We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

I really don't know what to actually title this thread. so if you have a suggestion let me know.
There have been a few thoughts on my mind that I would like to share to get some feedback.

We can all agree that this country is heading down a path that we all dislike and are trying desperately to correct. I applaud all efforts. There has been a silent movement going on for the past 30-40-50 years that I feel is finally coming out to rear it's ugly head. We have been asleep and allowed some if not most of this to happen. Our education system,media,unions,and government have all been complicit in this slow shift.

Our society today is severely misguided, especially when they are taught what to think instead of being educated on facts and actual history and told what to believe by a filtered media. They are pander too by a government for self interest being promised everything but yet getting nothing.

The fabric of this nation is being stretch to its limits and beginning to rip. We are seeing cases around the country of class, racial, gender and religous warfare. Even though this may all sound terrible I feel it will only get worse if we allow this current path to develope.

I seriously do not feel that Barack Obama is qualified to be President! irregardless of the birth cerificate issue or capability. I feel there is a hidden agenda with-in him.

Now to my point.

Point 1: should he be disqualified there will be an uproar across this nation and perhaps (most likely) civil unrest. In my honest opinion I feel it may be far worse. I have read several articles of differing opinion suggesting; civil war and or martial law until this country can come together.

Point 2: should he attain the Presidency programs and agendas he has proposed are a frightening thought. The Civilian Security Force he has proposed sounds eerily familar to a project tried in the 30's. I feel he will institute alot of measure slowly taking away our rights and his world view will be perilous for us all.

I served in the Air Force under Ronald Reagan and was very proud to take that oath to "Protect and Defend the Constitution" Even though I no longer serve I feel that I am still bound by that oath.

So I hope I haven't sounded like an alarmist. but I think that these issues should be given a litlle weight and thought. I would like your thoughts on these matters.


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paul .. could not agree with you more! think there are many more of us with the same views but for whatever reason(s) are afraid to speak out. i know i'm tired of walking on eggshells where obama is concerned. we no very little about this "unknown" and what we do know (with no thanks to the msm) in no way calms my fears..just the opposite. i pray a lot!
I agree completely. I'm not sure which of the above scenarios will happen and truthfully I wish neither would. That being said I think in the long run him staying in office will be much more dangerous. It's evident that people really have no idea what has been going on in their country for quite some time. Just imagine all that he could undo in a short amount of time. If he should be found unable to take the oath, (which I hope is the case) there will be rioting. Now I do not want rioting but I do want to have faith that our government will do the right thing and look into these allegations prior to allowing him in office. At this point, with me anyhow, I feel so let down with the legal channels and what our country has always stood for.
Great words here. So true!!!
I do not know what really happened in this Election, he can talk the talk but not walk the walk? There is something about him that just does not click right, I can not be silent, I love my Nation to much to be thrown away. Was he really born here, if he was wouldn't he know the Pleagde of Alligance? This is a total nightmare!
He knows the pledge of allegiance he just won't recite it.He has no allegiance to this nation.He would like to see it fall and I believe that is his intent.His allegiance lies with other nations and religions.
I have been going to Church, and been praying with Pastor James David Manning http://www.atlah.org please join us for the 2012 Elect Movement. This is World Wide we must save our Contition and our Beloved USA, Now, is the time to get really ANGRY! IT IS TIME TO TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK!
More information on Obama, http://www.atlah.org/broadcast/manningreport Check this out and found out what the media is not telling you! please get the word out!
Wish I could read it. It is not there anymore. Hmmmm
First off I would like to thank you for your service in defense of our nation.I really appreciate all your hard work and sacrifice.Next I would like to say Amen to your comments.I think you are right on the mark there.I only hope we can come together as a nation and have him removed from office.I think if we don't we are all in for a long hard ride.




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