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Loretta Lynch meets with Bill Clinton in airport on Lynch`s private plane.How many Democrats will actually think that they were just talking about Grand children and golf. I am not stupid enough to buy this BS. But what pisses me off is those who do buy the excuses they give..

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If Hillary gets to skate on this scandal. That in itself will show many more how the Mafia style of government has been operating.It would be another teaching moment.We must become teachers ,and deliver the lesson without sounding like disgruntled republicans.No one likes a sore looser.You should point out the criminal behavior of the Clinton`s .Show a youngster the right side of the issue. Let their young minds figure it out for themselves.I engage as much as possible with the young voter. Even older voters can be open to the truth. 

Let their young minds figure it out for themselves
American students are less proficient in their nation’s history than in any other subject, according to results of a nationwide test released on Tuesday, with most fourth graders unable to say why Abraham Lincoln was an important figure and few high school seniors able to identify China as the North Korean ally that fought American troops during the Korean War.

Over all, 20 percent of fourth graders, 17 percent of eighth graders and 12 percent of high school seniors demonstrated proficiency on the exam, the National Assessment of Educational Progress. Federal officials said they were encouraged by a slight increase in eighth-grade scores since the last history test, in 2006. But even those gains offered little to celebrate because, for example, fewer than a third of eighth graders could answer even a “seemingly easy question” asking them to identify an important advantage American forces had over the British during the Revolution, the government’s statement on the results said.

When the young get taught wrong It is because they had the wrong teachers. If you do not take time to point things out to the young. Then you can not complain for the way they turn out. Thank God we have some organizations that put effort into teaching some.

Charles ,I think maybe I did not explain clearly what I meant. I wanted to say tell them and explain it to them. Then allow them to figure it out. When it comes to them that way , it is their thoughts which are important.It means more to them. If we tell them what to think. It will be rejected. ....I hope that explains my theory better. Google is good tool. I like to give them something they can google. That way they did the work themselves. When people invest time in something it holds more value to them...Also I was aiming my post at voting age youngsters. You know..The ones that know it all already. 

http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2016/07/05/fbi-we-arent-c... Director said Hillary was extremely careless and grossly negligent.But would not recommend charges...In the law itself, it states that anyone that grossly negligent in the nations security carries a felony charge and a 10 year sentence. So Comey says the exact word in the stated law. Explains her behavior to a 'T" as said in the written law. But yet no charge. Any one can read the law and listen to his statement. This is such a joke. You can not make stuff like this up.

The FBI director knows full well he cannot prove that she directly was grossly negligent. That is why he added the statement no prosecutor would ever file charges with the evidence presented. The FBI knew within 30 days of the investigation there was no evidence to charge Hillary with a crime. The reason the investigation took this long to complete is because they broaden their investigation to include everyone inside the government and out.

News flash, there is no such thing as a secure server. If it is a digital communication devise it has an in door and an out door. Secure means nothing can get in or out. If you have in and out doors it is not secure. 

Stop with your stupid bull shit jack. She was not allowed to have secret docs. on a private server. The whole world knows she did. That is already proven.

I don't think you know she had secret documents on her server or she was fully aware she did. Since you or I don't have access to the facts of this case our combined judgement is of little value. The only individuals that have the facts are the FBI and those within the government they shared this information with, and of course Hillary knows the facts.

The FBI said she had secret docs. on the server. Didn`t you see the press conference....100+ confidential 30+secret...and 8 marked top secret.

Her server contained those documents that does not mean Hillary can be tied to any wrong doings. We don't have the facts and the FBI does. Anything you or I might say is purely speculative. Until someone can show me some evidence that the FBI is covering up a crime I leave my judgement to career professional investigators.


Wiki-leaks just released 30,000 documents hacked off the server and there were multiple classified documents. Remember when I said that it was imminent when I posted the Guccifer 2.0 link? The next to release will be Anonymous with fuller coverage, and they are planning it to go in October.

Documents on her server does not prove she has broken any laws or rules. The FBI has concluded that although they found 100 plus documents that would be classified as confidential or secret they could not find any evidence of any criminal activity that would justify charging Hillary. Who knows best and who has the facts? The FBI, so at this point I can come to no other conclusion the FBI has completed its investigation.




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