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Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

From: TeaPartyTown.us ConservativeNews - February 5,2016

  'gotnews' - February 3, 2016 -  BY CHARLES JOHNSON (See Link)


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It's Obama's plan to label all dissenters "terrorists".

Ozzie, I believe many people are getting the fact that world elite are controlling things via herd method. Many people fall short of seeing the Bilderberg control but still see the evils of the smaller herds (groups).Some here see the unions as the big problem. Some see the climate control group as the problem. Women`s rights groups, Blacks ,Whites and Browns.You name it .The Bilderberg visionaries are smart and evil. They see themselves as the saviors of the world of course.Career Politicians have a selfish agenda . Even a conservative Career politician has selfish ways. Selfishness is a tool of the devil. EX: Ted Cruz. He is a politician who beats the Conservative, Constitutional drum. He sounds like he is the one. He is a career politician first . He has worked a life time building his career. The motivating factor has been a selfish one His tool for advancing his career has been conservatism. It sounds good to all us conservatives.But the truth is he will drink the Bilderberg cool aide while sitting in the White house. You ask of Trump and Sanders. Trump sees the evils of the Bilderbergs, While Sanders sees the evils of the individual herds. Sanders is a good person who truly cares more about people than his career. But he is totally wrong.He is ignorant more than evil.Trump will tell establishment to stick it , he understands that the bilderbergs run the establishment GOP. Bernie only sees the establishment as having problems that need to be straightened out. Our 2 party system has its downfalls ,and evil has infiltrated.I have been working trying to have people see what I see. The truth of it is needed. But it is a hard message to advance in a self centered world.Satan has used selfishness and greed like a well tuned instrument. He is crafty. Lavoy has left us with a message . I hear it load and clear. His message will get loader as time goes on. This is not going to end with his death. His death marks the beginning of taking our Republic back.Constitutional law is how we will do it The bilderbergers will fight hard to stay their course. If the NWO is allowed to exist then the world is doomed. Satan will be in power of the world. Some Christians say it has to happen because it is written. That is not so too many Christians. God has an avenue we can live on. But if Satan is allowed to run the world ,then God will do what he will do. In the end .God will not let the Devil win. I do think God has a special place for those who appreciate the gifts He has bestowed on us.Lavoy is in a good place. Dieing is not a hard thing for men like Lavoy. 

Kevin, you can judge for yourself if I am a nice person or not. I have always tried to be respectful to you and your views. I am sorry I do not fall in-line with your views but I am at least honest about my views. It is a shame the Hammonds are experiencing such trouble but from what little I know about this case all of this could have been avoided with some better judgement and advice. I wish them no harm and hope they can find the right path for solution. The support they are getting is not helping them or advancing the cause. That is why I am strong on following procedures and not trying to short circuit the system, it never pays.

I still am against what the non-law pulled on the Hammonds. They were sentenced and spent their time in prison for  the time the judge prescribed. Now they are being dragged back to prison because the Judge did not sentence them correctly. The Hammonds did not cause that to happen and as far as I'm concerned, this is a case of double jeopardy. So were they provided with a legal way to challenge this travesty? NO!  It was unfortunate that the Bundys got involved but they felt as I do, this was wrong.    And you know what? I just might be willing to stand up for my land rights if ever threatened with eminent domain by the state or Federal Gov. if I had to do so.  Also, if what has been mentioned, they were sent to prison for trying to protect their land from a fire that was set by the BLM.If this is true, then even more grave is the situation against a citizen. I wasn't there, have no knowledge other than hearsay, but still sure needs further investigation. Only issue is the Gov. is trying to claim the Hammonds were on the Federal land, true or false. I don't have the information about that, but what the Gov. has done in the past, I suspect that is false..

Kevin, you clearly spelled out your objects and you noted there were some things you do not know. The Hammonds have legal representation that does know what happened and all the laws that can be addressed, so why don't we leave it up to those with the facts and the authority to work through this with the right solutions for everyone. Armed protests will never get to a solution and will generally create a tragedy. This is the only point I have been trying to make since we began discussing this matter.

Once again you are in the way. The armed occupation is making a difference. Do you live under a rock or something.. Our law makers are waking up. Many are going to burns as I write this. Go away Mr. Government Man.

again you fail to see the point...all of this could have been accomplished without the armed occupation and the loss of life with much better and quicker solution for the Hammonds if they would have just followed the normal procedures for getting the change to happen. If you are a patriot and you want to help the Hammonds and the poor gentleman that lost his life not counting all these individuals who will end up spending time in jail and paying fines needlessly.


Thanks for that analysis, I appreciate it.

You are welcome Patriot Ozzie.. Just bacause you do not live here, Your rights are God given the same us in USA.

When will the Message of Liberty become an issue of the Political Debates. Who will be the Candidate that will ride on the Liberty Train Now that Rand Has been dismissed by all .I will watch the Debate ,but I will not hold my breath waiting for any Liberty Questions to be asked. To me they have to bring it into the forum. If they do not that will speak Volumes ..

where have our liberties been trampled Kevin? I have been around for nearly 72 years I can not think of too many restrictions I have experienced in life. The few that have occurred I can see the justification given the times.




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