We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Citizens dedicated to preserving a Constitutional Republic ruled by law and the concept that sovereignty resides in We The People.


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American Conservative

American Digest

American Policy Center

American Power

American Renaissance
American Spectator
American Thinker

The American
Angry White Dude

Army Times
Assist News
Chuck Baldwin
Bare Naked Islam
Before It's News
Be John Galt
Big Government
Big Hollywood
Big Journalism
Big Peace

Bill O'Reilly

Black and Right

Tim Blair
The Blaze
BlueGrass Pundit
Bloggers News Network
Blogs Lucianne Loves
Blonde Sagacity

Bookworm Room

Neal Boortz
Canada Free Press
Jack Cashill

Chicks on the Right
Christian Action
Citizen Wells
Climate Depot

Commentary Magazine

Conservative Monster

Conspiracy Archive
Conspiracy Planet
Ann Coulter

Counter Cultured

Creative Minority Report
Creeping Sharia
CQ Politics
The Daily Bail
Daily Caller
Daily Paul
The Daily Reckoning
David Icke
Day by Day Cartoons
Debbie Schlussel

Debka File
Deep Capture

Dick Morris
Discover the Networks

Drudge Report
Drudge ReTORT
Doug Ross @ Journal
Dr. Helen
Election Law Center

Family Research Council
Faith 2 Action
Federalist Blog
First Things

Five Feet of Fury
Flopping Aces
Floyd Reports

The Foundry

Fox News
The Fox Nation
Freedom Fellowship
Freedom's Phoenix

Freedom Works

Free Republic

Frontpage Magazine
Frontpage Magazine
Gateway Pundit

Gay Patriot

Glenn Beck
Godlike Productions

Gulag Bound


Sean Hannity
The Heartland USA

Hugh Hewitt

Heritage Foundation

The Hill

Human Events

Laura Ingraham

IJ Review

Israel National News

Jammie Wearing Fools

The Jawa Report
J.B. Williams
Jihad Watch
Joan Swirsky
Joel Skousen
Jones Report
Judicial Watch
Just One Minute

Legal Insurrection

Maggie's Farm

Michelle Malkin
Mitchell Langbert
Lew Rockwell

Liberal Logic 101

Liberty Pen

Liberty Unyeilding
Life News

Life Site News

James Lilecks


Lonely Conservative
Logistics Monster
Loyal To Liberty


The Manning Report
Mark Dice

Mark Levin
Media Monarchy

Media Research Center

The Mental Recession
Michelle Malkin

Michael Savage
The Minority Report

Moe Lane

Mr. Conservative


The Narcosphere

National Constitution Center

National Review



New Zeal
No Quarter USA
The Obama File
The Other McCain

Outside the Beltway


Pajama's Media


Pat Dollard
The Patriot Post

People's Cube
The People's Voice
Daniel Pipes

The Pirate's Cove
The Political Commentator

Political Math
The Post & Email
Powerline Blog
Prison Planet
Propaganda Matrix

Raw Story
Rebel Pundit

Red Flag News
Red State
The Religion of Peace

Renew America
Republican News Watch

Restoring Liberty
Revolution Radio
Right Bias
The Right Scoop
Right Wing News
Riehl World News
The Right Side of Life
Right Wing News

Rush Limbaugh
Say Anything
Scared Monkeys

Stop Island Park Wildlife Overpasses

Debbie Schlussel


Sister Toldjah
Small Dead Animals
The Smoking Gun

Sooper Mexican
The Steady Drip
Steyn Online

Sharia Unveiled
Stop Nato
Stop the ACLU

Tea Party News Network-TPNN


Tea Party Tribune
Tenth Amendment Center
Tenth Amerndment Ctr. Blog
Theodore's World

This Ain't Hell
To The Point

Truth Out

Truth Seeker Media
The Truth Seeker



Vox Popoli
Washington's Blog

Washington Examiner

Washington Times
Watts Up With That
Wayne Root Blog

Weekly Standard
Weasel Zippers

Western Ctr for Journalism

Whitehouse Dossier

World Magazine
World Net Daily
World View Times

WSJ Opinion

Columnists & Commentators

Alex Beam (Boston Globe)
Richard Benedetto (USA Today)
Rick Brand (Newsday)
David S. Broder (Wash Post)
William F. Buckley Jr. (Nat Review)
Peter Canellos (Boston Globe)
Steve Chapman (Chgo Tribune)
Richard Cohen (Wash Post)
Gail Collins (NY Times)
Joe Conason (NY Observer)
Maureen Dowd (NY Times)
Thomas Friedman (NY Times)
Ellen Goodman (Boston Globe)
Nat Hentoff (Jewish World Rev)
Arianna Huffington (Syndicated)
Molly Ivins (Ft Worth Star)
Al Kamen (Wash Post)
Mickey Kaus (Slate)
Michael Kelly (Wash Post)
Joe Klein (Time)
Morton M. Kondracke (Roll Call)
Charles Krauthammer (Wash Post)
Howard Kurtz (Wash Post)
Julie Mason (Houston Chron)
Mary McGrory (Wash Post)
Mary Mitchell (Chgo Sun-Times)
Peggy Noonan (WSJ)
Clarence Page (Chgo Tribune)
Camille Paglia (Salon.com)
Chuck Raasch (USA Today)
William Raspberry (Wash Post)
Jonathan Rauch (Nat Journal)
William Safire (NY Times)
Robert J. Samuelson (Wash Post)
Mark Shields (Creators Synd)
Thomas Sowell (Jewish World Rev)
Andrew Sullivan
John O'Sullivan (Chgo Sun-Times)
George F. Will (Wash Post)

TV & Radio Commentators
Rep. Michele Bachman
Bret Bair
Glenn Beck
Bill Bennett
Neil Cavuto
Ann Coulter
Lou Dobbs
Sen. Jim Demint
Pat Dollard
Mike Gallagher
Bernie Goldberg
Sean Hannity
Victor David Hanson
Mike Huckabee
Hugh Hewitt
Laura Ingraham
Mark Levin
David Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh
Rich Lowry (NRO)
Frank Luntz
Michelle Malkin
Michael Medved
Dennis Miller
Dick Morris
Bill O'Reilly
Rep. Ron Paul
Dennis Prager
Karl Rove
Michael Savage
Mark Steyn
John Stossel
Fred Thompson
Greta Van Susteren
Chris Wallace
George Will



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Duplicitious Democrats

Started by M in Elections 10 hours ago. 0 Replies

Source; https://patriotcommandcenter.org/forum/duplicitious-democratsThe Democrats truly are the most evil, revolting, duplicitous scum bags, to use obvious malicious and…Continue

Kevin Sorbo on Voting For Trump

Started by M in Elections on Thursday. 0 Replies

Source; X formally Twitter…Continue

Big Horn National Forest is burning

Started by M in Misc/Uncategorized Oct 8. 0 Replies

BREAKING: Half of Wyoming is BURNING right now! I bet you didn’t hear a peep about it, did you? You'll never guess what they're going after now! Nearly 73,000 acres of the Bighorn National Forest are now on fire. “The previous largest fire recorded…Continue

After The Deluge

Started by M in Social Issues Oct 7. 0 Replies

Source; https://patriotcommandcenter.org/forum/after-the-delugeThe left wing lap dog media is already trying to limit the news media damage they claim the "extremists" are…Continue

Lesson of the Plucked Chicken

Started by M in Misc/Uncategorized Oct 5. 0 Replies

Source; https://patriotcommandcenter.org/forum/lesson-of-the-plucked-chicken  WHY have Biden/Harris/obama destroyed so much of our food? They burned animals alive,…Continue

Some Disturbing Information from NC

Started by M in Misc/Uncategorized Oct 3. 0 Replies

Source; https://patriotcommandcenter.org/forum/some-disturbing-information-from-ncFrom friend on Telegram… This needs to go far and wide to put pressure on the…Continue




Online Magazines

Accuracy In Media
American Spectator
American Thinker
American Conservative
Amer Conservative Daily
The American Prospect
Atlanta Const Journal
The Atlantic Monthly
Boston Review
Blacklisted News
The Bulletin
Canada Free Press
Capitalism Magazine
Chronicles Magazine
City Journal
CNS News
CNIN Truth
Conservative Economist
Consortium News
Commentary Magazine
The Conservative Edge
Conservative Outpost
Corruption Chronicals (JW)
The Corzine Times
The Daily Caller
Daily Mail UK
Deep Journal
Digital Journal
Dissent Magazine
The Economist
Florida Pundit
Foreign Affairs
Foreign Policy
The Freemen Institute
The Gouverneur Times NY
The Guardian UK
The Foundry (Heritage)
Free Market News
FrontPage Magazine
Gateway Pundit
The Guardian UK
The Globalist
Harper's Magazine
Harvard Inter Review
The Hill
Human Events
In These Times
The Land of the Free
Liberty Unbound
Mission America
Mother Jones
Monthly Review
The Nation
National Interest
National Ledger
National Review
New Internationalist
The New American
The New Ledger
New Left Review
New Media Journal
News Hounds
The New Republic
News Busters
News Fifty
News Daily
News With Views
Online Journal
The Palestine Chronicle
Planet Daily
Policy Review
Politics Daily
The Post Chronicle
The Progressive
Reality Check
The Real News Network
Real Clear Markets
Real Clear Politics
Red Pepper
Roll Call
Russia Today
Spectator Magazine
Telegraph UK
Toward Freedom
U.S. News & World Report
Utne Reader
Wall Street Journal Magazine
Washington Examiner
The Washington Independent
Washington Monthly
The Weekly Standard
World Net Daily
World Magazine
World Press Review
World Reports
World Tribune
Vanity Fair

Judicial Watch

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World Net Daily

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Accuracy In Media

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