We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

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Is now the perfect time?
Lady Boots, Mangus Colorado, Tradesman

Is now the perfect time?
Congress, it seems, only acts in it's own interest in modern times.  Therefore I ask, should The People now use their Rightful Constitutional Power to act peacefully, in their own and their respective State's best interests?
It is a question asked by many to many people to be ignored. Is now the perfect time
For the first time since 1928 that the
 Republicans have control of both houses of Congress and have elected a Republican President. Should we put pressure on Congress to restore the Constitution to the point where it again rightfully puts "the chains of The Constitution" back on the Federal Government?
Is Now The Perfect Time? 
“Bind government by The chains of The Constitution”.  What does that mean? The Founders knew and measured the new government they wished to design by historic examples. True democracies that had formed central governments had devolved into intrusive behemoths, all had risen and fell. Knowing those lessons, they sought to create a guiding document, The Constitution, to keep it in check.
The Constitution was also created not to give people rights, but to protect and to secure the rights of the people, making them the masters of that Central Government. The Constitution is a limiting document, those limits are toward a central government.  The rights enumerated, are rights spoken that MAY NOT BE INFRINGED UPON, but are not limited to only what is written, but to all of our God given Rights.
To see the excesses and usurpation of the peoples power to govern themselves, one only has to look at the last 151 years of incremental increases in the power of the Federal Government over the People and the States. In actuality the People and the States have been subjected to a slow poisoning set of amendments and enacted legislation, along with Partisan rulings by SCOTUS. Frogs in a slowly heated pot. 
The origin of this incursion and usurpation was the 14th amendment. Granted, the original intent of that amendment was laudable and necessary. However it has been bastardized by subsequent power hungry elected officials through the years, along with the compliance of a sympathetic and Partisan SCOTUS rulings over those years, to become the antithesis of what the Constitution originally stood for. Basically those rulings culminated in the flipping the original power flow 180 degrees from it's original intent. The People must petition for an amendment Proposal convention, to take their rightful powers back.
The original intent of the 14th Amendment was specifically to give Citizenship and Voting Rights to the Freed Slaves.

Nothing more! 
It did not give citizenship to Native Americans nor Immigrant Chinese  or their children born here. For an informative treatise on the subject please look at the information given on it at;http://www.14thamendment.us/ . That site even gives statements from Senators of that period on what it was supposed to cover and what it was not.
Now we are giving citizenship to "Anchor Babies”, as a result of a highly partisan SCOTUS ruling, arguable that went far beyond what was originally intended by the amendment, and made/gave SCOTUS 'Prima Facie' a "non enumerated power”, meaning to amend amendments by ruling from the bench and substituting their own interpretation into the mix. Critics of ‘legislating from the bench’ argue this is a modern day expansion beyond the role of a SCOTUS, which should simply rule on the constitutionality of law as it is clearly written. 

The SCOTUS should also have used the comments of the contemporary members of Congress, who originally penned the amendment, to see what they intended it to be limited to. 
This Amendment must be repealed and/or modified to reflect it's original intent and remove a century and a half or SCOTUS Partisan Interpretations and more importantly, to prevent SCOTUS from using it again to Grow the Federal Governments Power and Scope..
The Three Words in the 14th Amendment that were used to flip the original power flow from the People to the States to the Federal Government were "NO STATE SHALL" and those words were only originally intended to stop southern states from figuring out ways around the Slaves Citizenship, and more importantly, around their voting rights. It actually took the 15th Amendment to secure those rights Legally and Figuratively 'Set Them In Stone'.
The next Amendment that absolutely must be repealed is the 16th Amendment. This amendment went directly against the Founders wishes. They knew the danger in a central bank had on the continued Freedom and Liberties of a Free self governed people.
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 5 is the Specific section of the Constitutions Enumerated powers to Congress. It gave Congress the sole right to coin money and regulate the value of that money, and of Foreign coin (exchange rate) with respect to that money. It also required them to retain that power unto themselves until the 16th was foisted on an unsuspecting public during the Woodrow Wilson Administration. Congress originally set the Gold,Silver, and Copper standards for backing up the currency, and created Gold, Silver, and Copper coinage that retained a set value by law.
Many people think The 16th gave rise to a Privately Owned Bank that created Fiat Paper Money and surreptitiously set the value of it through a use of interest bearing loans similar to the LIBOR used in the UK. It is called the "Federal Funds Rate”. The Fed is not a privately owned except for the Banks, and that is a separate Corp that all members must buy shares in to become part of the FDIC. The stock is not traded nor can it be ( that's a closed loop Monopoly). The power in the Fed lies in the Board of governors the majority is appointed by the President and approved by the Senate. The Board meets with some of the Fed bank Presidents in the minority and they set the Congress directed money and employment goals. Nothing was said about the interest rates. The money supply is supposed to be regulated by Congressional oversight and direction. So the myth that the Fed is some evil cabal is BS. The do not mint currency nor do they instruct the Mints only congress can do that using the Treasury Department to control the money supply.
Treasury bills are supposed to be the medium used to put the money in the system and to take money out of the system that is how the Congress is supposed to control the amount of currency out in the market. This then creates more demand for borrowing or to make it less attractive - thus the expansion or contraction is directly related to Fed actions and Congressional instructions. Still, NOTHING is said about the interest rates charged by the Fed to the banks they make overnight loans to and nothing is public knowledge about how much the Fed consortium of banks is making using our money supply. 

This Monetary process remained stable with the paper (FIAT) money being tied to the Gold Reserves held by the Treasury, and the accepted rate was $35.00 an ounce. Two things happened during the FDR,JFK, and RMN administrations. During the FDR administration. By EXECUTIVE ORDER of FDR Gold was taken out of circulation as legal tender, (confiscated) from the public. Gold Certificates were no longer Legal Tender, all civilian held gold with a few highly regulated exceptions, was placed in the U.S. Gold reserves. The Gold certificates were replaced with the fiat paper money the Federal Reserve Notes the Fed issued. .
Until then all the paper money was basically Gold or Silver certificates and could be redeemed at any bank or U.S. mint for actual Gold or Silver.  Currency was split from the Gold standard and the Federal Reserve could print money over and above the Gold reserves held by the Treasury by order of Congress. In fact FDR usurped the Constitutional enumerated powers and Congress when he issued that executive order geared to bail out the Federal Reserve. See http://www.moonlightmint.com/bailout.htm . Originally from 1913 to 1929 the results of paper money created a hollow Boom. After 1929 market crash  neither the Federal Reserve nor the US Treasury held anywhere near enough gold to back all the Gold Certificates and Federal Reserve Notes that were in circulation.
During the JFK administration Kennedy did two things. In 1961 he issued an Executive Order ( 11110 on June 4, 1963) to stop the mint from selling Silver from it's reserves. He asked Congress to phase out Silver Certificates in favor of Federal Reserve Notes because of the disparity of silver prices for industrial usage being higher than the fixed price set for the U.S.Mint. That disparity saw 80% of the mint's silver reserve sold off before Kennedy stopped it. All redemption in silver ceased on June 24, 1968.  In the 1970s, large numbers of the remaining silver dollars in the mint vaults were sold to the collecting public for collector value.
During the RMN administration Nixon and until 8/15/71 the Dollar was still pegged to Gold in the reserves but the catch was it could only be redeemed by foreign nations who exchanged it for our gold. After 8.15.71 Nixon issued the executive order that split the dollar off from it's stabilizing gold standard. It was the first time in human history where humanity did not tie it's money to metals, usually the metal gold. When Nixon removed the brakes he set the world on a continuous upward spiral of inflation. The move only benefited the massive world wide banking interests like the Rothschilds banking network. Speculation has it they were behind the original idea of creating the Federal Reserve because their motto was always "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" ..meaning he would actually be behind the scenes in control of any government he controlled the money supply of.
Knowing these things we need to decommission the Federal Reserve and it's stealth enforcement arm (the IRS)  operating under the color of U.S. law and return the coinage of money to it's Constitutional requirement, the Treasury. With Congress making the decisions on what the money is worth and what will be used to back it up. I'm betting on gold and silver to stabilize our finances. At that point Congress could do one of three things;
1. It could keep the worth of the dollar at the present level of exchange for gold or silver, reissue gold and silver certificates, and freeze the exchange rates there.
2. It could increase the value of the dollar by setting the exchange rate with Gold and Silver and making the dollar buy less gold or silver say $800.00 dollars for an ounce of gold and $80.00 for an ounce of silver, thus increasing the buying power of the dollar and stabilizing it in world markets.
3. It could devalue the dollar by setting the exchange rate for an ounce of Gold at $2000.00  and the exchange rate for silver at $200.00 an ounce.  Doing any of those things would break the control over our money by the Federal Reserve, and be the start of removing the Federal Reserve from our monetary process altogether. .
Or values can be set at any rate the Congress and not the Federal Reserve decides as its worth. That would also stop the printing of worthless money for as long as the standard held. It would stop currency speculation like what Soros used to break the bank of England with. All in All it would benefit the people of the United States and it would help create jobs in a stable market where production, and, supply and demand once again ruled.
The 17th Amendment is one of the most insidious amendments that was passed by bluffing the People and States into ratifying it.
If you ever chance to read the Constitution and Federalist papers you will see that the Senators were never intended to directly be elected by the public and neither were they ever intended to represent the public directly. If you doubt that please look up what has been called "The Connecticut Compromise"," The Great Compromise of 1787" or "Sherman's Compromise" respectively. See; http://connecticuthistory.org/the-connecticut-compromise/  For full background and information. Basically it was created Specifically to "Give EQUAL REPRESENTATION to all the individual States" in the Congress of the United States. The politicians know this but it seems they don't want the public to remember it. Originally and until the 17th Amendment was foisted on the people, using questionable means that spun the truth and created conflict and fear about the situation, Senators were selected by their State Legislatures.
The selection process was intended for the State Legislatures to have an EQUAL say in Congress and the Senators were their Representatives. The House on the other hand was the Peoples direct Representatives, and that is one of the reasons the Nation's purse strings were vested in the House. Perfect check and balance was in effect and government ran smoothly. The State Legislatures could and did tell their Senators what they could and could not agree to in Congress.
Consider another good check and balance built into Government by the Founders, the equal number of state senator's tenures in office was controlled by two things: the Constitution set the length a Senator could be in office until he had to stand for election/selection by his State Legislature, and he also served at the pleasure of his State Legislature. State legislatures could recall and remove him/her from office for cause, and replace him with someone else for the remainder of his term of office. Senators were to be held responsible to their State Legislatures and no one else (Political Party)

Now part of this is retained by the States through their Governors, who can appoint a Senator to office for the remainder of a term should the current Senator resign, die, or be removed for conduct unbecoming (usually in case of a conviction and jail term). Now, senators are not only NOT required to represent their States work where they live and are most accessible and accountable to the people who elect them. As a matter of fact, they can not legally directly represent the people. So that leaves their allegiance to only one entity, their Political Party and it's interests/agendas. That removes and/or negates most of the Constitutional Checks and Balances as well as the EQUAL Representation of their States Interests in Congress. We all can see where that has gotten us.
It is my hope that somehow President Trump will read this.
I encourage all and welcome to check out the online Free Constitutional Library site at; http://www.articlevprojecttorestoreliberty.com
Support for  a States Petitioned Article V Amendment Proposal Convention is growing.  The conservative cause has never been stronger in our federal government and state houses as well, at least not known in modern times.
We have two years with this majority strength to push forward with that edge to get much needed changes through in Congress.
The Tradesman

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Y'all need to get a room.


Will the RINOS return to the Constitution, or turn against Trump ? Maybe it's not the perfect time to go headlong into restoring the Constitution just yet. Perhaps a more gradual process would be of greater benefit. I tend to agree with Thomas when he suggested giving Trump time to make the policy changes he wishes to make first. The RINOS must tow the line for a favorable ethos to occur for broad acceptance of any moves away from the Globalist way of thinking.

Why did Trump appoint Romney for anything ? and how will Paul Ryan treat Trump  ? I mean they both gave Trump hell during the campaign. What's going on ? whatever it is, they'll need to realign them selves quick smart, don't you think ?

Didn't think he's been appointed to anything yet. Did I miss something?  Anyway, looks like Jeb Bush has ot a clue. He's pushing for the Convention of States. WOW. Anyway, Trump sure has started the country to speaking out and thinking Constitution.

He sure has Virginia. Lots of people have become engaged in our country`s well being. It is a nice feeling. 

no Virginia he is not pushing for convention of the states but a constitutional convention..two completely different actions

Ozzie I am confused by your question..


Will the RINOS return to the Constitution, or turn against Trump ? 

when did trump ever talk about the constitution in length?

I have several videos and articles of him speaking against it but none for it except in a passing remark.

Hmm....................Junior Varsity on his anti-Trump hobby-horse, yet again.What a shock.

Obviously Trump is the reason:

* we don't have sunlight and calming breezes 24 hours a day.

* we have original sin, become overweight and can't get a second date.

* DC is home base for bad men and incompetents.

Why of course!

On a serious note, consider the condition of many Tea Party internet

sites; virtually all circling the commode.Why?

Because they have allowed themselves to become a soap box for the

closed-minded, the intolerant and the self-righteous. 

To it's great credit, WE THE PEOPLE remains a beacon of civility and openness..

tom of course it should be easy to prove me wrong!!!

but you cant because I am right.

the reason the tea party has gone the way of the bowel movement is due to lack of principle and a moral compass.

remember the three core principles that most have abandoned?

Constitutionally limited government

balanced budget

free market 

well trump opposes all of them.

he speaks of better people as a solution not smaller government

he wants to bankrupt the country to solve the debt problem

he bullies companies to control their actions

these are the facts 

Well we all watched it happen so there is no mystery at all.

The best of the TP walked away right after the NDAA/Patriot Act/budget/Ron Paul betrayals.

What was left were mostly RNC loonies. 

No secret there at all, who is going to follow Benedict Arnold after his treason?

Still it retains a lot of impact in that what hope remains is there because it once existed.

Watch who you are calling a beacon bucko!

So there's no such thing as a RINO anymore JV ? Did they suddenly do a vanishing act ?

Well I suppose Trump can always veto suspicious legislation and wait to see what Congress does with it after that, then everyone can judge how keen the Republicans in Congress are, to work with Trump

Don't be too critical of Trump JV, he's got an important job to do bringing about a balance in politics. You should know that it's not wise to leave the politically disenfranchised out in the cold for too long. Trump's win was a massive stress reliever for many millions of conservatives worldwide, it has taking the heat out of the Global progressive-conservative "stand off". The EU needs to follow Trump's lead now, and come to their senses on immigration etc

Oh there are tons of Rinos heck I was one, republican in name only so I could vote in the primary.

I guess it brings up a huge point, what the hell is a republican now?

Certainly isnt what I think all these people are saying about it.

Conservative globalists perhaps?

I dunno and dont think anyone else does either.

Oz when did I say that??

I will be as critical with trump as I was with every other POTUS ...he doesnt get a free ride ..especially after the things he has said he would do

you see my idea of holding their feet to the fire is different than the drones,

theirs includes hot cocoa and a warm blanket, while mine includes a blow torch and pliers 




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