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The Dutch Tulip Bubble of 1637
The later part of the 20th century saw its share of odd financial bubbles. There was the real-estate bubble, the stock market bubbles, and the dot com bubble, just to name a few. In each instance of price inflation people paid exorbitant amounts for things that shouldn’t have been worth anything like the going price. And each time people stood around afterwards and said “What were we thinking?”

One has to believe that the same thought occurred to the Dutch in the 17th century when they settled down after their bout with tulipomania, wherein the humble tulip bulb began to sell for prices to make New York Realtors blanch.

As much as the tulip is associated with Holland, it is not native there. Rather it was introduced in 1593 by a botanist named Carolus Clusius, who brought it from Constantinople. He planted a small garden, intending to research the plant for medicinal purposes. Had Clusius’s neighbors been morally upright, the tulip might still be a rare exotic in the gardening world. Instead they broke into his garden and stole some of his bulbs in order to make some quick money, and in the process started the Dutch bulb trade
Just sayin!

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Want to know what’s happening to this country right now?
Read this:
“One Evil Human” from STEVE KROFT

FBI to Make Nationwide Database of Racial Bias in Policing

Posted on Sunday the 2nd of October 2016, by Alice Greene : Staff Writer

Racial bias among America’s police force – or at least the appearance of it – has become a huge issue in this year’s presidential election. With Black Lives Matter wrecking havoc every time a cop allegedly mistreats a black suspect, police officers are in more danger than ever. 

But as FBI Director James Comey points out, there is little reliable data to prove that such a bias actually exists. 

In order to address this growing issue, the FBI has set out to launch a “nationwide database…that shows us what happened, who was involved, what were they like, what were the circumstances, so we can have informed conversations,” said Comey during a Senate hearing earlier this week.

Racial bias in policing is “one of the most important issues we confront in the FBI – I think we confront as Americans,” continued Comey. “Every conversation, in my view, about the use of force and race and policing in this country is uninformed.” 

Comey told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee that he expects the database to be fully functional in a year or two. 

“People of tremendous goodwill (are) trying to resolve these things,” said Comey. “What we can contribute as a country is information to that conversation…so the great people who care deeply about these things can come to solutions that are practical and just.”

Comey noted that the data we have now, which comes mainly from newspapers, just isn’t reliable. “We simply must collect data that is reliable nationwide about police use of deadly force, in connection, in alterations encounters with civilians. We simply must.” 

Comey noted that demographic data in regards to police-involved shootings is not always reported to the FBI. “No one in this country knows whether the use of deadly force against any particular group, African-Americans most particularly, is up, down, or sideways over the last 10 years… Do we have an epidemic of violence? No one knows.” 

Senator Cory Booker, a black Democrat from New Jersey, insists that the data, although incomplete, reveals "an alarming fact pattern in our country.” 

“I believe we have a chasm in this country that, in many places, where a divide is open and opening between law enforcement and communities, especially the African-American community,” said Booker. “The causes for it are complicated and long-standing, but not elusive… We have problems, things we can do better in law enforcement that are obvious and we’re working very hard to change.” 

Everyone wants the same type of policing, says Corey, “up close, responsible, lawful, firm, but fair…transparent.”

“We are safer when we have it, and the good news for America is there are a ton of police leaders who feel exactly as I do, and we are going to drive that chasm closer together because it’s the way to save lives in this country.”

Ediotor's note:  The question is whether this will be an honest effort (and likely disprove most of the claims of Black Lvies Matter) or a "witch hunt" database to be used by liberals in their propaganda effort. 


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cnsnews.com: Read more (CNS)

Sound like this may be the start of Martial Takeover by Obama?

I represent one of a thousand tiny pinpricks that will bring us back around.


I`m a pinprick. And I am damn good at it.

Guess Who's Funding the Anti-Trump Protests

George Soros, the same man responsible for funding 'color revolutions' in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, is subverting American politics as well

By now, Donald Trump political rallies have become famous for their disruptions caused by protestors. It has almost become a ritual. Protestors concealed within the crowd begin disruptions one after the other, with Trump yelling "get 'em out!" until they are removed by police (which, since his events are private, he has a perfect right to do).

These persons are not interested in actually debating Trump, but rather just interfering with his speech.

Randy Kendrick says her early experiences are driving her support for a super PAC that's trying to portray Republican front-runner Donald Trump as too reckless.


George is only the figurehead because his sons are hiding behind George's Public Persona and working furiously in his shadow to bring this about. How come no one says anything about them? They are even more active to bring down the world economy so they can build the NWO with them in what will become Hereditary Positions of Absolute Power and Control.

M, I am thinking no one says anything about them , is because there is no evidence of that. If you can prove it. Please do.

Nice work. I have known about the Rothschilds and Soros connection for long time.You left out a key figure. David Rockefeller plays a big role in the Bilderberg Group....Those are the main visionaries of the group who nudge and persuade  the other corporations to dance to their music. I am sure the younger generations of these elite will pick up were the elders left off.

Sad truth of things.. The liberal left pieces of crap will get what coming to them.

"Transnational Progressivism" personified, Soros is a self-made billionaire (99th richest man in the world) who wants to unmake capitalism. He's fostered many social-change and political-change groups, is one of the key influences in campaign financing reform and dominated the 2004 Bush-Kerry election with "527" groups. His support for Obama in 2008 was lukewarm.
George Soros:
Chairman, Soros Fund Management
Chairman, Open Society Institute
Former member, Board of Directors, Council on Foreign Relations.
An initial funder, Center for American Progress
Former Board of Directors, Center for American Progress.
An initial funder of Rob Stein's Democracy Alliance.
Supported the Solidarity labor movement in Poland
Supported the Czechoslovak human rights organization Charter 77
Funded and organized Georgia's Rose Revolution
Donated $23 million in a failed effort to defeat President George W. Bush's bid for re-election in 2004.
He took a far less aggressive role in his support for Barack Obama in the 2008 election.
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