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"Talk about voter fraud" 'Something smells in the Democratic Party'

Des Moines Register calls for audit of Iowa results: 'Something smells in the Democratic Party'


In a strongly worded editorial on Thursday, The Des Moines Register called on the Iowa Democratic Party to move quickly to prove that Monday's results are correct.

The piece titled “Editorial: Something smells in the Democratic Party,” starts out: “Once again the world is laughing at Iowa.”


It gets sharper from there. “What happened Monday night at the Democratic caucuses was a debacle, period. Democracy, particularly at the local party level, can be slow, messy and obscure. But the refusal to undergo scrutiny or allow for an appeal reeks of autocracy,” the DMR reads. “The Iowa Democratic Party must act quickly to assure the accuracy of the caucus results, beyond a shadow of a doubt.”

The editorial cites Clinton’s razor-thin victory as too close “not to do a complete audit of results.”

The newspaper editorial also said there were too many opportunities for error to arise.

“Too many accounts have arisen of inconsistent counts, untrained and overwhelmed volunteers, confused voters, cramped precinct locations, a lack of voter registration forms and other problems,” the editorial reads. “Too many of us, including members of the Register editorial board who were observing caucuses, saw opportunities for error amid Monday night’s chaos.”

The editorial ends by calling on the state's Democratic Party to “work with all the campaigns to audit results. Break silly party tradition and release the raw vote totals. Provide a list of each precinct coin flip and its outcome, as well as other information sought by the Register. Be transparent.”


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Yeah- and 6 coin tosses all to Hillary?     Sure had some very strange goings on there.

Expect more when the actual voting in November starts.

The democrat party had said that the results where final and no recount would be made, but after reports from caucus goers that the remembered the final tally and the results posted did not match what took place the democrats are going to look into the mater. 

An example of what is taking place. 

At least three caucusgoers there (including Dan McCue and Zack Stewart) and the Grinnell College newspaper reported that Sanders won 19 county delegates and Clinton 7, but party officials said the final tally was Sanders 18 and Clinton 8.

Democrats squable about rumors from the right as they try to pick a winner against the peoples will. Democrats are Frauds and full of lies they don't care about the people just power. 

The Democrats have lied and cheated, they work to steal election with voter fraud and thats why you need an ID to buy a pack of cigarettes but they demand no ID at the voter booth. Because it will make democrat FRAUD just a little harder to do. 

It is being reported tonight that 17 more people from 5 other caucus site have come forward to contest the delegate counts posted on the democrat site. It appears as news of the fraud in one district came out more and more are coming forward to reveal a disturbing trend on the part of the democrats to steal the election from Sanders. Why would anyone vote for a democrat the party tries like hell to take the peoples voice and trash it. 

Getting deeper and deeper isn't it. And does this smell like they played loose in the 2012 elections against Romney?  Does appear that the Liberals do have   more control over the district voting sites.

Are U going to ignore the Republican shenanigans? Crazy talk (trump) is one thing but crazy actions (Rubio/crus)is another?


Yeah, they certainly are doing the same. Again, we need to push term limits- and that should be the BIG priority if they get a Convention V.

Charles no republican made an effort to steal an election like Hillary did, rumor is not the same as having caucus district heads lie on your behalf to take votes and just trash them. On the republican side every vote counted and on the democrat side an effort was made by the DNC to thwart the will of the people. NOT EVEN CLOSE. Democrats don't care about people they care about power, that's why they are minorities even they see if you are not LGBT or Muslim they don't care. Democrats have turned into a feeble bunch of old white people with a token black or Hispanic mixed in. Republicans are younger and much more diverse over the last few cycles and that trend only continues to grow. Look at the power the democrats have lost as a result Rebulicians hold a record number of house seats, they control the senate and at the state level have taken over 38 governorship's in state house and senate they control 39 states. The republicans are taking over the country one election at a time. 

I think it would be best if We The People took our Country Back Myself. That is how we developed such a wonderful Republic. But I guess many want a ruling class. If we keep voting in progressive type leaders,we are doomed. To want one of the political parties to take over the country is the divide we are stuck in.

Unfortunately, that is the fact. And how can we change it.




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