Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Elitists/ Liberals believe in individuals, devoid of personal sovereignty, forming a collective
Conservatives believe in individuals with personal sovereignty and rights, forming a collective
This video shows up a lot of differences spectacularly;
Conservatism, since Antiquity, is a body of attitudes, behaviors, impulses and sentiments regarding human nature which is neither derived from or dependent on ideology, politics or religion. Rather than beliefs which are grounded in faith; it is set of principles among them:
* The existence of an enduring moral order governing Man derivative of the Natural Law whose truths are eternal.
* The Family unit is the bedrock and foundation of the social order of culture and society.
* We are mere dwarfs who see as far as we do, only because we stand of the massive shoulders of the Giants of Antiquity.
* Man is neither a perfectible creature in this life nor is paradise, an other worldly dimension, possible on this earth.
There are additional principles, depending on whether one prefers Aristotle, Ockham, Locke, Burke; among many great minds.
I like how you show just how bad Hillary is for the Nation with one picture worth ten essays.
Thank You Thomas,
That is a really good juxtaposition between Liberal and Conservative and is easily understandable. Please add more if you want to.
Thank you for this article. It is excellent.
M, it is very hard for me to even consider the differences - for me the Conservative is in the heart and soul of someone who believes in God, who believes that every person has the right to be free and to also respect others rights. Freedom comes at a cost - the cost being respecting others rights, but still hold fast their own beliefs and their rights. Our Constitution tried to do that and for the most part,. it has. Only when others decide their rights are more important, and are given the OK by those who have usurped the power of our government, do we find our beliefs challenged. So guess I've answered that other part - liberals believe their rights give them oversight on our use of the Constitutional rights.
While you mean well, Principled Conservatism from Pericles and Solon forward is anchored by the Natural Law.
Belief in the Almighty is an other worldly consideration, and irrelevant.
Nor does the mantra of freedom (liberte'); a nostrum of the French Enlightenment have anything to do w/it.
That is what I was trying to intimate - heart & soul, natural law of the individual. And for most, that includes their believe in God. Have same problem with Hubby, he and I most always have the same thoughts but our expressions almost always have to be ironed out - wrinkles in our thinking, I believe.
I understand what you are saying about Principled Conservatism. Natural Law and Natures God must have played a part in it on the morality aspect even if only as an enhancer/enforcer concept. Today the fact that various belief systems are once again actively and passionately interacting with the politics of human interactions, and by doing so they leave their marks on the modern Conservative/Liberal debates.
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