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Please do not forget the Political prisoners. They all need our support.

We need to keep this issue on the front burner..Talk about this at every site you visit..

Arizona Representatives Demand Transparency in Death of LaVoy Finicum    Tim BrownMay 16, 2016

More than one dozen Arizona representatives signed a letter that was sent to Oregon Governor Kate Brown with reference to the investigation surrounding the murder of LaVoy Finicum during the occupation of Oregon's Malheur national Wildlife Refuge.

The letter was addressed to Governor Brown, Oregon Rep. Greg Walden and FBI Director James Comey on May 6, 2016 by Rep. Bob Thorpe and was signed by another twelve members of the Arizona House and Senate.

"Recently, it was reported in the media that you Governor Brown, and your Representative Walden, have expressed concerns about the actions of officials concerning the January 26, 2016 traffic stop and shooting death of our unarmed Arizona rancher, Mr. LaVoy Finicum," the letter stated. "Governor Brown, you released a statement in which you called into question the actions of federal agents, and described the report as 'troubling, and properly the subject of an ongoing investigation.' Representative Walden, you stated that you were left 'bewildered by the role of the FBI agents.'"

The representatives share similar concerns to those expressed by Brown and Walden. However, as we have pointed out through emails and text messages from in and around Governor Brown's office, it seems quite clear that Governor Brown was merely a useful idiot, just like Sheriff David Ward, the FBI and the Oregon State Police in the murder of LaVoy Finicum, and that her actions were merely the string pulls of the Obama administration.

Speaking of the FBI, they are supposed to be conducting an internal investigation of two of their agents that illegally fired on LaVoy Finicum and apparently attempted to coverup the evidence.

The Arizona representatives pulled no punches in their letter.

"After gunning-dwon and killing the unarmed Finicum, who was shot in his back 3 times, the federal government now has the audacity to label Finicum, and the citizens who peacefully assembled along with him, as domestic terrorists," the representatives wrote.

They then listed several of those who exercised their right to peaceably assemble under the protections of the First Amendment.

Ammon Bundy

Ryan Bundy

Brian Cavalier

Shawna Cox

Ryan Waylen Payne

Joseph Donald O'Shaughnessy

Peter Santilli

The letter went on to state, "Many Arizonans knew, morn and miss LaVoy Finicum, and I am confident that he was not under any circumstances a terrorist. According to the people who knew him, Finicum was incapable of spreading fear and harming America, which is the very definition of a domestic terrorist. In fact, by all accounts Finicum was someone who only intended to spread an understanding of the needs of the people living within the west. Additionally, he pointed out how the western states, that have hundreds of millions of acres of untaxed federally-controlled land within their boundaries, have not been treated equally in comparison to eastern states."

"Our nation was founded by men who not only questioned the arbitrary and capricious actions of unreasonable authority, but who also stood up against that authority, and in so doing, forged a Constitutional Republic," the representatives added. "Finicum's actions are insignificant in comparison to those of Adams, Madison, Jefferson and Washington. If our nation's founders lived today, would they merely for political reasons be vilified and labeled as domestic terrorists?"

Well, don't look now Arizona Representatives, but indeed they are being vilified and labeled in that manner. School curriculum that's being churned out by Common Core advocates now presents the founding fathers as engaging in "acts of terrorism," even as central government agents are teaching those who work for the DC cartel that those men were terrorists.

The letter also contained a statement from Finicum's daughter, Tierra, from a radio interview, in which she stated:

"The kind of narrative that is going through our country is that he [Finicum] was a domestic terrorist, gun slinging and violent man. That is not my dad. He is a principled man. He is a gentle and diligent person. I often think of Steven R. Covey; not because they were both bald but because they lived by true principles. 'Early to bed, early to rise.' He studied great works of literature. He studied the scriptures, word of God and he wanted to be on the right side of God at all times. He was my dad. I'm sure lots of girls say that their dad was the best man they know, but that is my dad, and I want to be just like him."

While I do take issue with Finicum's Mormon theology and believe it has some points that need serious correction, there is no doubt in my mind that the stand that he and the others took with regard to the usurpation of land in the west was not only constitutional, but was right biblically. It was right to all out the crimes of the central government and to oppose those who sought to steal others property and to incarcerate them unjustly. In doing so, he did lay down his life in the process.

The representatives then called upon the State of Oregon and the FBI to "uphold their legal responsibility to fully and transparently investigate this tragedy, and to quickly vindicate those who have been wrongly accused."

There's little chance that a government that has acted criminally will act justly in investigating themselves, but still there is hope that evidence, like that which Pete Santilli wants to bring to the forefront, will actually open the eyes of the American people to the point where they cries against tyranny will be so loud that the central government will be forced to back down. Let's pray that God would bring that to pass!

Very heart warming to see Arizona politicians taking this issue in the right direction.

Pete Santilli is amazing. Say what you want. But he keeps fighting for the Liberty movement.

Clark County public land is not Federal land..According to Pete. If he is right, this is a huge game changer.

This crap is destroying Ranching families constantly. 

To me it seems like a modernized version of when Russia took over all the land and made collective farms under State Control out of it. Do you think Obama's hidden puppet masters are doing that here? I do!

5 lies that have shaped the Obama presidency.
If past presidents are remembered for their signature achievements, Obama will be remembered for his signature lie: “If you like your health care plan, blah, blah, blah.” The reader knows the rest. Although the most consequential of Obama’s lies — it got him re-elected — it’s far from his only prevarication.
I’ve counted 75 significant lies since his campaign for president began, but that doesn’t begin to tally the casual fibs and hyperbole he spouts seemingly every day. Here are five that illustrate just how much Obama’s presidency is built on falsehoods.
5. “My father left my family when I was 2 years old.”
Folks America has been had by the new unscrupulous commicrat party , so what could you expect?

Oboma's State Department Admits ‘Deliberate Request’ to Delete Damaging 2013 Iran Nuclear Talks Admission
The State Department is now admitting that it “deliberately” deleted a 2013 exchange between Fox News chief Washington correspondent James Rosen and then spokeswoman Jen Psaki from its website and YouTube channel.

“There was a deliberate request [to delete the exchange]. This wasn’t a technical glitch,” State Department spokesman John Kirby told reporters Wednesday.

The stunning admission comes weeks after the State Department was asked about omitting the exchange in which Rosen asked about U.S. nuclear talks with Iran. Psaki told Rosen on May 10 that “there are times where diplomacy needs privacy in order to progress,” and that is why State spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said on December 2, 2013 that there were “no” secret talks going on with the Ayatollah.

Typical chicanery and outright lies perpetrated on the American Public by the Progressive Elitists who hols themselves as the self appointed all knowledgeable entities that are the only ones that can be right when compared with the run of the mill Americans. These self appointed Ruler/Despots are the cause of most of our troubles world wide and them must be exposed and stopped short of their goal of world wide conquest.

A little tid bit about the investigation into Lavoy`s murder




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