Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Dear Fellow Patriots:
Wanted to share the following recent eye-opening and/or gut-wrenching articles and videos:
Posted on Homeland Security US-By “Financial insider V” as published by Steve Quayle-On March 29, 2013:
“29 March 2013: Ten…
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on March 30, 2013 at 3:00pm — No Comments
JMJ...PRAY FOR JUST LEADERS ! ................................ March 29, 2013
h/t >
Police Restrain Hundreds of People Begging For Food As Officials Opt To Throw It In the Trash Rather Than Help
When SunTrust Bank bank foreclosed on the Laney Supermarket grocery store, managers were left with thousands of pounds of food and nowhere to put it. So, they decided to move non-perishable items to…
Added by KD on March 29, 2013 at 6:21pm — No Comments
The video link here is beyond chilling The most chilling aspect of its beginning is the looks on the faces of the people. These are people who seem to be surprised and confused. These things don’t happen here! It often seems as though things happen overnight but it doesn’t happen that…
ContinueAdded by Bob Russell on March 29, 2013 at 2:04pm — No Comments
March 29, 2013
Well.......yawn......Guess it's my turn to get told, "Wake up, Sleepy!" I went to bed early last night and then woke up at 3:15 in the morning absolutely wired! Got up for a couple of hours to do some work on the computer and then went back to bed for a bit. Now I need toothpicks under my eyelids......
Just re-reading some of…
ContinueAdded by Regner A Capener on March 28, 2013 at 8:52pm — No Comments
I just read a story that made my skin crawl. . Barack Obama has declared that the federal government will send federal agents into states to take over their…
ContinueAdded by Bob Russell on March 26, 2013 at 10:16pm — No Comments
March 22, 2013
Hiya, Folks! This is the best day of your life! Sure it is. Yesterday’s gone, and tomorrow isn’t here yet. Fact is, if you were any better, you’d be dangerous! Hohohohoho…….
Now wouldn’t you rather start the day like that instead of some old cranky, wheezy, whiny, “I jus’ don’t know if I oughtta get outta bed t’day or not! My bones are…
ContinueAdded by Regner A Capener on March 25, 2013 at 6:47am — No Comments
The Democrat leader of the Colorado State Senate, John Morse, recently stated, publicly, that he just ignores his constituents, and tells his fellow State Senators to do the same, because he doesn’t like their stand on gun control. Now isn’t this just the height of arrogance and tyranny? He is a “servant of the People” who swore to…
ContinueAdded by Bob Russell on March 24, 2013 at 5:09pm — 3 Comments
I saw a story on Facebook that gave me pause. I wrote the following paragraph in the comment box and shared.
Before anyone jumps up and down over this "victory" look at what…
ContinueAdded by Bob Russell on March 21, 2013 at 9:01am — No Comments
Dear Fellow Patriots:
What follows is a copy of a letter that I forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall today regarding the alleged orchestrated collapse of the U.S. Dollar.
For your information, I have also forwarded a similar letter to our NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich, NM U.S. Congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisham and NM…
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on March 19, 2013 at 12:00pm — No Comments
Dear Fellow Patriots:
Wanted to share the following article that reveals some extremely disturbing and/or gut-wrenching information:
Posted Northeast Intelligence Network-By By Douglas J. Hagmann-On March 18, 2013:
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on March 18, 2013 at 1:00pm — No Comments
Dear Fellow Patriots:
The following audio and web site reveal a gut-wrenching story of a mother’s trials and tribulations, to include death threats and a drive by shooting, while in the process of attempting to get the truth from our government surrounding her son’s mysterious death during an ambush that occurred in the…
Added by Jake Martinez on March 17, 2013 at 7:00pm — No Comments
This past week the Senate Judiciary Committee passed Sen. Diane Feinstein’s gun control measure that outlaws more than 150 different firearms by a strictly party line (10-8) vote, despite a 2nd Amendment that clearly says “shall not be infringed”. It doesn’t say “some firearms can be infringed”, or “some magazines can be infringed”; it says “shall not be infringed”. State legislatures in California, Illinois, New York, and now…
ContinueAdded by Bob Russell on March 16, 2013 at 12:12pm — No Comments
Dear Fellow Patriots:
Wanted to share the following eye-opening audios, videos and articles that reveal the geoengineering dangers, to include chemtrails and HAARP’s connection to hurricanes and earth quakes world-wide, along with their connection to the Illuninati and the New World Order:…
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on March 14, 2013 at 2:30pm — No Comments
Dear Fellow Patriots:
Wanted to share the following information with you:
The following audio reveals that signs are all present. Drones flying over U.S. cities and towns, enemy kill lists sanctioned by the executive office, allocation of ammunition to the DHS and other government agencies, and even the…
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on March 13, 2013 at 6:00am — No Comments
The Constitution of the United States of America, Amendment II: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
It isn’t a matter of whether the government bureaucrats and politicians understand the phrase “shall not be infringed” or not, but rather a matter of they don’t acknowledge the basic tenet of the Constitution or any of the…
ContinueAdded by Bob Russell on March 12, 2013 at 4:55pm — No Comments
March 8, 2013
Let's do we start this morning? OK! Coffee's on. Come and get it!
We were doing a little reminiscing a few days ago, talking about a funny experience I had when I was at First Assembly in San Jose back in 1963. Attending Bethany Bible College at the time, I had…
ContinueAdded by Regner A Capener on March 9, 2013 at 2:44pm — No Comments
The situation in our nation today takes me back many years to the early days of a sit-com called “The Beverly Hillbillies”. I remember the Clampetts hooking up with “Honest John” Shafer, played by long time comedian Phil Silvers. “Honest John” sold them every monument in Washington, D C (De Cesspool). Those “dumb ole’ Clampetts” just kept giving Honest John” Shafer checks made out to “C.A.S.H.” If you grew up with the Clampetts, Milburn…
ContinueAdded by Bob Russell on March 8, 2013 at 8:21pm — No Comments
It seems someone in Washington is beginning to listen to We the People. Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA), Chairman of the Appropriations Committee, and Congressman Jim Gerlach (R-PA), a Ways and Means Committee member, sent a letter to Secretary of State John “Lurch” Kerry telling him they want to speak with the thirty or so “invisible” Americans present in Benghazi the night of the attack on the consulate…
ContinueAdded by Bob Russell on March 5, 2013 at 8:16pm — No Comments
March 1, 2013
Good Morning!
It was just 21 years ago this month that Holy Spirit downloaded into us a vivid prophetic picture of the calling of the Bride into the secret place (see Song of Solomon 2:13-14). In the midst of a time of spontaneous prophetic worship we heard and played (and recorded) music which we later compiled into a recording titled The Secret…
ContinueAdded by Regner A Capener on March 3, 2013 at 11:44pm — No Comments
Dear Fellow Patriots:
The following videos, audios and articles and/or blog posts reveal a new twist to the New World Order Agenda-You Decide:
Added by Jake Martinez on March 2, 2013 at 7:30pm — No Comments
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