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I liked Mitt Romney - just thought he was too nice a person to be strong as a President. Well he has lost any of my respect. And the GOP - keep it up you stupid leaders. You continue on with this crap and not only will Hillary win the Presidency, the Senate and The House will have fewer GOP members. Already I'm against Paul Ryan - though I can't vote against him- but others might.
will vote for Ron Johnson because he said what I expected of a true Senator. And I cannot stand Russ Feingold. So they threatened Trump to sign their pledge to support whomever wins the nomination. Now they are working against one who just might be the one who will be the nominee. That is, unless they pull their Ron Paul rule and take over the convention. Yupe the GOP is for us.
Missed it? Hell plenty have pointed out how absolutely NOTHING can be taken at face value and one must always wait to follow the ACTS not the words.Remember West? He preached Tea Party and Constitution yet helped pass the NDAA and Partiot Act II ( or the twin death strokes as I see them). Just another cog in the wheel and then lost his seat due to it. There was a warning there that went ignored.
On the other hand none of those that consider themselves above the law are omnipotent thus there is plenty to go wrong with whatever plan exists (want to make God laugh? tell him your plans).
So I care little about those demonic little minions running around the DNC and RNC and all the halls of power for they have a more fitting enemy than we could ever imagine being. Things will go wrong for them but they will do historic damage in the process.
Nope not buying into that little Mongolian cluster coitus or your little platform jack.
I will remain peaceful as far as it depends on me, speak only when I sense some good can come from it, ungovernable by the wicked, and thus remain true to myself and faith that this too shall pass.
I respect your view Rhodes not to buy into my views. The purpose of sharing my view is not to convince you but to explain how I came to my view. After all, that is all that I can control and the one I want to get right.
Already had the heart attacks and absolutely try to avoid them though I know no one lives forever in this world one can live well.
Even as I dont support Trump I do see him as totally expected, someone had to fill this role, I reason the RNC had another in mind for it *cough* Rubio/Cruz *cough*. No sense gripping about it as this is as much a sign as most need to understand imagination land is not what it appears to be.
The RNC had high expectations that a republican would win the WH back this year. When Trump announced his candidacy no one in power took him seriously. When the actual campaign began and they saw the anger building with the republican voters they new big problems were developing. The RNC would not be particularly happy with a Trump president but a win is a win and no matter how difficult it would be to work with Trump they knew it could be done. But that is not the big problem they saw, they knew there was little chance for Trump to win the election and more importantly as time passed they saw the damage he could do quickly to the party and the country. The only choice they had was to stop him from getting the nomination but when that plan failed the only choice left is to make sure he doesn't win the general election. The only safe option left to them.
Indeed 1912 was a watershed election ushering in Wilson, a colossal failure, and one of our most damaging of Presidents.
As for Teddy Roosevelt, he was a visionary who understood that the direction in which Taft (who was non-electable) was taking the GOP, would result in disaster, which it did w/the ascendancy of FDR 1932.
Roosevelt was a confidant, colleague and friend of Samuel Gompers/AFL. Both believed that Working Class non-Socialist Labor, not Corporations, was the natural constituency of the R Party and worked tirelessly to effect it.
In contrast, Taft was a corporatist who surrounded himself w/cronies and lobbyists who were adamantly opposed, as it meant a displacement of their position and power; precisely what is going on today in the R Est. as a result of the Trump candidacy. As a result, a fateful and transformative opportunity was missed.
More critically, had Roosevelt won in 1912, we would never have entered the Great War which would have forced an Armistice completely altering the outcome and consequences of arguably, the most catastrophic event in the history of the world.
I think the RNC hoped rubio would derail trump, and when it became obvious he couldn't, they got mitt to attack. Romney sounded like a candidate , and I wouldn't be surprised if he was promised RNC support to run again in 2016 .
After a backstabbing like that, trump would be within his rights to tear up that pledge.
Romey won't get the nomination even if Trump came to the convention without the needed 1237 delegates. The RNC will make sure Trump gets the nomination on the first vote and then they will work like hell to undercut his campaign. The GOP has announced they are giving up all chances of winning the general election this term.
Looks like they're doing their darnedest right now to undercut Trump's campaign. Is there anyone who hasn't denigrated him so far .... and where has it got those who have?
How will Trump destroy the United States Jack? List a few ways, and then compare that list with the way the progressives will destroy the US, which list will be the less tyrannical and evil?
And what do you think of the idea of a one world government Jack? that's where the progressives' are heading - full control, International Socialism, Marxism at it's best,
Here's the latest two progressive issues going through parliament down here: 1) Allowing transgender males to use female toilets in public schools. 2) Changing voting laws so minor parties can't exchange preference votes between themselves that gives their candidates a better chance to get elected to the Senate ........ Feel like vomiting yet?
Just sent this letter to 2 newspapers in Wisconsin - Madison, area.
What a farce - these are what we want to lead our country? And now we'll have Hillary in the White House. If Ben Carson does come back in we'll have to vote for Ben Carson. He is one who has been acting as a leader.
So America, the beginning of the end of every one of our freedoms - the Bill of Rights is hanging by a thread, we have no true representation, and our Constitution has become a blank page for both parties and the President to ignore and savage.
When America tried to reach out by electing a black President, we got hit by disarray and racial bigotry (with help from the President's interference).
If it comes to the election in November, will it be Hillary against Hillary? So the GOP may go 3rd party? Really?
Wisconsin, vote for Sanders in the primary. At least he won't have a Congress backing everything he would do. We don't need Hillary, and we sure don't need any of the children in the GOP party.
Enough already.
Virginia Foulk
(I removed my address and such that the papers wanted from this post.)
I may think again about moving to another country; no, we have to continue to fight for our Country. I love America, it has been good for my family - we have enjoyed everyday happiness, with camping, fishing, hunting. Sharing our love of wildlife and our own cats and dogs that live with us. We have enjoyed our friends, and sharing everything we can while also caring for those within who needed extra help.
No welfare, we all were able to find jobs that we enjoyed and which helped us support our families.
We also reached out to the Salvation Army and the VFW and American Legion (these are the only ones we trust.) We also support candidates we like, no matter the party.
But this election is a farce. Total disarray.
I will give you two Ozzie, Russia and China. Russia has Iran on a short leash and China has North Korea on a short leash. What do you think will happen if Russia and China decide to let those leashes loose? America will be forced to defend South Korea and Isreal. Who do you think will support Iran and North Korea if we get into the fight? China and Russia of course. How do you think that skirmish will work out Ozzie? I don't think that is a fight we want to encourage right now. You see Russia and China are so far ahead of us in technology, it wouldn't be much of a struggle for them to completely dismantle our forces. Now who do you think possess the personality that would tip the scale to cause such a conflict to begin? Every other reason I can come up with would be insignificant but I could come up with dozens of others.
I hope you understand the consequences for the US if Hillary makes it into the WH ... imagine Soviet Republics of America. You have no idea what creeping socialism does to the soul Jack, or your hip pocket
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