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Will Iowa step up and hand Cruz a victory?
Polling data out of Iowa continues to point to a tight race and as we head to the first in the nation caucus all eyes will be on Trump or Cruz to pull out a win. If you ignore the national media and polls and look closely at the people of Iowa you see Cruz has a better chance then many expect.
Its clearly a must win for Cruz as the next primary in New Hampshire is far to liberal to give him much more then a second place finish. A forget the name of the man I say in a CNN interview but he has correctly called every Iowa caucus since he started calling them over the last 16 years and he stated that Cruz will win. Lets hope he remains on target.
A win in Iowa followed by a second place finish in NH should set Cruz up nicely for those super Tuesday primaries in the south. If Trump can be derailed it will be in the south as Cruz PAC adds and his personal advertising lets Trump in his own words describe NY vales to voters. The south is much more conservative then the rest of the country and this could change the dynamic in Cruses favor.
One thing is certain though, Cruz needs a win to insure the media cant paint Trump as the inevitable winner. We await Iowa and the choice they make for America.
God bless them all the fate of the republican party is in their hands.  

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Supported Ron Paul, past tense.

No longer any real horse in the race. But I have an excellent memory for what has happened since 2007 in particular the 2010-2012 time line when it became very clear not one of these guys wearing R on them gave two hoots about us.

Now you make a distinction here between libertarian and conservative.

Perhaps you have a clue what the difference may be but I find generally that is untrue. Both Repubs and Dems use the word libertarian as some kind of derogatory term good company yall are keeping there.

I am an individualist, I am perfectly happy living my life as I see fit and you doing the same only getting involved in others affairs at the direst of need.

So I take it you don't subscribe to that line of thinking or am I mistaken?

As for BFYTW it is exactly what I intend it to be, the last line of spitting in the eye of the betrayers of our faith, support, and those ruining the land. Trust me it is a restrained response, you want objectionable go look at what going on. 

Rhodes, you sure hit on the same thing I feel. The GOP majority has reneged on their promise to America. So what's left. Start over? still need term limits, but how to accomplish that.  Continue on and find a way to remove these miscreants of falseness to America..  

Virginia the GOP has broken promises to conservatives because of the center left democrats that have been elected as Republicans. We call the RINO's more voters need to look at their reps CR score and vote them out in the primaries. Here's a link so you can see yours:


Thanks, I already am aware of the miscreants in my district and the Senate. Got rid of Feingold, but he's trying again. Ron Johnson has my vote, Tammy Baldwin, never voted for her, take that back - just once. Believed her. Not any more. Then we got Rep. Pocan, I did not vote for him, he is not for America - only the LGBT.  Paul Ryan, didn't vote for him either - not in my district. But he really screwed up - in my opinion. And Rep. Glenn Grothman, he is A-Ok, in my books. Received help for Wisconsin on the gun rights a few years ago - he's also part of the NRA.   

Sensenbrenner, well ,he has some problems. Haven't checked on the others though. Can't vote for them, anyway.

So will start digging in. Ex-Senator Russ Feingold, he is the one I have to help defeat.  


You see the glass as half empty, I see the glass as half full. In this election cycle we will see more RINO's lose their seats in the house we have already seen 26 RINO's chose not to run for reelection. That in it self will make a big change but we are already seeing many like Renaa Elmers in serious trouble for reelection. Trump has reinforced the movement away from moderate democrats in the GOP and towards conservatives. The left in this country is losing power at the fastest rate in history this is to be celebrated, the past cant be changed but the future can. Go Cruz Go

I see the glass as half empty because it once was much more full and goes lower every year.

In short I have a memory.

To see it as half full one has to forget what it was before.

But the real point is I am not looking for a savior, learned that lesson the hard way as I do most it seems.

Does anyone here realize That Cruz`s Wife is an executive with Goldman Sachs ?

DV..Here is more good news on Cruz....

This is interesting. According to a reporter in Iowa, the Trump campaign cancelled a 15,000 seat area for a Middle School gym! Last day of campaigning in Iowa has Trump...

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More bad news for the Trump campaign as a field manager is accusing them of sex discrimination, a terrible story to hit a day before the Iowa caucus vote. From the New...

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Ted Cruz saw a pretty emphatic fan of his who had decorated his truck, and according to one reporter, he made his tour bus stop so he could talk to him. .@tedcruz...

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Ted Cruz visited CNN’s “State of the Union” to talk about the campaign, and he nailed Trump on his running away from the debate, saying that he did it...

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There’s one issue that Iowans are worried most about with Donald Trump, and it might doom his campaign in the caucus vote there tomorrow. From

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/#ixzz3yroOenbp

Really wow Kevin I bet he didnt take any loans for them though or if he did I am sure he reported it properly after all the man is a saint...

LOL..He`s a Saint alright....Saint of Deceit..Not one Senator has endorsed him.

Bloomberg’s Joshua Green: There Is No Rubio ‘Surge’ In Iowa


There is little evidence suggesting that there is a late surge forSen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), according to the latest Des Moines Register/Bloomberg poll.

Bloomberg News reporter Joshua Green analyzed the latest polling information during an interview on Breitbart News Sunday on the evening before the Iowa caucus.

He dismissed the buzz coming out of Washington D.C. suggesting that the Florida senator was surging right before the Republican primary caucus.

“There is no surge,” he said in an interview with Breitbart News Chairman Stephen K. Bannon on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125. “There is no evidence of anything like that.”

Green pointed out that a “surge” was what happened to former Senator Rick Santorum in 2012, as the poll showed him with a big jump in support in the days before the caucus. Nothing he saw in the current data, suggested that something similar was happening with Rubio.

“There is no evidence of anything like that,” he said.

He said that Rubio began in the single digits and managed to raise his polling numbers about five or six points before ending up with 15 percent.

“I wouldn’t call that a surge, it’s more of a gentle incline,” he said.

He agreed with Bannon that there was a lot of noise coming from Rubio supporters suggesting a surge – but the Iowa caucus was a fight between Cruz and Trump.

“The fight for Iowa is really between Cruz and Trump. There’s no other fight going on except for I guess this imaginary Rubio thing,” he concluded.

Listen to the entire interview below:

If the article I just read is correct, that Cruz won over Iowa in spite of his anti-ethanol stance, then I'm more likely to consider his presidential bid.  I'm sure against the ethanol fiasco and my husband believes Cruz stated he was for it - just to win in Iowa. So will be checking that out.




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