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Donald J Trump for President, the year is 2016, and I was personally not going to bring TTTG Networking into this political game on for this election. Things happened and things were seen, time to show  Americans what we found.
TTTG Networking, Endorsement of Donald J Trump for President- 2016 Elections.

Donald J Trump for President by TTTG Networking- C.C. 2.0 Cinema :)

Published on Mar 13, 2016 by Henry Massingale

Donald J Trump for President-YouTube by TTTG Networking- C.C. 2.0 Cinema


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To bring about a certain way of life through a community as a whole needs organization of the people of that community. I am saying the church is the best organization to bring certain life values to said community. People do not need a church to have a relationship with God. But they do need to come together to have a community of certain values.A church can be very helpful with this agenda. YES,evil has and will creep into anything. Selfishness and greed are powerful tools of the devil. And they exist everywhere.

wow, thank you Kevin, that is very honest :)

Good video, There should be no doubt about Trump being the right choice.I feel people will start to allow themselves to hear the message he is giving. Just need to clear out the BS of the RINO`s and the crony capitalists, who feel their empires being threatened. The more the establishment lash out against him, the more people realize that Trump is the one.The elite really feel that people like them LOL..The elite will have may cases of depression suicide, when they see what a joke they have become.Never give them a break. Never let them near the power structure again. Once a dirt bag ,always a dirt bag....A leopard never changes his spots.

Voted Perot on Stop This Insanity   (he was talking about Kalish in Ohio sqeaking past Trump.)

Oh well i guess he can squeak past Trump, This is going to make a swirling mess for the next three months, looks like i gotta go trump now for sure wish me luck  Angry
   "All things considered" and i have had my ear to the ground hard for a long time, we have always needed to separate the wheat from the chaff and the theatre from the sincerity.
 Mr.Trump is making that task a crash course across the political media spectrum for the entire electorate. Smiley
 Trump IS! TEA enough with momentum, and in my opinion the most capable of Getting guys like me and my republican friends,conservative independents and the angry disenfranchised EVERY ONE ELSE! pointed roughly the same direction for a  couple of terms. Mr. Trump is good for the party. The industries of globalization may be cursed with the will of the people in these 50 states and 16 Territory's 5 of witch are inhabited, sharing the buzz. And there is no doubt in my mind everybody is going to learn a lot.

 I am going to see if there is credible assessment's of how many TEA Types  have headed Trumps way. if i am certain i can ask the forum and the guests to come along, Wait for my signal 8)VP

Virginia ,Trump is speaking his mind. That is what I want from my President. He said that a brokered convention might cause riots. They now are trying to say he is in-sighting them....We are so use to a President not saying the truth of it. That now people can not hear the truth. It becomes sinful to say it like you see it.. That is what is wrong with our country. Do not give in. Trump is not. He will not give in to the deceptive political correct patern that has destroyed us.;.. To blaze a new path .One must be bold and forth right...Do not allow evil to bait us back to the shadows. Rejoice and bask in the light that our God wants for us.  The shackles are starting to fall off us. Keep working to finish and do not fear the light ahead. We have lived in the shadows so long that the light seems strange. Be bold and grab on to it.You know I speak the truth.But it is your vote ,and must be your vote. Bless you no matter what...Stay Strong.with your decision.

You have missed VPs thoughts - he will vote Trump. Sometimes he's hard to follow.

Bill Clinton’s wife, who is under FBI investigation, says US needs a prez who doesn’t embarrass the country

You all got to check this out its, its, totally hot, Uploaded by Anonymous Anony, Anonymous Declares Total War on Donald Trump What A Bunch of Crap on YouTube

 from google- answer the phone  :)

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It would seem that Anonymous Democrats and Republican Anonymous Activist have waged war against each other in this 2016 Election.

The hacktivist group Anonymous is once again targeting Donald Trump in a new video, issuing a worldwide “call to arms” to take down the GOP presidential hopeful.

In a video posyed at youtube, an Anonymous representative — wearing the group’s signature Guy Falkes mask — addresses the camera through a stylized overlay of audio and video distortion. The video urges hackers to knock Trump’s various websites offline, expose personal information, and otherwise conduct “total war” on the candidate.

“Dear Donald Trump, we have been watching you for a long time, and what we see is deeply disturbing,” says the Anonymous member in the new video, which also features video clips of the candidate’s more controversial public statements.

“Your inconsistent and hateful campaign has not only shocked the United States of America, you have shocked the entire planet with your appalling actions and ideals,” says the Anonymous rep. "You say what your current audience wants to hear, but in reality you don’t stand for anything except for your personal greed and power. This is a call to arms.”

This is the second time that Anonymous has targeted Trump in an online campaign. In December, an Anonymous video urged hackers to go after the real estate magnate after he proposed banning Muslims from entering the country.

 Then the Republican Activist responded back

Anonymous Declares Total War on Donald Trump What A Bunch of Crap- ...

by Anonymous Anony

Trump knocks it out of the park @ AIPAC

PBS? Really?




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