arson in the first place.
While Mack said he does not agree with Ammon Bundy's actions, he told Cook that the media is wrong to "brand and label Ammon Bundy as a nut extremist." Mack said that he worries the current standoff may escalate into another Waco or Ruby Ridge because of the federal government's desire to save face, adding that government orders were given to kill protesters during the standoff between the Bureau of Land Management and Cliven Bundy in Bunkerville, Nevada in 2014.
Listen to Cook's interview with Sheriff Mack to learn more about what is really happening in Oregon.
Bombshell: Three Percenter Says Eyewitness Provided Affidavit Claiming He Saw BLM Light Fire at Hammond Ranch in Oregon
And the plot thickens! Lorri Anderson reported on January 10 that the Idaho III% engaged the FBI in Burns, Oregon concerning the standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge with very calming effect on the situation and very positive results. Following that engagement, Brandon Curtiss of Idaho III% sat down with Pete Santilli for a one on one interview. During that interview, he dropped a bombshell that there is an eyewitness who claims to have seen a member of the Bureau of Land Management light the fire that the Hammonds responded to with their own backfire to preserve property, and which they were subsequently imprisoned not once, but twice. The event was said to have been caused by a lightning strike.
"We asked the FBI to dig in and investigate the fraud the prosecution has done here in this case," Curtiss said. "There's an eyewitness that saw the BLM light a fire behind the Hammond Ranch." Pick up the video around 11:40.
"that witness came forward to us and actually gave us an audio affidavit and told us his account," added Curtiss. "The prosecuting attorney actually interviewed him before... never recalled him to come back and never disclosed that to the defense."
That is a serious charge indeed! Not disclosing that information is a crime for which US Attorney Frank Papagni Jr. should be brought to justice and removed from any ability to practice law anywhere.
Curtiss and Idaho III% have asked the FBI to investigate Papagni's actions regarding the Hammonds. In fact, while there is only one witness, if the charges could be proven, it should lead to the release of the Hammonds from prison.
We have already documented that the BLM has been caught on film burning property and cattle and setting fires within 100 feet of property. This is indisputable evidence.
We also know the BLM destroyed many heads of cattle at the Bundy Ranch in 2015 and tried to cover it up in mass graves.
Curtiss also said that part of the resolution that they proposed between the feds and those occupying the refuge center included an acknowledgment and open return of the land that they have unconstitutionally claimed as theirs back to the county or the citizens of the county.
This could expose Papagni to criminal prosecution for his illegal actions regarding the eyewitness.
Additionally, as we have pointed out, the land that the Hammonds Ranch sits on is quite valuable and the BLM is first in line to obtain it if the Hammonds are unable to continue to make their living off that land. The steps put in place could end any attempt by the BLM at their Agenda 21 land grab in the area.
If the BLM has engaged in this kind of activity with both the Bundys and the Hammonds, what makes anyone think they have not engaged in this kind of activity with other ranchers in the northwest?
Noticed Pete Santelli's name mentioned so posted this here. May not get to watch the video, but did get some info from these 2 articles.
...about the 33 minute mark of this live stream pete talks about the crooked judge is going down
........This video is boring with pretty much nothing to say except for the very end..I just pasted it to have it here in case this time slot needs to be accounted for in the future
Near the middle of this video Pete talks about some BLM whistle blowers have come forward. . We will have to see if this is true......... Pete also speaks about the false flags the the FBI are staging to make the Militia look bad... It seems the militia has been prepared for this. This is not the first Rodeo for the Bundy Crew... They have felt the wrath of the BLM before....Been There Done That.
Some are worried that this may become another Waco. My concerns - not Waco, but Ruby Ridge. Snipers and all. Am I being to Dramatic? Perhaps, but who would have expected another Democratic President to allow Wako and Ruby Ridge to happen.
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