We The People USA

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My gut tells me that much is being done under the radar. Knowing that the deep state is the main swamp monster in D.C....Sessions and Trump are playing them like a well tuned fiddle..Get yourselves some good seats and extra large bucket of pop corn.I will also ask for you all to give up some prayers....God will be laying down his play. He is going to set things straight during the next few years.

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Trump may indeed have gravitas, yet we shall see.

But Sessions is coward and in my judgement the worst nominee, by far, Trump ever mad!!!!!!

TVC.I can agree with your assessment of Sessions. But I want to hold out on that judgement in hopes that myself and you are wrong about him. It is a stretch for sure, but when God has a hand in things, the spin can be intense. For me, there is no doubt that God is using Trump in his play on the world. Session`s could also have a part in these plans. The power of prayer is real. This is why we need to keep God in the top position of our lives. It is obvious that God has been diminished in our worldly lives. Thus our world has been in a downward spiral of late. The Devil has been doing a number on us. Much prayer has been offered during recent times. Thus we have shined some light on the evil workings. Prayer is the most important thing we can do. Prayer puts us in the spirit of all things good. The more we hang out in this spirit the more we become what we hang out with. Let the Holly Spirit marinate your soul....I PROMISE IT WILL NOT HURT ANYONE !!!!!!

Trump fired the Secretary of State, maybe he will fire sessions next.

If Session`s does not produce in the swamp draining. I would think Trump will fire him. We shall see. Trump is in charge and it shows.

Watching results come in on the race in 18th Congressional district in PA...I see that the democrats have a new kid on the block. His name is Lamb. He is a breath of fresh air for the left over blue dogs. Lamb is showing the path forward for the left. This is a win for America because Lamb is a threat to the establishment left. The right has RINO`s and the left has DINO`s.  The left needs to form a tea-party of their own. I am not in a panic if Lamb wins. It may be a very good thing for our country. Any rate, I can see turmoil and in fighting with in the Democrat party. That would benefit the Liberty movement.


Did you know when the Tea parties were originally formed in the 2008-9 years there were a significant number of Democrats in them working to reduce taxes. Not Dem leaders, just regular folks. Many of them switched party because of it when they saw the truth.

Things are certainly going to get real.  Trump has fired Tillerson, the only man in his cabinet that actually had no criminal past, no security problems, no gambling addiction, no gang of women accusing him of sexual assault or pedophilia, and replaces him with the head of the CIA.  "Hello, Mr. Kim, this is my friend, the Spy!!   Can't wait for that meeting... And that little weasel, Sessions, could be the next one, then he loses whatever little support he has left in the Senate!

The fact is, Trump hasn't drained the swamp at all.  He's merely turned it into an open cesspool of raw sewage with the creep-show he brought to town.  Well over 50 (and closing in on 100)  of his closest aids have already quit or been fired and he calls it a good thing.  It's becoming increasingly clear that, although they are experts at fear mongering, finger pointing, and agitating racists, the republicans    CAN.  NOT.. GOVERN..

It's not that they don't know what their constituents want, because they've made it clear what they want.  The republican politicians just don't care!  And now the tide is slowly turning and it's going to get real.

The first warning should have been in Alabama.  A half dozen women accusing Roy Moore of assaulting them as teenagers when he was in his 30's and not only does Trump support him, but the RNC gives him millions of dollars. .

It's not that republicans shoot themselves in the foot, rather, they insist on shooting themselves in the head.  Now it's Pennsylvania, where longtime Republican congressman Tim Murphy, who espoused strong anti-abortion views, resigned after being caught in an immoral extramarital affair after getting his girlfriend pregnant and insisted that she get an abortion. The special election to replace the head-shot Murphy was yesterday.

When asked about losing the special election in Pennsylvania, Michael Murphy, a veteran republican consultant lamented, “We should be able to elect a box of hammers in this district. If we’re losing here, you can bet there is a Democratic wave coming,”   The Democrat won, even in spite of HEAVY campaigning by the White House and Trump himself. 

The next shoe to drop will be the Stephanie Clifford 60 Minutes interview when she tells her side and Trump is ONCE AGAIN exposed to the country as the POS that he's always been. 

It no longer matters which Clown he fires next because he'll just find another Stooge to step in and be his lickspittle, until he has his security clearance denied due to bank fraud, money laundering, or whatever else they were doing in Trump Tower.  Mueller is closing in on those dealings as we speak. 

Yes sir.   Things are about to get real. 


Pennsylvania is not over yet, They still have not tallied the Military absentee votes, There are other absentee votes yet to be counted. I like a photo finish race because it means a lot more people participated in the election than normally would have. Lamb's a good man too, he's basically what used to be called a Blue Dog Democrat, and I have a feeling he is the new wave of the Democratic Party taking it back to the classical Democrats like JFK RFK and other common sense compromisers. Lets see what happens.


As for Lamb-Chop hope he's working for his next job as his district evaporates at the end of May. BYE!

Tillerson is zero loss as the clown didn't even know anything was up involving NK.

Think back to the time of TR;  Frick, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Harriman, Vanderbilt, Whitney, among dozens,

were economic nationalists whose first loyalties were to the USA. Not today.

This is the era of the Globalist Multi-nationalist Corporatist whose loyalty to the USA is last.

Ex-corporatist flunky Tillerson is/was the perfect fit at State.

Now the Chump-in-Chief Trump has congratulated Putin for successfully orchestrating his win in a sham election in what is essentially a a communist dictatorship.  This idiot is an embarrassment.

Nobody complained when Obama did basically the same thing.

Amnesia - name sure does fit, you seem to have forgotten all the stuff Obama pulled, that now President Trump gets accused of and called names. Remember when Obummer mentioned to Putin, about waiting until after he got re-elected?  And so many other things he pulled, think it's time you started going back in the Obama history files, before accusing President Trump, and those who support him, of bad  decisions. And oh, I suggest you think about being embarrassed yourself, for not actually researching your comments.

Hope you think about your posts in the future - I've actually liked some of them; but lately, find them to be incorrect, or even mean-spirited..




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