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NOT KIDDING: Trump already backing off of a full repeal of Obamacare

Trump isn’t even president yet and he’s already waffling on a full repeal of Obamacare. Why? Because Obama made an appeal to him:

WSJ – On health care, Mr. Trump said a big reason for his shift from his call for an all-out repeal was that Thursday meeting at the White House with the president, who, he said, suggested areas of the Affordable Care Act to preserve. “I told him I will look at his suggestions, and out of respect, I will do that,” Mr. Trump said in his Trump Tower office.

“Either Obamacare will be amended, or repealed and replaced,” Mr. Trump said.

Amended?? UGH!

Obama is nice to Trump, says ‘pretty please’, and Trump’s already willing to considering leaving parts of Obamacare in place??? What a principle-less chump!

Congress had better kick Trump’s ass on this issue and put a FULL REPEAL bill on his desk and then DARE him to veto it. They better hold the line on this issue!

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I am a conservative. But not extreme.  Well rounded I would like to say...Now there you go. Just like extreme Liberals. You just got to resort to basic name calling. Maybe not direct name calling but pretty much the same. If you thought and tried to see what I stand for you would see. But just blurting out nonsense like I bet you would want a single payer system shows me the shallowness of your comment. LOL...Government can not run anything well as long as you have a political class. If you guess that I would want it. Well that just shows your capability of figuring things out..I wonder how many people you have wrongfully profiled in your life. Ignorance will not advance your leadership skills.

wasnt name calling , just asking a direct question.

do you want a socialist health care??

and if so where in the constitution does it give the feds authority to impose it?

cause the 10th amendment is clear that it is a state issue.

and this thead isnt about me or you , its about trump doing what he said he would do and its starting to look like he isnt

If you mean to mandate that everyone must buy it ....NO. Government is not allowed to force feed commerce .But to have employers supply some sort of coverage may meet the criteria. We would need the courts to review any proposals.Remember ,New Hampshire . No one has to buy car insurance because of how they see it.How would you like to be crippled by some loser who has an old bomber and rails you while doing 100. Maybe he will get some jail time . But you will be stuck with your disability`s . With out any means to support yourself or your family. Is that right. Of course not. But what right does anyone have to make my insurance sky rocket because some one with a nice sports car and gold chains around their neck and plays golf  at a private club decides they do not have to pay for healthcare because of their greed. They just walk into a hospital and gets taken care of because of laws say he can.. At some point we need to take measures to set things right. Now if you have a plan that takes care of things . I would love to hear it. But stop with insinuations of ignorance.

Oh and let me add that Health care over the years has got incorporate. Corporate healthcare is full of greedy share holders. That is a mini mafia in itself. I have done much work investigating healthcare problems. If you ask nicely I will teach what I know.  You will be impressed I promise ..I have interviewed Drs. that have written books on the evils of healthcare institutions.

of course it has. thats the nature of big business and why we need to work with the government closest to us to keep them in check.  THE STATES

no need to teach it I work in it and haveing the feds in it has made a bad problem a1000 times worse.

lets take the power back that is stated in the law.

and tell the feds who are failing at the job the were hired to do,  that  they should focus there instead of violating the law by sticking their noses in our personal lives and our healthcare 

Just remember. The reason Government got involved . Was because it was failing the people. It needed some regulations on it. But have career minded politicians who take endorsement money from corporate healthcare lobbyists is the problem. That is the crony capitalism that needs to be put in check by laws of regulation. As much as I hate regulations I realize its not regulations that are the culprit. It is the enforcement of wrongful regulations that are structured by lobbyists. Evil intentions of greed and selfishness that I am sure most are sick of hearing me say. are the driving tool of the devil.

then ban the lobbiest and follow the constitution, 

no reason to punish the people when its the failings of government that caused the problem.

lets leave it at you are a universal healthcare advocate and I am not.

OH and trump lied about what he would do.   

what else did he lie about?

Let me add ..The Washington swamp has become infested by good people gone wrong because of the culture of the political class. I have confidence that many of these Politicians who have lost their footing to the quagmire of the D.C. swamps. Will regain a good piece of ground to stand on. Many will become the men they envisioned themselves to be. Just let Trump work his magic. Give him a chance. He needs our love and support.As we all need from our peers.He has a knack of bring people together and do things well.

I am not an advocate of universal healthcare. And I will not leave it at that. You just want to stop debating because you have nothing. That is fine But trying to end it by tagging me wrongfully is the usual strategy used by empty heads.

again its the lobbyist that are the problem, so ban them

I will give him a chance but at this point its looking bad as to his honesty.

I have 3 other flips reported just today but am afraid to post them,

we need to keep a close eye on him and let him know we will not tolerate another liar in the white house

Sounding just like JACK!

Obama and Clinton will need a pardon.




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