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Not a good day to be an establishment Republican!
In a sense it is not a good day to be an establishment republican because the party has so many RINO's (center LEFT) but it is a wonderful day to be conservative. In a recent interview when Ryan was asked would he run for speaker after the elections he refused to answer in the affirmative. Why you ask?
Because Ryan is a smart man he has seen 26 of his RINO buddies decline to run for reelection based on polls showing the tea party candidate is likely to win, he has seen polling data that suggests many more are in trouble. As this change appears in the house many understand a likely change of power in the house is coming and as a result Ryan too may chose not to run for the seekers gavial again based on the size of the conservative caucus come January of next year.
A cold wind is blowing across America this wind has been devastating to the left and has started to scare the republicans as more Americans wake up to the need for change. Conservatives want change and much to the chagrin of the media and the ruling elite they know that change is going to come. The only hope they have is to keep the wave to a minimum but rightfully so that prospect seems out of reach.
The battle is not over as even the FOX news network tries to push establishment candidates as they all offer fears of unelectability of the candidates we choose. The facts are that whom we chose will be elected, minorities want our boarders closed and are moving to the right as a result. the democrats have offered up two candidates one having committed crimes against America and the other a socialist.
Its a new day in American politics, the conservative movement continues to grow and we are winning don't let anyone tell you differently. 

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Another RINO bits the DUST that brings the total to 27 before we even have a chance to Vote! LOL 

Tennessee’s Stephen Fincher Won’t Run in 2016

It is a dam good day to be conservative.

While Hillary stays on track to win the nomination, the party has a deeper problem: Turnout for the Democrat caucus collapsed from 2008.
Despite a massive turnout operation by the Clinton campaign and record-breaking rallies from Berne Sanders, Democrat turnout dropped around 25 percent from 2008.
The Republican turnout was around 180,000, the highest turnout in its history. It is also the first time more Republicans turned out then Democrats when both races were contested.
The boost in Republican turnout can’t simply be dismissed as the attraction of a larger-than-life celebrity candidate. There is no doubt Donald Trump had an impact on the Republican turnout, but he did lose, by not a small amount. A 4-point loss in a race where four candidates received at least 10 percent of the vote is a pretty significant margin.
To add insult to injury over 60% of the GOP vote went to minority candidates in stark contrast to the all white line up from the DNC. Recent polls continue to suggest this is not going unnoticed in the minority community.
After almost 8 years of an Obama Presidency, all the enthusiasm is with Republicans. The GOP is now the party of hope for real change in Washington.

GOP Rep. Reid Ribble - of Wisconsin is also calling it quits.  Don't know much about him, but he said he wouldn't support Trump if he gets the nominee. He also said that when he won election, he promised the citizens in his district that he would only serve 4 terms. That being a Representative was not to be a full time job. And he now wants to be with his family. Seems more are wanting out of this mess we have in Congress.

Yes he only served 3 of his 4 terms, he was elected on a tea party wave and was quick to turn RINO. He knows he cant get elected so he wants to spend more time with his family. LOL As the deadline arrives in each state we will continue to see this trend of giving up with out a fight. COWARDS LOL

he was elected on a tea party wave and was quick to turn RINO.
Thought you describing Rubio!
The new establishment hope?

Ryan asks conservatives not to revolt!
He said and I quote:
 "I am fine if I lose my seat in 2018 after doing the right thing to save America," Ryan said.
He also stated and I quote again:
"conservatives may have to ignore some of President Obama's unilateral executive actions"
This on the heals of his reaction to the Iowa vote where he said and I quote again:
“Anger is not a plan. Anger is not a principle. Anger is not enough.”
Paul Ryan is trying to say shut up conservatives we RINO's need to sell you out and you conservatives need to stay out of our way. With Obama's last year it is our last chance to pass all the crap the liberals love and you conservatives hate. So channel your anger at the democrats and leave us alone we establishment Rino's know best SO SHUT UP.
What Ryan sees as many in the establishment do is that we conservatives are getting so strong many of those RINO's will lose their seats in this cycle. In fact so many they expect to lose control in the house and they want us to believe this is a bad thing. Wrong Ryan this is a good thing and we love it, so get used to the anger if that's what you want to call it. 

Another quote about our jerks in Washington:

“Rather than trying to beat conservatives, as Boehner did, Paul is trying to harness that energy in a positive direction,” DeMint said. “So far, I think we’re encouraged by the way things are going.”

And you wonder why conservatives are angry. LOL

Well you may think things are good now but 27 of you are not running for reelection because of our anger and many more of you RINO's are behind in the polls. Excuse us if we applaud your departure.  




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