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Jeb Bush asks new Republican administration to flex its muscles with a constitutional convention

In an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush makes the case that the incoming Republican administration should set the agenda by calling for a constitutional convention to establish term limits, a balanced budget amendment and restrictions on the Commerce Clause.

Bush asserts that the 2016 election was largely a protest vote over the growth and power of the central government and that Republicans have a rare chance to shift some of that power back to the states.

Bush wrote:

But here’s something we shouldn’t forget: This election was more about voting against something than voting for something. Americans voted against the “establishment,” against the country’s changing culture, against a dysfunctional Washington, against the privileged, against Hillary Clinton—and, yes, against Donald Trump.

For the GOP to build on its victory, Republicans have to recognize that we’re still in a divided country—which incidentally gave Mrs. Clinton roughly two million more votes than Mr. Trump. Republicans need to do more than oppose things. We have to be for a few big ideas and show that we can put them into action.

Bush goes on to outline a number of somewhat specific ideas for fusing “the party to a modern conservative movement that speaks to 21st-century problems and produces 21st-century solutions.” Notably, he mentions allowing innovation in emerging technologies to develop unfettered by regulation, and the wisdom in re-embracing a foreign policy of “peace through strength.”

While expressing a desire to see President-elect Donald Trump succeed, and an indication he intends to pray for that result, Bush concluded by strongly rejecting the notion that Republicans should adopt the identity politics of the left.

“Let’s not focus on angst, grievance and division over race, class or gender. Our party must be big-hearted and creative and opportunistic,” Bush wrote. “We must make it clear that there is no room in our tent for despicable bigotries like racism, misogyny or anti-Semitism.”


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Thanks. I actually believed they were one and the same. So will have to make time to investigate both issues. 

Hmm...............the Bushes again!

Based on their record, we ought to know who they are by now; so let's recall who they are not; which deserves a Jesse Watters interview.

Among families in history, they will never be conflated w/the Julian-Claudians who produced numerous early Emperors, as Rome transitioned from Republic to an Empire that spanned Europe, which along w/Greece, established Western Civilization.

And certainly they will never be confused w/the Medici's of the High Renaissance who produced numerous Pontiffs, Artists,Scholars, Statesmen and Writers. So what did they do???

Er............they did politics and their modus operandi was to hang around, akin to a union hiring hall, awaiting a call that it was their turn to run. All were colossal failures and incompetents from day one, beginning w/Sammy some 300 years ago.

Prescott represented Ct in the Senate for a decade or so. His claim to fame was to vote yea or nay a couple of hundred times. He was an expert Rockefeller errand boy and flunky of no discernible principle.

Following him was George Senior, Reagan's nemesis, whose claim to fame was ushering Slick Willie into the Oval Office.

Next up was Junior, tied w/Obama as the most incompetent POTUS in the history of our Republic and by the way, the catalyst for the Tea Party. His claim to fame will prolly endure for a millennia; passing through Yale and Harvard w/o learning how to utter a coherent sentence of less than 9 words; an amazing feat.

Now up is their most recent loser, the pious and sanctimonious Jebster, urging a Constitutional Convention. Anyone think he might be very needy of attention after having his ass handed to him by Trump???


In my judgement, calling such a convention is nothing but a publicity stunt and a deadly Trojan Horse!

Were it to occur, I predict it would be an unmitigated disaster bringing the loony tunes out of the shadows and into the limelight where they would rant and rave to the euphoria and glee of the media w/their endless list of panaceas and special pleading to solve our problems. Why of course.

Whatever their shortcomings and warts, the Trump administration needs time to settle. Further they have sufficient votes to enact their spoken agenda.

More critically, if Trump is successful; the electoral trends are in his l/t favor w/the Senate in 2018 and the House after reapportionment in 2020.

The very last event we need is the daily comings and goings at a Constitutional Convention raging across the screen nightly amidst an unsettled electorate; a majority of whom did NOT vote for Trump.

RINO definition Bush family.

They do go back to Nazi's!




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