Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Wake up and get involved. There are ways you can help, But you need to get off the keyboards a little and get involved. First thing you need to do is find out were your Sheriff stands.This video lays out how many are awake already. It will give you confidence that many are working and they need your support...Evil will win when good people do nothing. Evil will lose when good people unite and shine the light of truth. THE TIME IS NOW !!!
Because of the Liberty movements latest advances in spreading the word. Sheriff departments all over the country are rededicating their counties departments to the Oath of office. This is huge. And would not have happened if Pro active People like myself were not getting involved. I have been to my Sheriffs department to ask how my Sheriff stood with the Oath he took. Have any of you done that. Go teach a youngster what liberty is. I do it all the time. I make it a point to get in check out lines were I can have a little stage to bring up issues while I stand there. I get one person to engage with me in a nice polite way and all of a sudden there is 5 sets of ears listening to what I say. I have me little talking points down pat...DO YOU.
This video of Utah Congressman Bishop, Shows how all the Phone calls made to Congress while the Refuge was being occupied forced action. This shows that calling Congress and applying pressure helps. Thank you all of you for helping by calling your Congressman as I asked of you to please do...The more phone calls the better.This thread will lay out a plan for us to follow. Please help save Our Country THANK YOU...
I've got 2 emails on the way to Senator Johnson and Tammy Baldwin (though she isn't any help). One message - block Obama from nominating another Loretta Lynch type person to the Supreme Court - filibuster and block any way you can. It's time the GOP kept it's promises to America. The other one is asking for help in making the Federal Agency BLM/FBU/DHS/EPA start respecting the Constitution. And perhaps it's time for these agency appointees be tossed out for the Voters. Also, we want an investigation into what is going on when land that the BLM takes over suddenly is being used by foreign countries to extract minerals.
Will let you all know when I get an answer from Johnson. (Don't expect any from Miss Piggy - Baldwin)
Every man and woman who swore the Oath to defend the Constitution ,has the right and duty to refuse following an order if it is unlawful. If he does not refuse ,and commits criminal acts he will be held accountable. He or She does not have an excuse that they were following orders. That is a fact.
How that works out in real life is say a superior officer orders you to kill unarmed prisoners. you can refuse that order right there and then. However other types of orders that seemingly are illegal must be officially protested and followed through then an official request to the IG must be filed for an investigation by the JAG's office concerning the orders given. For reference look up the trial of Lt. W.Calley about the My Lai massacre including all the testimony given by both sides. Basically it's not a black and white area about the Illegality of orders and officers have more discretion than the enlisted troops do in deciding what is and what is not illegal according to Military codes of conduct. See; for full regs.
The Oath Keepers are on the right track. The training of our police and military has become robotic. To have this video as part of officer training would be nice. These young men need to learn early about the wrongs of the industry they are in. The wrongs need to be recognized to keep them at bey.I personally think Oath Keepers needs to play a big part in the training.A person should never take an Oath with out understanding fully what that Oath means.To put more importance on the Oath should be part of training.The Oath Keepers want that. That is the kind of lobbying Mr. Rhodes is doing in Washington. We have to support him.
There are videos about how you can build a small version at home. both pistol size and rifle size. however I don't know how well they would work, or how much they would cost to build. They may even be classified as illegal arms too.
I would suggest that all county sheriffs attend this event. This should be mandatory that County Sheriffs attend seminars like this one as part of their job description.
Thank you for this post. I knew that Sheriff David Clarke was standing up for America, didn't know he was going to be at this conference. I have high hopes for this man. Will be sending a message to him.
Sheriff Glen Palmer of Grant County ,Oregon is under the gun from the political establishment ,and BLM. He is a Constitutional Sheriff who stands against Tyranny against his People. I called and left a message of support. The secratary who answered the phone was very thank full of my call then forwarded me to Sheriff Palmer`s message recorder. I left him a nice message of support. He really needs to know that we are behind him. Please find time to call and leave a kind message of your support. THANK YOU ALL FOR CARING ! (541)-575-1131...
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