We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Trump ,like it or not is different from the Politicians we complain about. We will not get another chance like this. If Trump is not the answer, We can always go back to the career politicians. There will always be plenty to choose from.To have another Trump come along, simply will not happen.If political correctness  survives this election, It will be here for ever.Trump gives us an opportunity to get back to way we think things should be.. The choice is simple for me. I do not want the NWO. If we blow this opportunity I for one will give up on elections being a way to make the constitution healthy again...The worst we could do is get four years of Trump. At least we will not be in a big war like the establishment wants.

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Unfortunately, Kevin, that is exactly where Trump will take us to a big war and one we can't possibly win or survive. This is the main reason I am fighting so had to prevent Trump from getting the job. I am not worried about what he can do to our economy and the party all though they too will not have positive results but they are not life-threatening like a war with China and Russia would be. The risks are much too high to take the chance with Trump.

Trump is our chance to take our government away from the elite ruling class, And put it back in the hands of people who actually love this country. The establishment have enriched themselves because we sat back and allowed this to happen..The type of governing from top down needs to stop... Corporations who have gained on the backs of the  lower and middle working class because of top down governing are in a frenzy. Their little empires are threatened. Many private citizens have taken advantage of situations and will talk like they know everything,and their way is right.GREED AND SELFISHNESS are tools of the devil.

I agree  it would be wonderful to have our government positions filled by individuals who only made decisions that were best for all the people and not just for a few and themselves personally. One person, the president alone cannot achieve that goal. It is a start but certainly not the solution. At this moment, this election is centered on which person can most likely keep us out of a major conflict between the world powers. Nothing else comes even close to that issue. There are no second chances when it comes to war.

"At this moment, this election is centered on which person can most likely keep us out of a major conflict"
In case you haven't noticed the conflict is already here.

No Charles this is a street fight of children, wait until the adults step in, then you will see what a fight really looks like.

Cruz exposed 

There are a few truths you need to know about Cruz and his wife...Left over Bush administration globalist`s 

From Voted Perot (VP) on Stop This Insanity (with his permission) VP is for Trump.
"If you can ask yourself or others how many Americans dead on U.S. Soil at the hands of any radicalized element or invasive microbiological and get a number . Mr. Trump is NOT your man.
If you know that the electorate is dependent on a comprehensive truth but would take no action to legislate a means to achieve it. but rather continue in the gutter at the mercy of the predator media, Mr. Trump is not your man.

If you know that a non government job is the best social program and the politically correct education system has destroyed the meritocracy and handicapped the entrepreneurs, and that's OK. Mr.Trump is not your man

If you think a lawyer should engage the global markets and fair trade in such a way that jobs and off shore deposits come home. instead of a man who already has. Mr trump is not you man.
Or we can continue to "afford by borrowing" and a dozen other equally catastrophic policies Mr. Trump is not your man.

As a Negotiator and a Business man on the world stage, revealing what the plans look like isn't just STRATEGICLY UNSOUND it's INSANE !
From the architect on Mainstreet America to a walk in red square and every stop on the campaign trail as well.

Mr. Trump is more likely to deliver success on Many but probably not all of the economic and social ills we have tolerated all the way to apathy and now anger. Elected dealers mature to lobbyists, globalists and the Federal banking system pays the front door from the back window and few are the wiser.
Those broad strokes of " Make America Great again " is inclusive of most everything all the other candidates made a part of their Speeches. Most of what America needs is within our own borders, we all have our own frustrations.

Sen. Rubio is right when he fears the loss of the Republic. Trump is no Oligarch and an outsider of some means is probably the only man who can stop the machinery before it destroys itself. Or positions us for war against powerful foes without engagement at the bargaining table. Vote Trump Delegates to #1301 for good measure. the republicans have the congress and the senate that should not change, All the same checks and balances will be there as it would for any other president and Paul Ryan has the gavel.
Remaining TEA Types !
Go! Go! GO! Trump!"




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