We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

No matter who wins the election. The propaganda we have been subject too is very un-American.We the people need to go on the attack and take  the propaganda media down. I support and will support extreme measures Peaceful ways has proven useless...If blood needs to be shed then so be it....WRONG IS WRONG AND RIGHT IS RIGHT...lying and deceiving is wrong. That in itself puts the Lord on the opposite side of MSM.

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"They" cheated and still lost.

to ban CNN wouldnt you have to repeal the 1st amendment??

Seems that is what Obama and the Media tried to do.

YEAH... I was against it then and am against it now

JV, First off. The media has certain rights afforded to them . This is true. But they have become propaganda tools.They have journalistic guide lines which I am sure they have crossed.To be a certified journalist has obligations to the truth. Unlike the average citizen, who is protected by law to say anything they want within reason. With that said. YES they can have journalist be reviewed to protect the integrity of the profession...Kind of like taking a lawyers job away through disbarring.

Most obvious lie was when they were blaming the Russians. They are twice as Communist as Putin.

I dont know... the movie producer getting blamed for Ben-what differnce-gazi was a heck of a whopper.

I wonder what the real margin of the Trump victory is in reality given how much had to be overcome.


please what are these journalist guidelines and where in the BoR's or Constitution can they be found??

and if they tell a lie then there are laws for that so use them.

all I am saying is if CNN should be taken down for being a shill for the dems that would mean brietbart and drudge should as well.

both have shilled and told lies and pushed misleading info just like CNN

just be careful when pushing what some consider a fascist idea .

we are supposed to be better people than the dims/libs

Online so called news does not have rules to follow. At least not yet. But MSM does. They have journalist licenses.

If they are not going to have over sight, then we the people have only one choice.Tyranny is place all through Washington. And it must be dealt with. But I am open to hear your plan.

I have never heard of a journalist license. and why would they need one when the 1st amendment covers it?

Its like saying you need a license  to own a gun.

like I said if they tell a lie then use the law to prosecute them. as for negative stories, then some need to get a back bone and suck it up a little 

Asking them to prosecute msm is like asking the fox to watch the hen house. If you want you can google all you want to find information about journalist licensing.




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