We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Now that we are pretty sure that Trump is going to be nominated to run as a Republican . We need to come together and get behind him. During the remaining  primary battles,Trump will start to mend the fences and start to focus on defeating Hillary. My guy Rand Paul lost. I got over it, and moved on. I ended up seeing Donald Trump as the best choice. Through my research, I have found that he just may be a better choice than Rand. I said from the beginning I would not vote for a progressive (establishment) type. Ted through my research is to connected to the UN`s project Agenda 21 .I would vote for him in the General , only because he is a constitutional conservative.But I do not trust him.to follow up on his promises. He is a career politician, and his canned speeches prove that.He will just become a political correct conservative ,with good skills of deceptively measured speeches....As the next few weeks unfold, and Trump starts to unite us all. I ask all to listen with an open mind. We The People ,all have a job to do. We will have to be good Patriotic Citizens. We must loose our selfish ways and become united to make us Whole again...LOL. This saying is a joke when Hillary says it.. But in fact, the truth is. We do need to become friendlier with one another.We need to stop the division that the politics of this past administration has dished out. The President can not help us, if we do not help him. I do not know about you guys. But I am sick of all the hatred within our community`s....If Trump is not right one, we will only truly know that if we give him a fair chance....It is time to take a deep breath, and gather ourselves to begin to explain to doubters, that we have the better choice over Hillary. ....This video is a Black mans view of why Trump should be the President...

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Who else has had wins all over the map?

Well all I can say is the the Yogi-ism "It aint over till it's over".

I must say this is far more entertaining than when the RNC turned it's wrath on Ron Paul in 2012 and indeed the entire Tea Party.

Remember that one where the RNC showed it's colors and how far they would go to remove any threat by any means required?  Yeah that one.

Will DT win then do what he claims? No idea, hope for the best expect somewhat less as the Repub estabs are not done with Donny boy yet. Those guys play for keeps when their livelihood is in jeopardy. Too bad they were not this interested in doing the right thing no matter what it took.

Anyway getting a crate of popcorn ready this is going to be fun and educational too!


Rhodes, I've always loved popcorn and lemonade while doing homework in high school. Now I really like Jolly Time's Blast of Butter - Ultimate Theatre Style micro-wave brand. So will join in eating popcorn while watching what goes on the next months.

Just read about a "Secret"  meeting where many persons involved in big business, (I'm  glad that the Koch brothers emphatically said no) including Ted Cruz' wife, and - I'm really sad about this - Connie Rice signed on to stop Trump. Suspect they have good reasons for why they are signing on - and they may be correct. However, I am believing in the rights of America to vote their choice of the one they believe will do what they personally want done. Not always for the country, unfortunately, but that's what happens. So, I'm for Trump, right or wrong. And with prayers and hope that he will make good on my belief that he will win against Hillary and that he will make good on some of his promises - like override all of Obama's unconstitutional Executive Orders, and work with Congress to nominate the best Supreme Court Justice for the open seat.  Obamacare, terrorists, immigration, and foreign affairs - these I believe he should be investigating in finding the best people to fill staff positions that understand each item and can make the right decisions for each issue.

Insiders like Condie Rice knows what is at stake for America with a Trump president, so do the Bush's, Clinton's and Obama's. It is not very pretty for the average folk. Those in the well to do positions will get out of the country just in time.

Oboma's crew worried about prosecution , what's the statute of limitations on the W crew?

Washington, DC is the richest metro area in America & it's suburbs are also the richest!

Lots of ass puckerin going on!

This could sew it up!
Poll: Trump dominating Rubio in Florida, Kasich in Ohio

Read more: http://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-gop-primary-live-updates-and-res...
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this is typical crap of a person who has no knowledge what he is talking about when it comes to business, foreign relations or political actions. We are out of cards  to start leveraging. I have been involved in international business dealings for nearly 50 years and I can assure you Amerca has no ace in the hole when it comes to leverage. Mexico, China and many other countries that compete in the world economy know this too. This gentleman needs to get from behind the camera and travel the world and he will soon learn where and who holds all the cards.

" I have been involved in international business dealings for nearly 50 years"
Wow Jack maybe you are part of the problem? Hey U stepped in it! Sorry!

I have no Idea what you are talking about Charles. I was hired by American companies to see if I could help save at least part of their business. Trade deals have had very little to do with America losing jobs. The inability to compete is the reason for the loss of business. All you have to do is look at the efficiency of international remanufacturing companies and their quality control and you will understand where the problems are. 

Your assertion " We are out of cards to start leveraging." is embarrassingly absurd.

The malaise we are in, is directly attributable to corrupt and incompetent leadership, which we have sadly tolerated since William Howard Taft; it being the critical ingredient necessary to reach and sustain national greatness, as Gibbon demonstrated.

As for cards, to name a few:

* we maintain the most powerful military in the world and the world knows it in their bones!

* our national market remains the most competitive, creative and wealth producing in the world.

* we are self sufficient in carbon based energy and will become a net exporter in 2017; permanently lowering our balance of payments deficit.

As for our so called competitors:

* Mexico, is an impoverished, illiterate and overpopulated nation, whose leading exports are street drugs and their peasants.

* China produces junk products to such a degree that they have lost their natural markets in India and Japan. Were it not for Beijing's chronic manipulation of the renminbi/yuan we would not have a trade deficit w/them.

Suggest you try reflecting on occasion.




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