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Elizabeth Warren, Bill Gates and the crazy Democrats want to import third world diseases and then have working Americans pay for all the resulting healthcare nightmares

Vaccines in America are very popular because the fear of infectious disease has been ingrained in the brains of the masses, dating all the way back to the fake Polio cure. Yet, all of that goes out the window when it comes to Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) proclaiming she will tear down all Southern U.S. border obstacles she claims “unnecessarily” detain illegals.

We’re talking about third world immigrants, with no social security numbers, no vaccines, no medical records, and a whole host of possible infectious disease strains, so what happened to everyone’s germ paranoia epidemic? Should all the prime time “vaxxers” be standing at the border, by the thousands, syringes in hand, waiting to mass vaccinate all these virus, bacteria, and deadly germ carriers? What about the herd? Is the vaccine herd to be completely destroyed? Lastly, who will pay for all the healthcare carnage?

US taxpayers will be put “on the hook” for Elizabeth Warren’s open border policy coupled with the “Medicare-and-Infectious-Disease Epidemic” plan for all Americans

Are you voting for the Warren “M.I.D.E.” plan, “Medicare-and-Infectious-Disease-Epidemic,” where America literally imports people from South America and Latin America (who could have arrived from anywhere in the world first, including from terrorist bases and cells) so they can have free income, free food, free housing, free tuition, and free healthcare – ensuring they’ll vote Democratic forever?

Elizabeth Warren wants to instantly change every illegal immigrant in America into a U.S. citizen who can vote. End goal. Period. Then, upwards of 10 million illegals become Democrat zombies overnight. Add 10 million more over the next two to four years, and you’ve got 20 million sure-shot Democrat voters (that’s one fifth of all the Americans that voted for a President in 2016), and the “Demon”-crats never lose another election. Meanwhile, infectious diseases wipe out billions of innocents, while Bill Gates makes 40-plus new mandatory vaccines funded by the Pharma 5.

Guess who foots the bill for all of that? US taxpayers. Expect the Middle Class of America to be wiped out completely over the next 4 years if Warren wins (or anybody on the Left, for that matter).

Importing parasites, pathogens, tuberculosis, and measles, and then it’s “free” healthcare for all?

Sanctuary cities across America are meant to keep illegal immigrants safe from the law, ICE agents, and from being deported. Those cities are also homes to people who have no accountability – they’re not even “in the system.” If they wreck a car into you – no insurance on their end to pay for damages to your vehicle or you. If they have parasites, lice, ticks, tuberculosis, hepatitis, AIDS – that’s on you – the citizens. You pay for that. You catch that. You die of that. No repercussions for anyone because we have open borders. Get it?

The term “sanctuary city” will be referring to the entire country – the Socialist States of America or “SSA.” This is where illegal aliens can rape you and your children and no cops can touch them. They can give you and your kids HIV, and you can’t sue them or arrest them. That’s what the Democrat Party wants for America.

Medicare for All also takes coverage away from senior citizens, or did you not catch that? Senior citizen’s health care plans, as they know them and rely on them now, will be wiped out. Gone. Done for. Over. Every private health plan covering medical care would then be banned by the US Government. Does that sink in yet? It’s all really just population reduction, when you boil it all down. That’s why the Democrats are all in for murdering babies on the day they’re born, legally (think New York’s barbaric infanticide celebration not long ago).

It’s highway robbery wrapped up in a Ponzi scheme from hell, and it’s being sold to America by the worst hucksters and con artists to ever walk the Earth. They all back it 100 percent too, including the Wicked Witch of the West Kamala “Death Row” Harris, Bernie “Lunatic” Sanders and Pocohontas the treasonous, infamous cheat and liar herself.

The cost of all this for the Middle Class wipe out? Just a cool $40 trillion over one decade. Yes, that’s the same as the entire federal budget for each and every year. Get ready for a 75 percent tax they’re not talking about yet. Get ready for all U.S. guns to become illegal, and you better believe that’s another plan they can’t take to press, yet. Get ready for mass-illegal immigration like you never imagined. It will look like the movie “World War Z” and there won’t be a way out of it. The tech giants will make sure of that.

Tune in to CDC.news for the true story of how vaccines will be the downfall of American medicine, and the “open borders” policy the Left loves so much is death by infectious disease, and it’s the elephant in the room right now. Be real careful how you vote in 2020, at all levels. This has been a public service announcement from Natural News.

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Makes me glad to live in a rural area and in Wisconsin. We have problems, a Governor who doesn't believe in our Constitution; but here's hoping that he won't last long. At least I know that our children and grandchildren now are voting same as we do. They learned a lesson with Obama, and they really like President Trump. 

Our granddaughter's husband knows about the health problem. He has fought two serious diseases being exposed at his job. And the vaccines did not work.  I have refused the flu vaccine for years - my doctor even agrees.. My husband got his vaccine last month; guess what - he just suffered through a week fighting the FLU!!  

If warren gets her way, America will become like California in this parody;

Hoffi's post is right on. Doesn't anyone wonder about this new Coronavirus epidemic?  Wisconsin had several incidents - seems they have been proven negative, thankfully.  Except in Madison we have a positive case and the dang UW hospital let him go home to self isolate. And in Illinois they have several possible cases, and how about Texas and California.   Are we facing a takeover of our country by disease?  Wonder if Pelosi and her crew captured the virus to bring back and spread around. Wasn't their bunch off overseas while they should have been here doing Congressional jobs - like taking care of our country's needs.  Seems to me that the Democratic party no longer cares about the USA. And I was a Democratic voter for years before Ross Perot ran. Enough!!! The Democratic Party is no longer interested in the America we believe in and love.  




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