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This doesn't sound likely, but who knows with this President.

SELA T    FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 2016  Patriot
While the world political leaders have been meeting in secret to stop conservative frontman Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, it’s clear that he is leading the race for the Republican nomination and perhaps already won the Presidency.
The monumental backlash a Trump nomination could cause among the political establishment is so great, that many are suspecting Obama is ready to postpone the election!
“President” Obama, who is more of a tyrant and doesn’t have any regard to Constitutional liberties, could be after your vote…
On the surface, this seems very unlikely and unbelievable. However, by doing a thorough analysis on everything that has happened up until now, all Americans should be aware that this kind of scenario is very possible.
As you probably know, Obama is very unpopular with our military. He is constantly replacing the current officers with those who have demonstrated personal loyalty and willingness to “walk the line,” even if it has damaged troop morale or capability.
In addition, he has suggested that a “civil national security force” would be of value, which seems directed not at outside threats but directly towards U.S. citizens.
“On July 2, 2008 at a campaign stop, Obama made the following unscripted statement: “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”
Obama has created law enforcement branches in more than 70 federal government agencies, which means there are more than 120,000 law enforcement agents in the federal government for him to utilize. Plus, departments you wouldn’t expect, such as the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have purchased hundreds of thousands of hollow point bullets.
There is a foul stench in the air. Prepare yourselves for what may be the beginning of martial law in our country.

Patriot Update Mar 10,2016

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Ahh well, not hard to see then that Trump must be really winning .... and winning over the black vote too. Why wouldn't Obama try something out of desperation? His Godless globalist Marxism is being challenged

No Virgina this is not very likely. There is always a possibility that our country could see dangerous unrest develop like the one we saw occur at the Organ ranch only on a larger scale. This country cannot afford to let mob violence take place. The last time we let this type unrest go unchecked we had a civil war and more than 500,000 people were needlessly killed before it came to an end. Mob violence never solves problems. If repeated unrest becomes a normal activity the government has the strength to shut it down quickly and quickly it should, to save lives.

Organ ranch? WTH?

And exactly how does one check unrest when opposing goals are utterly inconsolable?

Governments normally just use force against those that stand against the will of the state. You do know this I suppose as lesser means to quell unrest historically fail unless the cause is addressed. 

Suppose for a moment the government or factions within it are the instigators of said violence, what then?

Let us not forget Chicago is the very belly of beast.

Are you suggesting the threat of violence sufficient cause to surrender the freedom to speak?

As for your tie of mob action to the war between the states I am interested if you believe the problems in MO and KS caused the war because that is the only mob action of any serious note?

Inquiring minds and all that...

mob action and the threat of violence suppresses free speech, that is what was taking place in Chicago. The police and government are responsible for maintaining peace and controlling mob violence. Mob actions that happened in MO and KS and other cities across our country never solve the problem and should be suppressed. Allowing this chaotic disorder can only spread and get to be a bigger problem until it reaches the level it did to cause the war of the states Is this the kind of alternative you want to happen? Do you want to encourage large groups of people to just get killed in the street to try to prove a point? I don't think so Rhodes. There are much more productive ways to make changes occur that does not include having thousands of people lose their lives.

Ok hmm

First off you operate under the delusion that powerful people want things peaceful at this time and serious tragedy can be avoided. I say this is a delusion because it is simply false, there is not enough incompetence in the world to explain this mess. Honestly I am in full agreement with those that claim this mess in Chitown was a paid political hit that will continue in hopes of more "grassroots" participation. Common tactic really just ask the CIA.

If so we are already in the chit.

Mob action and the threat of violence suppresses free speech... IF IT IS ALLOWED TO DO SO

Not shouting just emphasis. Are you willing to pay the price personally to stop it without knowing the extent you would be compelled to go? Tests of wills there as you are obviously willing to use the state to do so.


Mob actions that happened in MO and KS and other cities ... Mob actions are symptoms not causes. State attempts at suppression of mob actions have caused plenty of civil wars when the REAL cause remained for whatever reason unaddressed.

That is just fact. So how far you willing to go?

I am not a proponent of mob action but depending on the outcome some mob actions turn into things like Lexington and Concord or the Russian February Revolution so wisdom would seem to say use caution, yeah not so easy is it. 

Mob or militia is strictly a matter of perspective. 

Do I want folks to die in the streets to prove a point... Do you?

I dont know... are you insane? I have no reason to think so. 

Name one more productive method that has not been attempted multiple times over multiple generations. Just one... yep just one.

Great times to be alive.

Virginia, Bless you. You are starting to see the picture I have been painting. Obama is the puppet on the Bilderberg strings. This is very possible tthat Obama could cancel Elections. Jack is right when he said protests like this will get 1000 times worse. The Bilderbergs will not allow Trump to win. There has been huge gains in the NWO progressive movement over the last 25 years. The slow morphing is almost complete. They can see the finish line and will do anything to not allow Trump or even Cruz to stop them..The thing is, Cruz is an agenda 21 guy who will just Attach the Bilderberg strings to himself.He really has a selfish reason to want to be POTUS...I do not think he see`s the big picture of the NWO. His blindness is due to his selfishness.IMO.

Depends on how folks react to it.

My humble guess is Trump just gained about 100k votes in IL alone.

Everyone today will be talking about Trump, grab the popcorn and see how he handles it.

Cruz is now kinda blaming Trump. That is why he is who he is.If Cruz had a rally that Protesters were shutting him down then he would probably show how weak he is and apologize.

If Ted was at the top  Move on . org would be attacking them.

I dont know any longer as the field is so starved of character how can we say who owns whom.

Everyone is torn here and that I deem is working as intended. 

Virginia, Do you understand what Move on i org is , and what their mission is.?

I've chosen to ignore Soros and the Moveon.org group. It's anti-Constitution, anti-1st & 2nd Amendment.




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