Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
I liked Mitt Romney - just thought he was too nice a person to be strong as a President. Well he has lost any of my respect. And the GOP - keep it up you stupid leaders. You continue on with this crap and not only will Hillary win the Presidency, the Senate and The House will have fewer GOP members. Already I'm against Paul Ryan - though I can't vote against him- but others might.
will vote for Ron Johnson because he said what I expected of a true Senator. And I cannot stand Russ Feingold. So they threatened Trump to sign their pledge to support whomever wins the nomination. Now they are working against one who just might be the one who will be the nominee. That is, unless they pull their Ron Paul rule and take over the convention. Yupe the GOP is for us.
No, I don't think Romney's speech was instigated by any of the candidates it came directly from the RNC headquarters. The candidates have nothing to gain from Romney's comments and the RNC is trying to ensure a Trump nomination smoothly so they can lose in the general election.
Here's some more of the nasty GOP tricksters planning to prevent Cruz and Trump from winning.
You are never wrong just because I express a different view Hankelvis.
Trump will have the 1237 delegates before the Cleveland convention if he does not he will be so close and no one will be within 200 delegates close to him. That is when the RNC will make sure Trump wins on the first ballot. There is no plans for the RNC to allow a contested nomination process to play out. Trump will win on the first ballot and that will get a large portion of the republican party made making it impossible for Trump to win the general election. Just what the RNC is planning.
Ted is DEAD wrong!
Ted Cruz Says Donald Trump's Voters Have "relatively low information" And Are "not that engaged"
Ted Cruz: “Listen, Donald does well with voters who have relatively low information, who are not that engaged and who are angry and they see him as an angry voice. Where we are beating him is when voters’ get more engaged and they get more informed. When they inform themselves, they realize his record. He’s what they’re angry at. He is the corruption, and if you want someone to stand up to Washington, the only one who has been doing so in this race is me.”
Personally I'm tired of telegraphed government moves that the oboma administration uses. JMHO
Ted Cruz is the dumbest politician I have ever seen go to Washington in my lifetime.
Obviously you never heard George the Compassionate attempt the grammar and syntax necessary to utter a coherent sentence.
that just depends on how you rate dumb in the context of a political position.
Well then, Trump should hire Cruz as VP. Obama hired Biden. (and I think he is the dumbest, he even considers his wife "Hot." )
Here, let the guitar player help. You know I’m here to help, right? Tell me you have faith in the old MotorCity Madman when I tell you that I sincerely want to resuscitate the fumbling, bumbling, stumbling, staggering, stammering, gagging, ailing, deaf, dumb and blind GOP and help lead them back on track to self-evident truth, logic, common sense, accountability and that good old long ago GOP American Way.
I could start by slapping you Republican goofballs upside the head with the embarrassing reality that you haven’t done jack-diddly to eliminate the obscene government thievery of the death tax, the criminal education fiasco, the nonstop invasion of illegals through our non-borders, the mind-dazzling runaway Democrat tag-team spending orgy, the vulgar dismantling of our military and defense system, the absurdity of denying the best-trained combat warriors in the history of the world from carrying guns on military bases, the abject oath-violating infringements of our constitutionally guaranteed right to keep and bear arms across the country, the jackbooted thuggery of various government agencies abusing power and violating U.S. citizens’ civil rights, allowing rules of engagement for our military heroes that actually benefit our enemies, the horror of a VA that not only fails to provide adequate aid and treatment for our hero warriors but actually looks the other way when soulless bureaucrats cause their death, agreeing to Obama’s insane, wasteful, unaccountable budget that helps and benefits our enemies but does little to fortify America, the bizarre decision to release dangerous jihadists even when it is proven they return to combat and kill Americans, and assorted very Democratic modes of operation very unbecoming of traditional Republicans.
Write this down: You’re not against Donald Trump; you’re against the will of the people, pure and simple.
Let me be clear: I do not endorse Donald Trump, but the very reason Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are so popular is because they laugh in the face of your absurd and offensive status quo good ol’ boy GOP establishment crap.
You talk and talk and talk about reigning back spending, but you do nothing.
You talk about standing up for Second Amendment rights, but you do little or nothing.
You talk about demanding accountability for Fast and Furious, but nothing happens.
You talk and talk and talk about Lois Lerner’s IRS crimes, but you do nothing.
You talk and talk and talk about taking care of our veterans, but you do little or nothing.
You watch our failed education system waste more and more tax dollars while turning out the dumbest kids on Earth, and you do nothing.
You watch the EPA abuse landowners and pollute rivers, but you do nothing.
You know damn well Obama’s raw deal with Iran was the act of a madman, but you stand by as if you are helpless.
You talk about halting the dangerous, America-destroying invasion of illegals across our borders, but you do nothing.
You see the destruction of thriving big game herds across the West by out of control wolf numbers, and you do nothing.
You sit back and watch the president side with criminal thugs instead of our law enforcement heroes, but you do nothing.
You see out-of-control populations of non-indigenous wild horses destroying native wildlife and habitat, but you do nothing.
Enter status quo busting we-the-people warriors who gain unprecedented support of we the people, and you attack and condemn them.
When you attack and condemn Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, you are attacking and condemning the common sense and voice of we the people.
You sound and act like you are that dumb, but I’m here to help.
Don’t be so damn dumb. Get your head out of your status quo posterior and review the short list of your failings above.
When you are ready to admit that your GOP has become indistinguishable from the crazed Democrats, then we can talk.
Until then, shut up and pay attention. You might learn something.
Media wishing to interview Ted Nugent, please contact
Rock on Ted!
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