We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Spending Bill was a 100% all-out BETRAYAL by RINO Republicans, that confirms progressive RINO contempt for its conservative voter base.

Spending Bill was a 100% all-out BETRAYAL by Establishment Cartel Republicans, and it fully confirms and reaffirms progressive RINO contempt for its conservative voter base.

It also shouldn’t be any surprise, at least to any of us with a brain who’ve kept our eyes and our ears open.

Voters that are "infinitely wiser" than sheltered elite establishment progressive Cartel Republicans think that they are. http://wethepeopleusa.ning.com/forum/attachment/download?id=2482704...

The majority of “establishment” Republicans voted to maintain funding for treasonous “sanctuary cities”, treasonous illegal executive orders, treasonous illegal executive amnesty, 400% increases in immigration Visa's for aliens, fully tax payer funds (FREE) heinous baby murdering abortions and the funding of planned Parenthood's sales of baby body parts like that of an old Buick from a salvage yard.

It’s hardly any surprise to find that the bill was once again (of course) crafted in secret by a handful of elite congressional insiders taking their cues from progressives and lobbyists, and once again considering nothing from the base of constitutional conservatives that put them (the progressive RINO's) into power.

Or that Obama called Ryan afterward to thank him for passing Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi's far left-wing Tax-and-Spend agenda without any challenge what-so-ever from establishment Republicans.. yeah,... without any challenge #@*%*#%$*. http://wethepeopleusa.ning.com/forum/attachment/download?id=2482704...

It’s no surprise that, “Senate Democrats” on Friday "boasted that they successfully managed to get everything that they wanted in a massive spending bill”, “despite" being the "minority party" "in both the House and Senate,” the Washington Examiner reported Friday.

What we’re being told to swallow is that Republicans “couldn’t allow the government to shut down”, because Obama and the Democrats and the parrot media would “blame them”.

They’re apparently so incredibly dimwitted, so incredibly inept, and so incredibly incapable of countering "with the actual factual truth", that it would be Obama and the Democrats fully responsible for blocking the spending bill and shutting down the government because like whining little brats, they didn’t get everything they demanded from those incredibly dimwitted, incredibly inept, and fully incapable establishment RINO's.

At least that’s the excuse we’re expected to swallow whole like a less than tasty warmed over crap-sandwich.

"Silence in the face of tyranny, IS your consent to that tyranny"

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about 17% of the American public hear the national news and about 53% of those that hear the national news could care less about the national debt or the federal budget debt. Given that condition we are facing to argue our case against a democratic president who has the national media in his back pocket, how do you propose we win that argument?

WE, you and I,... must "fight like Hell every day", to make sure that the "Brain-Dead" do not inherit this Republic.


H.R. 1314 I just used this link to check out something that has been mentioned several times - beware April 2016 changes coming for Social Security. Tried to get a handle on what it was. It is a very interesting link. You can look up any bill, or law as it progresses. Takes awhile to figure out how to use it and just what language the dang Reps are using in their amendments.  

A good metaphor for the Tea Party would be a vaccine, targeting the disease of Republicans who abandon principle in the interest of “getting along,” “doing something,” “bipartisanship,” or simply because being in power caused them to forget who they work for and why we hired them. For those of you who appreciate a medical pun, let’s call it the RINO-virus, infecting our national body politic and making many Americans feel truly sick.

Many of those RINO-viruses were, politically speaking, killed off in 2010 by the immunizing effects of the Tea Party on the GOP. Most surviving incumbents, except where extremely popular (a rare breed of congressman these days), are therefore less infected, perhaps less contagious, and thus less deserving of a rapid end to their political careers.

If a vaccine doesn’t kill a pathogen, then that pathogen is likely either dangerously resistant or not especially harmful. Like it or not, a Republican candidate who is utterly resistant to defeat by the Tea Party or one who is sufficiently conservative that a Tea Party candidate can’t show enough contrast to defeat her is likely to be a good bet in the general election.

That’s a big deal when a majority is at stake, not least in a Senate in which filibuster rules have been nuked by a petulant majority leader who seems to have forgotten the wisdom of Ted Striker: “I guess the foot’s on the other hand now…”


I am so nuclear frustrated with the "blown opportunity" that constitutional conservatives have nearly voluntarily pissed away that I have nearly stopped writing and expressing my opinions.

Ronald Reagan warned us very sternly, that "a circular firing squad would "wound" everyone in the circle".

Constitutional conservatives have only ONE (1) meaningful choice in the GOP primary. TED CRUZ.

Donald Trump is in hock up to his eyeballs to the mega banksters and the very same wall street progressive elites that fund Hitlery Rod-Em-All Clinton's campaign.

Donald Trump has been a progressive pro-abortion, pro-bail out, pro-stimulus, pro-gay marriage, pro-Obama type progressive, and much worse, nearly all of his adult life. These are the facts-Jack! Trump "clearly" states these very same facts all over you-tube for anyone to easily verify.

Donald Trump funded $50,000.00 to far left-wing commie Rahm Emanuel's campaign to be Mayor of Chicago, Donald Trump donated 100's of thousands of dollars to the re-election campaigns of the likes of Chuck Schumer, wicked witch Nancy Pelosi, and Nevada gangster, Harry Reid, and Hillary Clinton!

For Gods sake! People,....please,....this kind of stinking pile of Xhit matters!!

WOULD TED CRUZ ""EVER" sell out constitutional conservatism on such an exotic scale like this ever??

Donald Trump's lefty progressivism "should" be as freaking obvious to conservatives as the glowing aura that surrounds a nuclear blast on a dark night. "Should be obvious", I repeat.

Then why are some of our constitutional conservatives short circuiting our POWER and "FAILING TO UNITE" behind a TRUE principled constitutional conservative that can win and that can actually govern after he wins when victory is so close to our fingertips??

FACT: Embrace the truth when it is glaring you in the face, "NO ONE ELSE has the strength to actually defeat Donald Trump except for TED CRUZ", and that is just a clinical stainless steel inarguable fact!

To argue otherwise is simply an exercise in wasted futility. No one other than Ted Cruz has the money, the ground game, the infrastructure, or ANY realistic CHANCE to soundly defeat Progressive Liberal faker, Donald Trump, except TED CRUZ.

Yet we seem to voluntarily weaken and cheapen ourselves and many among use stubbornly choose "dis-unity" and to "snatch defeat out of the arms of victory".

Splitting the constitutionally conservative vote and not insuring an easy TED CRUZ victory that is easily with-in our grasp, is exactly like a Ross Perot splitting the vote and insuring Bill Clinton a Presidential Victory, with only 34% of the vote.

Why would ANY constitutional conservative choose to be "so donkey stubborn" as to volunteer to fail to "see the forest for the trees that block their view"??????

For "brain-failures sake" we are voluntarily our own "WORST ENEMY".

UNITY= Wining the presidential race in 2016.

"DIS-UNITY" and failure to unite behind a single "PROVEN" constitutional conservative candidate, that can win, = DEFEAT.

Does any true conservative that is going to vote, actually have "ANY ILLUSION" that Donald Trump could actually "govern" if he won?

Does any true conservative that is going to vote, have "ANY ILLUSION" that Donald Trump would not compromise with progressives and RINO's on pretty much, "everything"??

"Silence in the face of tyranny, is your consent to that tyranny"

Silence is back and I agree with what he has to say..................Welcome back Silence.......I posted your warning post  on Tea Party Nation also..did not use  your name but said you were an oathkeeper.............

Once is an accident

Twice is coincidence 

Three times is enemy action

How many times has this played out now with the exact same excuses? A dozen? More?

The answer is right there. Not many are unafraid to call it what it is and those that do are not in a position to do much about it.

That should tell us everything we need to know.

The political class must go.

 "My theory, rank-and-file Democrats are People of the Subordinate Self. They are peasants and workers, as the Marxists used to say. When they have a problem they look to the lord of the manor, or the ward boss, or the politician to fix it; they do not imagine that they could fix it themselves, because they don’t have the power.

Republicans are different. They are People of the Responsible Self. They experience themselves as responsible for fixing things on their own. That is why they are interested in rules and principles. They just want the rules to be set forth, as in the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, and the U.S. Constitution, and they will do the rest using their God-given talents."

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/02/i_want_a_president_...
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That is a  good one Bull...Love American thinker...........

Outstanding and factual analysis.

Excellent post!

Silence...How about that Cruz Victory.............:)




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