We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Trump picks George Soros lackey and Goldman Sachs banker to ‘drain the swamp’ at Treasury!!

Apparently “draining the swamp” includes hiring a George Soros lackey to be in charge of the Treasury – bet you didn’t see that comin!

Y’all remember when Trump cultists were screaming at Ted Cruz’s wife that she was evil because she had worked with Goldman Sachs? Now it’s a prerequisite to work for Trump!!

From the New York Times:

From 2003 to 2004, Mnuchin worked as chief executive of SFM Capital Management, which the Wall Street Journal reports is backed by Soros. He also worked for Soros Fund Management LLC, according to Bloomberg.

Isn’t it funny how no conspiracy theory was too stupid or outrageous for Trump supporters to push before he got elected, but now everyone will look away as a former Soros lackey gets in charge of the frickin’ Treasury?! LOL!!


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Cruz spoke for 21 hours explaining the need to defund Obama care while the rhinos laid down. Obama caremains is unconstitutional.
As far as shutting government down, do it anytime and I will support it. 20 trIllion in debt as voting on a continuing resolution? F me!

That`s when we all fell in love with him. . But he had a selfish motive there. He has ambitious political agenda. His plan was working until we all started to take a good look at him. Once I had researched him good I dropped him like a rock. My first guy was Rand, but he is not the leader Trump is. Rand is a good constitutional politician with good intentions . But Trump showed he could take the heat.

I think Cruz spoke about green eggs and ham

he spoke for 23 hrs, so what did he talk about for the other 22:55??

these were the liberal arguments at the time

The epithet "George Soros lackey' is a predictable slander from a noisy and ignorant lout such as Junior Varsity,

Steve Mnuchin, whose family I know personally through my son. is an Investment Banker at Goldman Sachs. He is 53 years of age, of a Jewish family, has 3 grown children and was educated in Economics at Yale. His father, a 30 year Goldman Director, brought him into the firm. Some years ago he did a 6 month or so consulting assignment at Soros Equity Management but he was never one of their employees.

Let me suggest the authority figures at We the People establish some minimum IQ/integrity threshold for posters; otherwise you will attract every raging lunatics and Cruzer Looser that destroyed your predecessor site!!!!!

Let me add to that TVC. A low IQ will be tolerated, but a low IQ must be able to love and respect others. There is zero political correctness hear. Only morality..Pure hatred will not be tolerated. ...With that said. We are a small group who debate well.We do wish to grow in numbers but will never sacrifice the intellect we have here to grow wrongly.Quality is our main goal. I will stack this sites main core against any other in a debate forum. Anyone having an ax to grind will be gone very" QUICKLY  ". For some reason I like that word.

tom when did I say that, I didnt...those are the words of the original article and I think by law I am required to post the complete article.

what I am confused about is why cruz was bad cause his wife used to work there but its OK for trump to hire a second generation goldman sachs guy, not to mention being a soros advisor...

I thought soros was a bad guy

JV, I am going to give you a lesson on why Cruz is and was a bad choice for POTUS. He was a globalist. He would carry water for the nwo and the Bilderberg group. Now I will take some time to show you how I learned about him. We must look back at the man`s history...First off Heidi and Ted met while working for Buah. We all know the Bush`s are NWO advocates .Ted and Heidi both work together on Bushes North American Community.Ted remained in politics while Heidi became vice president of Goldman Sachs. This NAC agenda is what got her the position with counsel of foreign relations. The Cruz family is a total sell out to Globalism. Teds original stance on TPP  also shows this.He stands on the principles of the constitution ,mostly as a ploy to get elected. That is why we loved him. He is a wolf in sheep`s clothing. We here did the work to debate that and figure it out. Hell I even gave money in the beginning to Ted`s campaign. But I was wrong and I realized it because I had an open mind for the truth of it.You must be willing to see when you are wrong and be thankful that you learned. But just shear disgruntled hatred will only get you deeper in the pits of ignorance.

hes a republican so I expect the 2nd worst from them and its old news anyway and has nothing to do with the subject at hand or my question.

why was it a bad thing his wife used to work there but its OK for trump to put not just a lifetime guy but a soro's adviser to lead the treasury??

Is this payback for something?, cause that was the concern with cruz, that he would have strings connected to GS

The guy is not a Globalist ,but knows how to defeat them. He knows what makes them tick. What would you want Trump to hire for the position...A carpenter or something.

Wall st. is here to stay , They must be controlled and their power reined in through negotiations that do not end up with money connected to the deal.Trump cares about America and wants to give back. He has seen the inner circle and wants to get things right for America. 




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