We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Every single vote counts in this years race, in ALL the elections

Look at it this way, G.W.Bush was elected by an extremely small margin in 2000. That margin was a bare 537 votes. So, the conclusion you should make is I have to vote because my vote really does count in the greater scheme of things. There should be no more not going to vote because your favorite candidate is not running. The prize will be the future of America for the next Century or more based on who wins this years elections. Yes I said Elections Plural.
Lets look at some simple facts and numbers. In Iowa 186,932 votes were cast in the primary, and Trump won over Rubio by a meager 2,201 votes. Even more critical, Hillary Clinton beat out Bernie Sanders by a mere 0.20% Two Tenths of one percent of the 171,000 votes tallied by the Democrats.
In New Hampshire Rubio who looked like he was going to take 2nd place finished 5th. 1,270 behind Bush,3,173 and that was out of 285,923 votes. Kasich who ended up in 2nd place took only 14,861 votes over Rubio.
South Carolina and Nevada disregarding Trump's tally, Rubio finished barely ahead of Cruz 1,148 out of 740,881 in S. Carolina, and 1,861 votes out of 75,216 in Nevada.
Super Tuesday; Out of almost a half million votes cast in Arkansas Trump only beat Cruz by less than 10,000. In Virginia Rubio was only 29.001 votes behind Trump out of 1,025,389 votes cast. That's very close in National terms. 
Cruz lost in Kentucky and Louisiana but carried Kansas and Maine Caucuses out of over a half million votes cast 21,000 could have defeated Trump and have given Cruz all four but not enough people decided to take the time to actively do something to help their future.
Lets look at the 2008 primaries, McCain beat Huckabee by only 8,411 out of 588,844 cast in Missouri.and McCain beat Obama there by a mere 3,903 out of 2,929,111 cast and that shows what could have been if the eligible voting public had decided to get off their dead butts and go vote.
The figures show that Trump and Clinton are benefiting by the split from split opposition and voter turn out. This bodes bad for the Conservatives and Republicans in the coming November race. No matter who is running, we need to get as many votes out as possible for the most conservative candidates, even if they are only marginally more conservative than who they are running against. 
The big picture demands we must not only focus on the Presidential race because that way lies a weaker America and less adherence to Constitutional Law. We must expand our focus to the Congressional Races and the State Races, even going down to the Local level as well. We need the buffers that a predominantly Conservative/Republican ticket of wins in all those races will give us against the two expected candidates for President, Trump and Hillary.
It's up to us to goad the public into getting out and voting. It's still not too late to start canvassing in out neighborhood precincts to see who is still not registered, who is going to need a ride to the polls, who needs to get registered for an absentee Ballot. When we are doing this we need to impress on the potential voters that our nation can not survive or continue on as we have been going. We must get out the greatest number of citizens voting if we want to actually make a change for the better.
I know beforehand that the naysayers and paid propagandists will say things like 'they don't listen anyway so what's the use?' or, 'our votes don't count.' or, 'it's going to be fixed anyway so why bother?' those or any number of negative responses as to why they won't vote. Those responses are basically excuses for laziness, and they could also be a nefarious ploy to disenchant people from voting, they do that to keep people away from the polls so they can more easily control the elections.
If we go out in serious numbers, and we decide to vote for only the most conservative candidates running, in 'EVERY ELECTION', and not just the Presidential election we will in fact make a definite change in our national fortunes for the better.

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I have been arguing this for years - finally got my niece to agree to vote first time. And she has been using all the excuses you mentioned. We'll see but I just can't understand why anyone would not vote. It is so important - regardless of the outcome. As I told her, you can't complain if you didn't vote.

But at the same time she needs to do the home work to make a good informed choice. If they do not have a clue, then I would hope they do not vote myself.

 forget, I'm the one pushing her to vote.    

Like the dems say " vote early vote often".

I believe what I have said; We need to get out the vote for Conservatives and even Republicans. We can no longer ignore the Progressive Socialist Democrat assault on everything we once held dear. If you take a clear look at it, it has been the Democrats who have visited all the damage on the Nation. America can not stand much longer if we allow them the free rein they have been given for so long. It's time to stop them and their idiocy agendas that only benefit the Elites and the few lap dogs they keep.

Source; http://conservativebyte.com/2016/03/soros-board-member-is-head-of-f...

In a newly released story by Breitbart, Aaron Klein has revealed that a George Soros board member is the head of the firm that is running the online elections in Utah. If this doesn’t put fire under your feet I don’t know what will. 

Source; http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/03/20/soros-board-memb...

Smartmatic Group, an electronic voting firm whose worldwide headquarters is located in the United Kingdom, will be running the online balloting process in the Utah Republican Open Caucuses on Tuesday.

The chairman of Smartmatic’s board, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, currently serves on the board of George Soros’s Open Society Foundation and has close ties to the billionaire.

The Wall Street Journal dubbed the Republican party’s online adventure on Tuesday as “one of the biggest online votes conducted so far in the U.S.” and the “largest experiment with online presidential voting since 2004, when Michigan allowed Democrats to vote in a party caucus via the Internet.”

The Journal further reported:

Utah residents will have the option of casting ballots in the Republican presidential contest using computers, tablets, and smartphones next week. …

Online “polls” will be open between 7:00 a.m. and 11 p.m. on March 22. Voters will get a receipt that will verify that their vote was recorded correctly. The state party declined to release the number of online voter registrations that it has received. …

“We expect all the jurisdictions across the U.S. to take notice and to look at this experience as something to study and, hopefully, follow,” said Antonio Mugica, founder and chief executive of Smartmatic Group, an election-equipment vendor that is running the Utah election.

Mugica addressed security concerns about online voting, telling the Journal that Smartmatic has security protocols and backups of the election data should a recount be needed. He said he wasn’t aware of any security breaches.

The Journal did not cite the biography of Malloch-Brown, chairman of Smartmatic’s board. That biography is posted openly on Smartmatic’s website, and shows close associations between Malloch-Brown and Soros, a major donor to the Democratic Party and hundreds of liberal and radical-left groups.

The bio states:

Mark Malloch-Brown is a former number two in the United Nations as well as having served in the British Cabinet and Foreign Office. He now sits in the House of Lords and is active both in business and in the non-profit world. He also remains deeply involved in international affairs.

Mark served as Deputy Secretary-General and Chief of Staff of the UN under Kofi Annan. For six years before that he was Administrator of the UNDP, leading the UN’s development efforts around the world. He was later Minister of State in the Foreign Office, covering Africa and Asia, and was a member of Gordon Brown’s cabinet.

Other positions have included vice-chairman of George Soros’s Investment Funds, as well as his Open Society Institute, a Vice-President at the World Bank and the lead international partner at Sawyer Miller, a political consulting firm. He also has served as Vice-Chairman of the World Economic Forum. He began his career as a journalist at The Economist.

Besides formerly serving as vice-chairman of Soros’s Investment Funds and the billionaire’s Open Society Institute, Malloch-Brown is currently a global board member of Soros’s Open Society Foundation.

As further documented in his Smartmatic Group bio, Malloch-Brown also serves on thesmall board of the International Crisis Group, a Soros-financed international crisis management organization. Soros himself sits on the ICG’s small board.

Besides their worldwide headquarters in London, Smartmatic lists offices in 13 other countries. Their U.S. offices are located in Boca Raton, Florida.

Tuesday’s Utah GOP Caucuses are considered an important test for online voting, which seems poised to expand in future elections. Last month, Microsoft’s vote-counting technology was utilized in the Iowa Caucus.

Obama last week called for future online voting while speaking at the South by Southwest technology and music festival. He said the technology world should debate “how can we create safe, secure, smart systems for people to be able to vote much easier online.”

In a press release, Smartmatic’s Mugica responded directly to Obama’s call for online voting, stating, “President Obama’s call was surprising in only one respect—that it caused a stir.”

“In a world where we can buy a house, take a degree course, and access government services online, it does not make sense that elections don’t use tried and tested technology,” added Mugica. “I agree with the President. The future of democracy is digital.”

In January 2014, Obama’s 10-person Presidential Commission on Election Administration released its recommendations for reforming the U.S. election process, including transitioning to voting via tablet computers and other technologies, as Breitbart reported.

The commission recommended:

Software-only products can be integrated with off-the-shelf commercial hardware components such as computers, laptops, tablets, scanners, printers, and even machine-readable code scanners and signature pad products.

Tablet computers such as iPads are common components of these new technologies. They can be integrated into the check-in, voting, and verification processes in the polling place.

The commission highlighted new technologies in which the voter can “pre-fill” sample ballots at home to be scanned later at the polling place.

The panel dismissed concerns about hacking. The commission stated: “The fact that a tablet or off-the-shelf computer can be hacked or can break down does not mean such technology is inherently less secure than existing ballot marking methods if proper precautions are taken.”

With research by Brenda J. Elliott.

Aaron Klein is Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter. He is a New York Times bestselling author and hosts the popular weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.” Follow him on Twitter @AaronKleinShow. Follow him on Facebook.

I may be behind the times, but I like actually going to the polls to vote.

Vote early vote often , here we go!
Soros Board Member Chairs Firm Running Online Voting for Tuesday’s Utah Caucuses
Smartmatic Group, an electronic voting firm whose worldwide headquarters is located in the United Kingdom, will be running the online balloting process in the Utah Republican Open Caucuses on Tuesday.

The chairman of Smartmatic’s board, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, currently serves on the board of George Soros’s Open Society Foundation and has close ties to the billionaire.


Why do you think I have been pushing so hard to get people involved in the process in their precincts as Precinct chairs, challengers, watchers, vote counters etc? Everybody wants to complain after the fact, but nobody seems to want to do the boots on the ground work with the exception of a dedicated few. Until this changes, there will be more and more questionable practices and voter fraud happening.

Please don't let the Establishment steal the Florida Primary Election from Mr. Trump. We need your help!
Volunteer Poll Watchers Needed
If you are interesting in being a Poll Watcher for the Donald J. for President, Inc. Campaign, the deadline is fast approaching for many of our Early Voting Counties. Please let us know if you are interested in being a Poll Watcher for Early Voting by 8pm on Thursday, Feb. 18th. Please also let us know if you are interested in acting as a Poll Watcher on Election Day, March 15th.

Please fill out the Poll Watcher Request form link below:
Poll Watcher Sign-Up

 Only Donald Trump has dozens of poll watchers in Miami-Dade


Good start Charles,

I want to see many watchers and officials in every single precinct in America. That way we should have a relatively clean election. 

REMEMBER THIS; It's not too late to request a registered voter list of your precinct from your Clerks office, and you can then check it against the DMV list and even better go canvassing through your precinct and see if people are really at the locations listed. You should also be able to view the death lists and compare the current voter list to it. When discrepancies are found verify and send that notarized verification to your State Elections commission by way of a First Class Registered Letter return receipt requested and keep notarized copies of what you send to the elections commission. 

I will do my best to keep my remarks short, as I often tend to ramble on subjects such as this. I tend to think the less said in this regard, is often more effective.
At this point in our countries history, I find myself torn. I do not like the idea of voting for Mr. Trump, yet I feel I must support the eventual candidate, as long as it is either Mr. Trump or Senator Cruz. Should the national committee find a way to steal the nomination, in the face of overwhelming dislike of the elite, then I believe our Federal apparatus is at an end in that event.
I believe, our future lies with Mr. Trump, simply because of the dislike demonstrated by the elite and two other considerations concerning Senator Cruz. The first consideration is his avowed Christian beliefs, even to what I consider the extreme. I may be chastised for my examination of this subject if so I understand. I consider Hillary would understand how to counter this approach in any election campaign or national debate forum. She, in our current climate, would be able to appeal to the many who do not wish to think they might be constrained by his approach to how life should be lived under a government headed by such a strict Christian view. I will readily admit this would not be the case under President Cruz, however, she will attack from such an angle and perhaps be successful at changing or scaring enough liberals. Our National identity has unfortunately changed to favor that sector in many areas.
The second area, I feel she will be more than capable of attacking is his predictability. In much the same way Senator Cruz would be constrained in his march towards his election goal, as far as tactics, at least, she would labor under no such constraints. I consider it is highly likely, she is the root cause of the current demonstrations against Mr. Trump. She is far more likely the culprit to inciting the efforts, far more likely than poor misguided Bernie.
In taking the opposing factors in consideration regarding Mr. Trump an entirely different set of principles come into play. The path to Mr. Trump's election goal would be as unpredictable as a snakes path across open ground when facing a mongoose. Hillary would be at a deficit each and every time she tried to counter Mr. Trump on any election trial. For example, there are rumours of Hillary being involved in possible lesbian affairs, I would not put it past Mr. Trump to bring onstage one of Hillary's supposed paramours during a campaign stop. Of course, at the next debate, this would inevitably come up as a topic. Whether it were true or not would then be for Hillary to prove. Even if the topic were not exploited by a cooperative national media, the cloud would hang around like impending doom. This is not to even touch the topic of the many scandals which happened in the 90's. To be honest, Mr. Trump would be attacked by the many scandals of his life, to be sure. The fact remains, he was not in a position of public trust as she was when he was involved. This is to not even take into consideration, each time Mr. Trump has been attacked, his numbers have increased.
No one can say for sure how anything will turn out in an election season as we now face, that has been demonstrated time and again. I for one feel, for example, the tribulations of the events surrounding the current Trump rally's has done nothing more than backfire on whoever is behind them pushing and funding the events. Whoever is promoting these riots, as they are not truly demonstrations, has apparently not absorbed the lessons of the previous riots which have increased his support.
I began by stating I would do my best to keep this short. I have endeavored to do so, the problem is we face a difficult and twisted situation in any case. I for one will support any one but Hillary. To do anything else would be to forsake the Federal government for several generations if it could be salvaged at all once lost.
Yours in Liberty




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