Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
I am watching a documentary about the influence Almighty God had on our founding fathers and many leaders since then, men who called on the "protection of Divine Providence" in the quest for freedom from Britain and in battles since then. I have seen and heard many people wrongly say or write that our founders were either agnostics or outright atheists. Facts borne out by the writings and sayings of our founders disprove the liberal contentions but liberals ALWAYS choose "feelings" over facts in their quest to destroy the nation through their denial of the existence of an all powerful Creator. Satan has deeply infected the education system to teach that God doesn't exist and that each person has the right to choose their own morality, that what the liberal individual chooses to believe should be accepted by everyone else because liberals are "the enlightened ones". A letter written in 1804 by President Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury, Conn. Baptist Association has been misquoted and taken out of context by liberals, including the supreme court, to say that Christians cannot have a say in government and that Christianity cannot be expressed in any public forum. This is a totally false interpretation but liberals stick to it out of complete ignorance and hatred towards Almighty God, the Creator of everything in the universe. The Danbury Baptists had grown concerned that the government would interfere in their worship and wrote to President Jefferson asking his thoughts. Jefferson wrote back telling them that the government had no right to regulate their worship because "a wall of separation between church and state" did not allow government interference. In 1947 the supreme court took the 8 words I enclosed in quotation marks, and ignoring the rest of the two page letter, declared that there could no longer be any reference to Almighty God in the public forum. This was a deliberate distortion of both the intent and the message in the letter but liberals don't care about facts, but only care about how they can use their atheistic beliefs to control the nation and to justify their evil intentions and actions. The same people who say Christianity is against the U S Constitution are more than happy to see the satanic cult of islam pushed on our children in public schools. I find it ironic that people who repeatedly deny the existence of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Creator of everything and everyone, have gladly embraced the "god" of islam, the enemy of the true Almighty God.
The United States of America has become the richest, kindest, and most powerful nation in the history of the world because it embraced the goodness to and love of others expressed by God. Liberals continually misrepresent the precepts of Christianity in order to promote their anti-God agenda, choosing to falsely attribute acceptance of sin to "Diversity", "enlightenment", and "acceptance of others". According to the Word of God, the Holy Bible, life begins at conception. Liberals call the murder of the unborn a "woman's right to choose" as a way to justify the murder of a child of Almighty God because a baby is either not wanted or merely an inconvenience at that time. Liberals like to criticize this fact by saying that I condone rape by having this viewpoint but that is as patently false as the rest of their satanic ideas. A child conceived in rape or not wanted for any other reason can be put up for adoption by the many people out there who either cannot conceive themselves or are more than willing to provide a good home for an unwanted baby. I go to church with several couples who have adopted children of varying ages. One couple has 3 children who are grown but they had room in their hearts, and home, so they adopted 2 children. One is a girl they got when she was about 3 or 4 and is now 13 I think. The second was a new born who wasn't wanted so they took him straight from the hospital and have given him, now 10 or 11, a loving Christian home. I know about the people who are more than willing to help so don't waste your time trying to denigrate my Godly ideas on abortion, how "a fetus is just a blob of tissue", because Almighty God doesn't see it that way.
Another liberal mantra is that homosexuality is "an alternate lifestyle". This is patently obvious if one will bother to read God's Word. Almighty God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because Lot couldn't find even a handful of righteous men and the Holy Bible states several times that homosexuals will not enter Heaven, that it is "an abomination before God". It also says that "fornicators" won't either, meaning heterosexuals that use promiscuous sex for gratification will find themselves also on the wrong side of eternity. And islam IS NOT "just another path to Heaven" as liberals claim. The only way to Heaven is through accepting the death and resurrection of Jesus as payment for our sins. Following the satanic cult of islam will only gain one an eternity in the fires of hell with their "god", satan.
I find it amusing that homosexuals constantly attack Christians as "haters" because we don't accept their perversion as normal yet never attack the moslems who will kill them for being homosexuals. To me that is quite hypocritical. Homosexuals sue Christian bakers who refuse to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding or the Christian photographer who refuses to photograph the proceedings but never bother to go to a moslem bakery or photographer with the same demands. Does that mean there are no moslem bakeries or photographers, I seriously doubt that!!!!! Christian "haters" call homosexuals to repentance while members of the "religion of peace" murder homosexuals yet get not one word of criticism nor one lawsuit for discrimination from the homosexual community who are so vocal against Christians. The day will come when these people will find out how wrong they have been but on that day it will be too late to change their tune. Jesus is merciful but waiting until He comes back and is about to cast one into hell isn't going to get one much mercy. Now is the time to accept Him. Accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior doesn't mean we are perfect or will never have troubles or commit a sin, it means we strive to live life for Him as best we can and to repent when we fail.
Ronald Reagan once said "if America ceases to be one nation under God we will become one nation gone under" and that is what liberals long to see, America gone under. They erroneously believe that the new world order one world government will be some kind of utopia but it will be their worst nightmare come to fruition. Russians thought Communism would be their utopia, Germans thought Nazi fascism would be their utopia, and American liberals think the obama/clinton/demonkrat party fascism will be their utopia. They hate President Trump because he desires, and is trying to, restore America to be the nation Almighty God and our founders established it to be. Liberals call Trump a fascist because they have no clue what fascism really is, total control of everything by an all-powerful government. Fuhrer obama tried and failed but came very close to establishing that goal. The successor obama and the treasonous left wanted, hillary clinton, would have continued on the same despotic path. Liberals are so ignorant that they think free enterprise and self-sufficiency is fascism when it is exactly the opposite. I can already hear the catcalls and the names liberals are going to call me when they read this but it doesn't matter because I know I am right and I will stand on the Word of God to back me up. President Trump was an answer to many fervent prayers from Christians who live and pray 2 Chronicles 7:14. I am still praying for his success and that his opponents, the misguided leftists, will be removed from positions of political power or media status and I firmly believe that Almighty God is going to answer these prayers as He answered the ones said before the 2016 election.
I submit this in the name of The Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
January 14, 2018
Judaism, unlike Roman Catholicism, Buddhism and Hinduism, has a strong
this worldly appeal to "heaven on earth" through the social gospel.
As a result it attracts agitators, cranks and malcontents such as Karl Marx,
Lev Bron-stein (Leon Trotsky) and George Soros; all self loathing Jews.
yes, I know, fuhrer Obama said that the Constitution is a list of negative rights, meaning it prevented him from doing the illegal things he was doing. They hate the Constitution, and ignore it, because it outlaws everything they seek to do.
Hello Bob...nice to see you posting.I was worrying about you......that election sure was something...many prayers answered....pastors are recognizing that the Johnson amendment is no more......unleashing pastors to conduct sermons around the politics of our day is huge.....i see young Christians very excited about keeping Gods wishes in line with their own life.We are very lucky to understand Christianity the way we watch this time in history unfold before us is special.i find myself praying more than ever........the power of prayer has never been more visible to those who understand.....Glad to hear from you....
A reflection on the past.
It is argued that the French Enlightenment spawned our modern era. Perhaps/perhaps not. Yet most certainly it was a decisive turning for Western Civilization, as it ushered in progressive political ideology as the mind set for our so called intelligentsia.
Contemporaneous w/the Enlightenment was the birth of the Industrial Revolution which raised material betterment to paramount status for the vast majority of mankind.
Now consider the following timeline.
The great religions have always honored their devotees/loyalists; most notably the Roman Catholic Church.
Although Vatican records are perhaps incomplete, the Church has Canonized (raised to Sainthood)
some 1875 members, from the time of Christ to the present day. Of that number 65 ( 3%) were Canonized since the Enlightenment.
What does that number say about the attitudes, behaviors, impulses and sentiments, prevalent within culture/society
since the Enlightenment??????
A reflection on the advancement of the sciences may be in order.
Maybe it means that what was once thought to be miracles were just eclipses of the Sun (or moon). Perhaps the one brought back from the dead, wasn't really dead. Possibly it wasn't a miracle, or magic, or witchcraft, but simply sleight of hand, or a masterful trick or deception.
You don't think that the sciences of astronomy, medicine, physics, geology, and so on have advanced enough to explain eclipses, earthquakes, and volcanoes? Are you one of those that believe hurricanes are God's vengance for accepting gays in church? Do you believe that voice in your head is God and not a creation of an opioid-induced auditory hallucination? Do you still believe in hocus-pocus above repeated scientific conclusions that prove it false?
No answers are necessary. The questions were posed for silent, personal, private reflection.
Not an answer, just an observation. For years I've gone hunting with my husband and his friends. Mostly walking around, though did shoot one deer. Felt bad about it later, though it was running right at me and would have knocked me down. Actually, I enjoyed experiencing the mostly quiet around me as I meandered through the woods. Thinking about what created such wonders - stately pines, hundred year old Oaks, small pools and creeks running through the forest. And when just sitting, seeing the squirrels sniffing around for food, or chasing each other up the trees; seemed so restful. Sitting next to the river bank while fishing, watching the minnows swim around, and seeing ducks; and even, sometimes a swan or two land on the water. So easy to believe. And wonders of wonders, watching a tiny baby just opening its eyes and reaching up for a hug. What more can there be. Even during the hard times growing up, and during my first marriage, the walking to work, or taking my kids in the wagon to the park, gave me a feeling of comfort and calm. Not drugs, or anything else, just a comfortable feeling someone was watching over my family.
T. Postulate this for arguments sake;
Say God created the Physical Universe for the purpose of this discussion. From that as a starting point, would in be reasonable to believe that God could manipulate that physical universe using things mortal man does not yet know? Some believe that is Intelligent Design or alternately Theistic Evolutionism. There is even a sect that thinks of God as scientist.
The bottom line is; People should be allowed to believe in God any way they want as long as it does no harm to any other person like the Crusades or Islamic Jihadism did and does.
That being said, the 235 years the United States has been in existence, it had and still has a strong belief by it's people in a diving guiding force we name God. The Judeo-Christian principles are what made us a beacon to the rest of the world, and allowed us to benignly for the most part to self Govern with compassion.
Now, the Godless Liberal Politicians are using that compassion against us because the general public's belief has been weakened over the last 10 decades by Humanism. That's my belief.
Amnesia, I don't use opiates and the voice is in my heart, not my head, and I know God's voice when I hear it because I pay attention to what is written in His Word, the Holy Bible. You naysayers will regret dismissing the Almighty when you face the Judgment seat but that is your problem not mine.. No I don't believe that natural disasters are necessarily punishment from God but they could be. His Word speaks about the evil of homosexuality. You might spend some time finding out what you are talking about so you don't show your ignorance so readily!!!!! I know you didn't want your ignorance responded to but tough!!!!!
A very nice thread. But I disagree with one partifcular sentence in your exposition: “..liberals ALWAYS choose “feelings” over facts in their quest to destroy the nation through their denial of the existence of an all powerful Creator”.
No Bob, they do not choose feelings….they reject them, or at least most of them, leaving the remainder for anger, hate, disdain and the desire to destroy what others have built. People who accept their feelings and learn how to cope with those which hurt, tend overwhelmingly to marvel at the humanity and universe around us. In a recent post, Virginia put it so nicely with in her last sentence: “…just a comfortable feeling someone was watching over my family”. It is people like her who embrace “feelings”, not the atheists or most of current day liberals.
One may ask why they choose to destroy this nation. Certainly, their political philosophy is to dictate, to regulate, to instruct people how think and behave….in sum, to control the people. Many lefties will angrily argue that controlling people is NOT what they want, yet they dedicate their lives to become experts or emulate them so they can “expertly” instruct and guide peoples’ lives. The experts know better, they insist. Just listen to the elites in the media and academia.
But the constitution doesn’t allow that. So, destroy the nation which insists on living under this constitution. One way - just one way among several, Bob - is to excise faith from our culture.
When a believer savors the good feelings of believing in God, the liberals immediately (if not sooner) attribute that to opioids or mental illness. When a believer marvels at the order of the universe and sheer complexity of human birth and existence, and attributes all to God, the liberals (again, immediately if not sooner) claim that this is hocus-pocus, which science repeatedly has proven false. And yet Bob, have you noticed that those who invoke science have no concept what science is. The true scientists, those who spent their life studying and understanding what makes universe tick, never claim that their craft disproves God. Those who don’t believe resort to the intellecutal honesty in which science trained them: they just can’t summon the faith in something they can’t prove. That is an honest answer, not a cutting attack by the left who do not understand science.
They don’t understand science? Just got to any leftie blog where the topic of science is brought up and test them on their knowledge of it. Most of the answers will be nil, and the rest plain hocus pocus. Try it. Their lack of intellect, much less intellectual honesty, may just astound you.
libs choose "feelings" over facts every time but they are very selective because they don't have sensible feelings. And I understand they think science disproves God but it doesn't disprove but rather proves intelligent design but they still deny it because it doesn't fit into their delusion that they only are omnipotent. Their lack of intellect or intellectual honesty does astound me but I see it daily and can only pity them because they will stand before God one day and it won't go well when they tell Him that He doesn't exist. They will be cast into hell for eternity.
An opinion derived from a reflection.
I'm reminded of the Lord's admonition: "Render to Caesar what is his and to the Almighty what is his"; an explicit recognition of the dichotomy between this material world and the other spiritual world.
The Ancients understood that Man is not perfectible in his life (a cardinal conservative precept) but religion, be it Roman Catholicism, Protestant Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, among others; shows us how to cross the Rainbow Bridge at our last moment of life.
Yet some are not satisfied to allow the values of the spirit to be an individual matter; rather insisting it be the choice of culture/society within the nation-state.
So what makes these any different from the agnostics/atheists who rant and rage against all organized religion???
Do we not have Rules for Man to survive and thrive since Adam and Eve?
Consider the converse of ''Thou shall not kill" and consider how long culture/society would survive permitting that.
The Natural Law is codified in the Ten Commandments and it remains the foundation for the survival of the nation-state which the Ancients clearly understood. It does not need religion to establish its pre-eminent rank..
You continue to show your arrogant stupidity. The original text was "thou shall not commit murder" but it was changed long ago and gives fools like you a false premise to try to argue. I am not going to waste any more time on you!!!!!
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