We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

My US Senator Jerry Moran (R-Ks), along with eleven other RINOs, voted "yes", in agreement with Democrats, to support the House Resolution seeking to stop President Trump from declaring a State of National Emergency on America's southern border and divert Executive Branch funding to secure the border by building a wall or other barrier to stop the invasion of illegals, including drug traffickers, human smugglers, sex-trade smugglers, gang members, criminals, possible terrorists, and others, currently approaching 100,000 illegal entries PER MONTH!

This is an INVASION, plain and simple, and everyone but the Democrats and RINOs knows it!   It CLEARLY requires drastic action.   Yet, "Fortress Washington" sits on its collective hands and bemoans ANYTHING President Trump tries, filing lawsuits and passing a Congressional Resolution while ignoring the elephant in the room -- THE ONGOING INVASION!

Webster's (copyright 1943) defines "Invader" as, "One who invades; an assailant; intruder."   it defines "invade" as, "To enter (a country) with a hostile army; infringe upon; violate".   It further defines "Invasion" as, "The act of invading; hostile incursion; encroachment".   

Before the vote I, along with many other Kansans, called Senator Moran's office in D.C. and urged him to vote in support of the President.   He ignored us, instead voting with Nancy Pelosi and the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.   

I subsequently received a mass email from Senator Moran trying to justify his vote.   in it, he waxed eloquent on his support for the President and the need to secure the border before pivoting and excusing his vote by claiming he was "defending the Constitution" from Executive Overreach.   I think NOT!

Since 1970, there have been 40 or 50 declarations of National Emergency on all manner of subjects, foreign and domestic.   Yet, in the history of National Emergencies, there has NEVER been ONE Congressional Resolution condemning ANY of them, EVER!   And, NONE of those supposed "Emergencies" have even, remotely approached the level of crisis we face on our southern border, a crisis so severe that even Democrats now call it a crisis!

More likely, Senator Moran and his fellow RINOs are defending "Fortress Washington", the Chamber of Commerce, their big donors, and the Swamp from a man the People sent to drain it.

Senator Moran claims to know and love the Constitution, yet ignores Article IV, Section Four which states, "The United States SHALL (my emphasis)...protect each of them (the States) against invasion...".

Further, there is 10 USC 284, federal law that empowers the President to use the military in just this [invasion] scenario AND allows the military to erect walls, fences, and/or other barriers necessary to complete its mission.   U.S. Representative Mo Brooks is very familiar with this law, has advocated for its implementation for months, and can brief the President on its content and legality.   Yet, this information is apparently being kept from the President, intentionally or otherwise.

Use of Article IV, Section Four and 10 USC 284 would instantly take both Congress and the courts out of the fray.

Despite Senator Moran's insistence that he is a staunch defender of the Constitution, I do NOT see him advocating for Article IV, Section Four and/or 10 USC 284 OR making an appointment with the President to brief him on their use.   IF (and it's a huge "if") Senator Moran actually does agree with the President on the urgent need to secure the border, why does he NOT, PERSONALLY, make the effort to advise the President of his legal and Constitutional options?

President Trump is apparently the ONLY one in Washington who recognizes that we are being invaded.   These are not "migrants", "immigrants", "asylum seekers", or "refugees".   They are invaders.   If they truly are migrants, immigrants, asylum seekers, or refugees, they can go to any official Port of Entry, file their claim, and await adjudication -- IN MEXICO as ordered by the President.  But, when they illegally sneak across the border, at illegal points and in mass numbers they become invaders and nothing else.

Why is it important to call them "Invaders"?   Words have meaning!   Calling them "invaders" automatically activates Article IV, Section Four and the use of 10 USC 284, allowing the President, as Commander in Chief of the armed forces, to send the military to the border, REPELLING the invaders.  THAT IS IMPORTANT!   "Invaders" are not given attorneys, court dates, housing, welfare, Social Security, healthcare, or anything else.   they are just REPELLED, PERIOD!

The President is not a Constitutional Scholar; he is a businessman.   He relies on his supposedly "learned" advisors to tell him of his legal and Constitutional options, something they are not doing, again, intentionally or otherwise.   If the President was told of Article IV, Section Four and 10 USC 284, the wall could be built in short order, the invasion would stop, and the border would FINALLY be secured.

Oren Long

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no they are not RINO's.. I am mad at Rand because he is overly hung up on the 4th A. But in all , I like how he protects the Constitution.. As far as listing the RINO's, I am not sure I can , many have gone .Romney must go . Corker, Flake, McCain, Ryan, Boenher, and a few others are gone. Virginia, the Tea Party was not formed to become a third party . It's mission was and is to fix the Republican party ,and drain the establishment out....I was hoping the Dems. would form a tea  type party themselves. but their movement involves socialism. And that is their downfall.

         Back to never Trumper's ,there really is not many left to worry about. Oh, by the way Myrkowski is a RINO.

I liked Ross Perot and I was tired of the GOP and the Democrats.  Ross Perot's party that I actually joined was the Reform Party, America. You answered my question quite well, thanks.  Just wish there was some way we could shock the Congress enough to remember this is our country.

Thanks for the kind words Virginia.

But see if you can answer me this: why is it that you and I, both avidly for Trump and committed to his agenda, in effect both on the same side, can have a reasonable and calm discussion about anything political. But I can't do the same with Kevin. Is he really for Trump?

We differ on tactics and interpretations, but our exchanges were always civil.

You put things very nicely: "This is 2ND Amendment property where I reside". Must be a safe place to live. Nice :)


I believe Kevin means well, but misses the message. I have learned quite a bit from Oren,Bob Russell, M, and Kevin's posts over the time I've been viewing this site. My backwoods learning, and rural life doesn't give me much access.I've been picking up from the We The People,  and also from Stop The Insanity site. 

And from you on Stop The Insanity site.

Ok Virginia, I will go along with you. Kevin means well, but too often, like the never Trumpers or RINOs, misses the message. He certainly isn't deluded enough to be a liberal, but against me he enjoys using left wing tactics. But as you said.....he means well.

My initial post was answer to Oren, not Kevin.

Many many years, on what you call Stop the Insanity site where we met, I learned a lot from your efforts in Wisconsin, back in the days before Walker. Backwoods learning? Virginia, yours is superior to most of those schooled in universities. You know your stuff, lady.


M won't like my response to you Kevin, but frankly you have no idea what you are talking about. You sound just like the liberals on NYT or WashPost, who instantly call you racist if you dare to disagree with them. Where you talking for Oren when you called ME names?  I voiced my disagreement with him, not you; I know you better than to critique Kevin.

When you call those you disagree with never Trumpers or RINOs, you actually are harassing people who are just as much for Trump as you (if not more so). I have no problem being completely for Trump as well as for what he is trying to do for us, and at the same remain convinced that your never trumpers and RINO's are also on my side. Yes, those senators who voted against the Emergency meausre are just too cowardly, too chicken to take brave action and instead hide behind parsed words. Why do they do that? I am not their shrink but surmise that they have this need to be accepted by others whom they consider to be their intellectual equals. In effect, they are looking for friends in the wrong places.

I just hope that your words have no effect on many others. Because, if they do, your narrow political worlld  will shrink enough for  liberal/progressives to take over. The later are the real enemies of this country. Wake up, Kevin.

It sounds like you do not think there is a swamp type atmosphere in D.C. I would also think you do not believe in the grip that the N.W.O. people have on our elite establishment politicians. The problem is that the truth of it is so entwined . Most people can not see the forest because they stand to close to the trees. I have been wide awake to this for many, many years. I only hope to open eyes to the truth of it. But you will call me crazy because u row in shallow water.  Get out in the deep water.... If you want I will teach you of what I know. Like I said. I hope to open up eyes to the truth.

Marrand, Kevin, and Virginia,

When I was on the Tea Party Site long ago I saw the same thing that I see here.   A Discussion Topic would be published and the membership would slowly fall into the trap of nit-picking each others' comments and replies.   Eventually, the exchanges fell into name-calling and accusatory attacks, some blatant and some subtle.   The original topic of discussion was forgotten in favor of arguing over minutia.

The purpose of my original post was to point out that Senator Moran, like so many in D.C., is more concerned with maintaining his position and reputation than with saving the country.   In that regard, he is very similar to the vast majority in Congress, the Deep State, K-Street, and even the judiciary.   The problem is that he (and others) just cannot see it.   To him, Trump is an 'enemy' for the simple reason that he doesn't do the "Washington two-step".   Trump has little or no regard for "the way things have always been done".   To Moran and others, 'form' greatly outweighs 'substance'.   

Everyone in D.C. knows that the border is on fire AND that something must be done, and done quickly if America is to survive.   BUT, to them, it must be done the "Washington Way" and not Trump's way.

They are literally fiddling while Rome burns.   It is as though Rome had a Fire Department, but it could not be dispatched because no one could agree on whether the firefighters would be unionized.   

The American Revolutionaries disagreed with one another on MUCH.   Yet, they focused on the greater threat -- ENGLAND -- and ignored their petty differences, for the greater good, and knowing they could and would sort their other differences out in the long run.   So, too, must we.

Moran and the other RINOs are doing the exact opposite, focusing on petty differences while ignoring the clear and present danger of unchecked and unvetted mass migration, constituting an INVASION!

To my mind, THAT is what we should be doing.   Ignore one another's definition of this or that.   Ignore whether this person or that person is a "RINO" or a traitor.

B U I L D    T H E    D A M N E D    W A L L    ! ! ! !

THEN we can focus on evicting the RINOs from the Party and replacing them with patriots.

That is why I wrote my article and, oh, BTW, it was published in multiple Kansas newspapers.   Apparently, I hit a nerve with Senator Moran.   So much so that he penned a reply, which was also published, trying to defend the indefensible.   I'm confident that I am not on his Christmas list.   I have received many positive comments from fellow citizens, but no negative comments.   People are mad as Hell!

I have come to believe that "Fortress Washington" couldn't care less what We The People think.   They only care what THEY think.   In their world, we are the "dirty, little people" who can be told what to think and do and who to vote for.   In the case of RINOs, their attitude is, "Who else  you gonna vote for, a Democrat?"   To them, that gives them license to do whatever they want because  you have no other choice.   They are laughing at you behind your backs.

This begs the question of why "Fortress Washington" so hates Trump when, in their heart of hearts, they KNOW the wall must be built and policed.   I touched on it earlier, but let me analogize it another way.   Remember that Jesus marched into the Temple, flipped over the tables of the money-changers, and challenged the Rabbis.   They hated Him for it and eventually had Him killed by the Romans so they could claim they had nothing to do with it.

Well, Trump is like a secular 'Jesus'.   He has marched into the Temple (Washington), flipped over the tables of the money-changers (lobbyists, big donors, and bureaucrats), and challenged the Rabbis (Washington Elite).   They hate him for it and will do anything and everything they can to stop him, even if it means the destruction of the country.   ALL that is important is the protection of the 'Temple' and the 'Rabbis'.  

Like the Rabbis of old who could not, despite their best efforts, separate the People from Jesus, so, too, is "Fortress Washington" failing in its efforts to separate the People from Trump.

Trump has NO friends in Washington and, I strongly suspect, damned few even in his own administration.   As I intimated in my original article, I suspect there are many 'closet' Never Trumpers in his administration, cleverly disguised as 'allies'.  

The above said, it is IMPERATIVE that we all keep hammering and hammering the Article IV, Section Four (A4,S4) and 10 USC 284 message.   Somehow, some way, we MUST get it to Trump.   We MUST get him to understand that he CAN use A4,S4 and 10 USC 284 to build the wall WITHOUT Congress or the courts.   Failure is not an option!  

Someone, somewhere, somehow MUST get it to the President, along with an extensive and comprehensive argument that will get his attention.   Too much is at stake.

That is also why I asked that everyone try to get my article published in their local and state newspapers to inform and arouse the voters.   As I noted, Trump has damned few friends in D.C.   We The People are his only, true friends.   He needs us and we need him.   Be his friend.   "A friend in need is a friend in deed".   Be that friend.


As one who did access Tea Party stuff, but never really signed up, I find your post RIGHT ON.  Actually attended some local meetings, before I discovered STOP THIS INSANITY and Kevin and "M." (I still communicate with KROZ down in Texas via email. She is another great Trump family supporter. And  Edward Shaw, now here on WTPUSA. _ You'll find some of his posts very informational.   

SO:  Lamar Alexander (TN), Mike Lee (UT), Susan Collins (ME), Rand Paul (KY), Mitt Romney (UT), Marco Rubio (FL), Lisa Murkowski (AK), Jerry Moran (KS), Pat Toomey (PA), Roy Blunt (MO), Roger Wicker (MS) and Rob Portman (OH). Here are the ones I'm very displeased with in the GOP party.  And what really bothers me?  Are any of these Senators in the states being overrun by illegals?  "No skin off their noses," is there!!!  These are the ones we need to beat on, not those here. We have different experiences, different lives; but we all are for an Republic America, not a democratic crisis center. GO President Trump!

I really like everyone on the We The People. Sure, sometimes I disagree, but then after reviewing and thinking about it, discover there is something I may have missed. So it's become a habit for me. STOP, LOOK, LISTEN,  before opening my mouth.   

My belief is everyone on this site is for President Trump, though there are some issues that need closer examination. And that opens up lines for discussion - go for it, but, remember - we want America back from the scum balls that want to destroy America.

Couldn't resist telling this story - started working in the garden. Like in politics, we need lots of stuff - information, friends, and competition. Well, I needed watering equipment and such.  I inserted a few plants in the ground started watering. Oh, oh. There was a "RINO" plugging up my watering can.  Guess what, from the interfering Democratic creek, a nasty little "NAZI" frog had gotten stuck in the pour spout. RATS!  Had to eject him so I could complete my watering sequence.   (He stuck his tongue out at me, and swore at me.)   

Dang it. end of story, for now.

OK, group - facts show that "ALL" of Congress cannot govern - 50 years no immigration legislation, 100 years just increase taxes on the people to buy votes for my reelection, medical insurance for all but zero plan on how to pay for it, force the entire education system to move left by directing funds from Federal grants, create a huge illegal dependent class, create a huge welfare program, cut military spending, make real debates impossible in the corrupt media, use the politics of personal destruction to bring down opposition, and lie to the people that you and yours are doing great work so send us back to DC yet again, support 13,000 lobbyists that all make over $ 4 million per year, and the list is miles longer but you see the real problem.

Lobbyist write most bills that congress puts forward. The entire DC machine is now corrupt and is willfully usurping the limits of the Constitution. They all promise give me a majority and we will solve all the ills of America? NOT! 

The intention of this piece is to attack them and not each other for divide and conquer is the DC way?

Mangus, you are correct (as usual), in every detail.

But let me run this past you.
GOP says: “give me a majority and we will solve all the ills of America.”. They have not and will not. We agree.

What do the Dems say? Give us a majority and we will transform America into a place we promise you will like. We both know what such place will be.

Do you agree that we all are stuck with only one of these two choices? Or do you believe that some third party could beat both in an election?

Ok, back to something less philosophical and more specific. We all agree we must stop the invasion. But I ask you sincerely Mangus, will the wall alone help? No matter how impenetrable? If that’s all we get, then picture lines of same invaders, just waiting patiently at each legal gate to apply for asylum. According to our currect laws, we must release them after some short time. The invasion will continue.

So, we need to build the wall AND change the laws. That will stop the new aliens. But what about those already here? Just let them stay? Deport a few? More than a few? Most? 

How do you correct the government to do all those things? According to many on this site, we would have to kick out most of the dems, liberals, progressives, never trumpers, and RINOs to reach that goal. Don’t all them together already form an overwhelming majority?

I see only one hope: that Trump has ideas and plans of action we are totally unaware of, and so are the media. Hope that enough people, somewhere, someplace in power, are already making realistic plans to help us. And we better not know them now, because if the media/academia get wind of it….well…..you know what will happen.





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