We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

I liked Mitt Romney - just thought he was too nice a person to be strong as a President. Well he has lost any of my respect. And the GOP - keep it up you stupid leaders. You continue on with this crap and not only will Hillary win the Presidency, the Senate and The House will have fewer GOP members.  Already I'm against Paul Ryan - though I can't vote against him- but others might.

 will vote for Ron Johnson because he said what I expected of a true Senator. And I cannot stand Russ Feingold.  So they threatened Trump to sign their pledge to support whomever wins the nomination. Now they are working against one who just might be the one who will be the nominee. That is, unless they pull their Ron Paul rule and take over the convention.  Yupe the GOP is for us.


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he Washington political establishment has hit the panic button. Not because they are afraid of any one individual or candidate, but because they are afraid of losing their own political power.

The Washington political establishment has hit the panic button.

This town is filled with well-intentioned people who believe they are doing the right thing, but far too many have lost their way after years in Washington. Politicians pay more attention to special interests groups and powerful lobbyists writing checks to their next campaign, than listening to the people back home who sent them here in the first place.

Commentary By
Portrait of Sen. David Perdue

Sen. David Perdue

David Perdue is a Republican senator from Georgia.

The Washington political establishment has hit the panic button. Not because they are afraid of any one individual or candidate, but because they are afraid of losing their own political power.

The Washington political establishment has hit the panic button.

This town is filled with well-intentioned people who believe they are doing the right thing, but far too many have lost their way after years in Washington. Politicians pay more attention to special interests groups and powerful lobbyists writing checks to their next campaign, than listening to the people back home who sent them here in the first place.

This dangerous power vacuum has fueled frustration and created an entirely new breed of disenfranchised voters who are fed up with the status quo. These are real people, their anger is palpable, and it’s not going away anytime soon.

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A recent survey of likely Republican primary voters showed that 86 percent believe that “people like me don’t have any say about what the government does.” Another recent exit poll in my home state of Georgia showed six in ten Republicans felt “betrayed” by their political party.

This sentiment is something I heard countless times during my campaign for the United States Senate just over a short year ago. It is what pulled me to get involved personally to try and make a difference. But this is not just happening in Georgia. People across America are angry, frustrated, and scared because they feel like Washington is not listening to them.
And it's bi partisan! IMHO

Remember who we are up against!
Behind the anti-Trump Disruptors, the Fine Hands of Alinsky and Obama
Recently, when disrupters showed up at a Trump rally in Chicago, the first thing that came to mind was that America’s most notorious community organizer could be the wizard behind the curtain orchestrating what was being sold as an organic occurrence.

In Saul Alinsky’s 1971 book Rules for Radicals, the late author could have been describing Obama’s last seven years in office when he wrote that an efficacious organizer should be “an abrasive agent to rub raw the resentments of the people of the community; to fan latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expressions.”

The father of community organizing taught that once people are “whipped up to a fighting pitch,” the agitated could be directed to participate in rowdy demonstrations. By employing those techniques on the international level, Alinsky’s star pupil, Barack Obama, has successfully managed to whip up global chaos.

Back in Chicago, in the early 1980’s, Greg Galluzzo taught student Barack Obama to avoid the spotlight because the fundamental goal of a grassroots activist is to lead “indigenous” communities to believe they were taking action independently.

As 2016 election protests continue to gather steam, it appears as if Galluzzo’s street-smart pupil is having trouble hiding his preoccupation with the Republican candidates.

Granted, thus far, Obama has not acknowledged Weather Underground bomber buddy Bill Ayers protesting Trump in Chicago. In addition, the president has been low key about Black Lives Matter Chicago leader Aislinn Pulley visiting the White House for Black History month a few weeks before #BLM shut Trump down in Chicago.

Obama has even managed to remain mum about his associations with Soros-financed MoveOn.org, Chicago’s Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and the Communist Party USA, all of whom have also caused disruptions at recent Trump rallies

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/03/behind_the_antitrum...
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The will of the American people may triumph over the tactics. We will see.

Unions put Obama in office using all these tactics yet they are never singled out as the muscle behind all the strife. Unions are the most organized, communist, NWO, Godless force on the planet. Can noone acknowledge their conspiracy? Why are all the Democrats pro union and all their talking points the same? All of their websites are the same and the rhetoric therin is the same as teachers, nurses, and all other union employees. It is not likely Obama could organize a better infrastructure for mayhem than what the international brotherhood of unions already possess.

At one time, a union member drove an American car, not so much now. 10 years ago, I would argue your point about Unions and the NWO, not so much now.

I do not deny the good unions did for the American worker. Sadly, greed and corruption took over.
d "The Jungle" by Sinclair, it was a very bad time for workers. And yes, the unions did a lot for the workers. Now, however, they are no different then the companies in Chicago meat packers (except old Oscar Mayer was one good guy - then) Anyway, the unions are screwing the workers worse than the companies did back then.
To paraphrase George Washington - First President of the US (1732 - 1799). (O know we all know that, but just for those who might read this and be out of touch with history.
Anyway, here it is;
"Government is not Reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action."

Now the paraphrase: Unions are not reason, they are not eloquence, they are force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.
d "The Jungle" by Sinclair, it was a very bad time for workers. And yes, the unions did a lot for the workers. Now, however, they are no different then the companies in Chicago meat packers (except old Oscar Mayer was one good guy - then) Anyway, the unions are screwing the workers worse than the companies did back then.
To paraphrase George Washington - First President of the US (1732 - 1799). (O know we all know that, but just for those who might read this and be out of touch with history.
Anyway, here it is;
"Government is not Reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action."

Now the paraphrase: Unions are not reason, they are not eloquence, they are force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.
d "The Jungle" by Sinclair, it was a very bad time for workers. And yes, the unions did a lot for the workers. Now, however, they are no different then the companies in Chicago meat packers (except old Oscar Mayer was one good guy - then) Anyway, the unions are screwing the workers worse than the companies did back then.
To paraphrase George Washington - First President of the US (1732 - 1799). (O know we all know that, but just for those who might read this and be out of touch with history.
Anyway, here it is;
"Government is not Reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action."

Now the paraphrase: Unions are not reason, they are not eloquence, they are force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.

well said you sayer you

Shadow campaign to deny Trump his delegates begins

Kasich and Cruz quietly work to persuade delegates to break with GOP voters in a contested convention.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/03/inside-the-shadow-campaign-to...
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