We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Source; http://www.huffingtonpost.com/paul-heroux/what-if-the-second-amendm...

Here is an excerpt from the article;

{Questions that need to be asked to get us all on the same page;

  • What would you do if all of the requirements of Article V of the Constitution were met and the Second Amendment was repealed?
  • What would you do if the Second Amendment was effectively repealed by a US Supreme Court ruling that the right to bear arms does apply to an individual, but only individuals in a militia?
  • If the defense of the Second Amendment rests in reference to the Constitution as it stands now, what argument would you use if the Constitution was changed to no longer protect the individual right to bear arms?
  • As a law abiding gun owner, would you give up your guns?
  • What do you think would happen to violent crime rates, accidental shootings and suicides?
  • Would you follow the new law of the land that was legitimately established, just as laws allowing the possession of a firearm have been legitimately established?}

Now how do you think you would answer these questions yourself?

 The First Question is one that is being implied by the Professional Politicians who want to maintain the Status Quo, but should it happen we would have to immediately band together to reverse the situation and possibly most Americans would become instant criminals by not turning in their guns. Realistically speaking though unless the repeal process was rigged, it would not happen. 

 The second question allows for a simple solution. The people would need to get their local governments to sponsor Militias and even get their states into forming and overseeing Militias separate from the existing National Guard. Doing so would provide legal cover for all Americans who wanted to maintain arms, The general orders of the Militias would have to be worded such that members would be required to train to a minimal level,to keep their arms in their homes, and keep them on their persons when outside their homes. This would even work now with the 2nd intact and eliminate the gun grabbers false flag protests that the 2nd only applies to government sanctioned militias.

The third question is somewhat a restatement of the first two questions but to answer it properly I would say the people would need to call for another Amendment convention to repeal the amendment that would repeal the 2nd amendment. In addition to that use the 9th and 10th amendments and have the States nullify the new amendment provisions until it could be repealed

The fourth question would be a matter of personal beliefs, but possibly State or Local government sanctioned Sporting clubs would become available to hold the arms for the people to keep the Federal Government from destroying them like the governments of the UK and Australia did.

The fifth question is easy to answer. The same politicians who championed the repeal of the 2nd and caused this to happen would be driven from office and probably the local and state governments would give the people access to less than lethal devices like Military Strength Sprays,Tasers or Shock Wands to be used for personal protection. Other items would depend on what the official definition of "Firearm" was in regards to the new amendment repealing the 2nd.

The sixth question again would depend on personal beliefs. Personally I would look for ways and means to skirt around the law using every legal method available to me. There are alternatives but I don't want to mention them and give the gun grabbing opposition any help in this endeavor so they could close the many many loopholes they will unwittingly write into such laws as would be enacted if the 2nd were repealed. Some would undoubtedly retain their arms while others would be docile and turn them in.

The Second Amendment; "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."  Even the biased Supreme Court held that it was Constitutional for individuals to keep and bear arms in the case of " District of Columbia et al. v Heller  " . In short, the official finding of the Court was; " The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home. ". That finding is far short of what gun advocates believe and is also far in excess of what Gun Grabbers believe.

The one thing that both sides seem reluctant to address is the fact that the Second Amendment by it's very nature embodies the American concept of Liberty and Freedom. In effect our right to bear arms and through it our guns in the hands of American citizens, are the shining symbols to ourselves, our politicians, and to the world, of our Unalienable rights to self protection and of our cherished Freedom. 

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NO! I would not give them up. It took me a long time to feel comfortable with guns. Age 12, dad had me shoot a 12 gauge - knocked me on my behind. At 13, I made up a poster (art class promo) Guns Are Dangerous - the 3 little hand guns I had (2/3inch toys) were stolen. Reinforced my anti-gun.

Age 21, husband started taking me hunting, got a 20 gauge pump. Shot it a few times, did not knock me on my behind.  Had a very large coyote sneak into our front entrance. Didn't shoot, but felt safe because I had it. Also used it a couple of times to stop a man from beating his girl friend in Madison, and chased away my daughter's ex- - cops showed up 2 hours later.  So give up my rights - NO!     

Have U seen sons of anarchy?

No, ??????


If the second amendment were repealed




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