We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic



My long time contention that the left is the side of intolerance, hate, and violence that they accuse me of is being proven in ever increasing incidents.  Along with the violence, rioting, and looting immediately following the election of Donald Trump over the communist traitor hillary clinton we now see leftists attacking individual conservatives, as noted in this article: http://constitution.com/conservatives-attacked-liberal-violence-con....  If I, as a staunch Christian conservative, was as bad as I am accused of being the nation would have seen it a long time ago.  I am, besides being an Evangelical Christian, a veteran, a gun owner, a shooting and hunting enthusiast, and a fisherman.  My hunting, fishing, and shooting hobbies have had to be suspended temporarily due to disabilities suffered as the result of a severe stroke I suffered on August 19, 2014 but will resume when God finishes the restoration of my body, which I hope will be very soon.  If I was prone to hate and violence as accused I am sure there would have been evidence of it long before now as I had my 67th birthday earlier this month and have had plenty of time for my true nature to become evident if violence was in it.  The "intolerance", which I plead guilty to, is merely my refusal to accept behavior that God calls sin in His Word, the Holy Bible  (abortion, homosexuality, and the worship of a false "god" named allah).   I find it both amusing and troubling that the people who accuse me of being all the bad things they claim I am are actually showing those same traits in themselves.  As a follower of the Gospel of Jesus Christ I denounce the sinful ways Jesus denounced but do so without being hateful towards those who have been deceived into thinking their sins are okay, as Jesus did.  He said "hate the sin but love the sinner" and I practice that always.  I don't call homosexuals faggot or queer but I refuse to use the homogenized politically correct term "gay" because gay means happy, not homosexual. 

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I am very concerned about these protesters. From my own experience - years ago, during the anti- Walker recall I actually participated . Not with a group, but on my own. I sneaked in between some of the protest groups and started saying what I felt was the truth. One person told me that I needed to get my teeth fixed - right. I told her that she could pay for them - I couldn't afford the cost. But that what she and her bunch were doing, made it even harder for me to get my teeth fixed. They were protesting against a bill that the GOP had passed (Dems were in Illinois, suckers). So we heard, "Kill the Bill," Kill the Bill. And I was yelling pass the bill.  I started to walk down from the State Capital building , yelling pass the bill, then all of a sudden, I found myself saying Kill the bill. Yikes. Caught myself after a few yells, but boy, oh boy, was I unhappy with myself.  Reason I mention this, mob control took over for a minute .Don't know how to control this mob mentality, but sure wish there was a way.

with liberals mob mentality is easy because they don't have enough intelligence to be able to think for themselves nor the courage to speak out against anything, if anything, they consider wrong.  But then they are all alike, go with whatever the one with the megaphone says.  I guess you noticed how the chants are very short, very simple, and repeated ad nauseum.  that is because they have a very low IQ to deal with.  You got sucked in only momentarily because you are able to discern reality.

I suggest that the federal government cut off funding to colleges that shut down 1st amendment rights to anyone. Rioting is not an option. The parents of these assholes should pay the damages. Plus criminal charges....NOT ONE ARREST WAS MADE. That is sad.  California is the armpit of America.

Kevin, I agree.  It is time to stop tolerating this crap.  demonkrats encourage it and the gop establishment condones it by doing nothing.  We the People elected Trump to put a stop to this kind of leftist nonsense!!!!!

At some point if this crap keeps going , some real bad stuff will happen .That`s when hell breaks loose I`m afraid.I suggest pray harder and more often. Prayer has gotten us this far. Keep faith strong. The shadow government wants hell to break loose....But I do hope some conservative group puts together a successful million conservative march on D.C. But it must be peaceful. If our movement dots the eyes and crosses T`s on a rally. Then we will be in the right. If we get attacked then we defend. DEFEND AND TAKE NO PRISONERS.

Kevin, I agree, the left will keep pushing until someone gets a belly full and fights back.  then all the reports will ignore the leftists and go after the person defending themselves.  It won't matter if we do everything right because the truth won't be told.  I continue to pray for the nation and We the People daily.

Bob, I believe that Trump and his core people got this covered. The more the anarchist strike out. The more middle America concretes itself with Trump. When the rust belt took a shot with Trump. They were hoping they were right. Now they know they were right. The more the Dems act this way, The more Dems will jump ship. If some conservatives get a rally together, we have to make sure we do not hurt the movement with some hateful crap. But self defense is ok, if you know what I mean....I myself would be busy making signs

Saudis claim "college campuses are our army " as they use trillion$ to gain control over the U.S. in order to use our power to destroy Israel.

Soros and the Bilderbergs use and fund the useful idiots on college campuses to push their progressive NWO.

P.S....The Saudi`s may ride on the progressive wave to promote the caliphate. I just want to put my view of it.




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