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Jake Martinez's Blog – December 2011 Archive (37)

Sheriff Joe 'suspicious' of motive behind Obama attacks: Is lawman's probe of president creating panic at White House?

Go Sheriff Arpaio!

Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On December 25, 2011:

“Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona’s Maricopa County has been under fire for his immigration law-enforcement policies from protesters who simply object to what he’s doing, in a lawsuit alleging his department profiles on race, and from the federal government which has canceled agreements with his department to check for violators who arrive at…


Added by Jake Martinez on December 26, 2011 at 9:30am — No Comments

ACORN leaders ramp up White House visitations: ‘Strategy developing to tilt elections to Democrats!’

What’s new here?

Posted on WND.com-On December 24, 2011:

Operatives of the radical left-wing ideology of ACORN appear to be working with the Obama administration on a strategy to tilt the 2012 elections in favor of Democrats, according to award-winning investigative reporter Matthew Vadum. ACORN leaders have made multiple visits to the Obama White House and the Department of Justice, new evidence…


Added by Jake Martinez on December 25, 2011 at 7:17am — No Comments

Wrongful Death Case Reveals Eric Holder’s Role in OKC Bombing Cover-up!

What’s unacceptable about this picture?

Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On December 22, 2011:

“You need to know that Eric Holder…played a key role in covering up the torture-murder death of my brother, Kenneth Michael Trentadue.”[1]

This is what Salt Lake City attorney Jesse Trentadue wrote in…


Added by Jake Martinez on December 24, 2011 at 12:43pm — No Comments

Congressman trumps Holder’s race card, asks if Mexican gun-walking deaths were ‘racially motivated’!

Right On!

Posted on The Daily Caller-By Matthew Boyle, The Daily Caller-Updated on December 24, 2011:

Arizona Republican Rep. Paul Gosar told The Daily Caller that Attorney General Eric Holder’s race-card…


Added by Jake Martinez on December 24, 2011 at 9:00am — No Comments

Is President Obama A Traitor?

If True-What’s unacceptable about this picture?

Posted on WND.com-By Larry Klayman-On December 16, 2011:

Barack Hussein Obama, our president, is a traitor. Finally, his hatred for our nation and his plan to destroy it are crystal clear. He must be forced from office – legally – before our entire country goes down the drain for the final count!

Much has gone on in the last three years to…


Added by Jake Martinez on December 23, 2011 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

It’s Getting Extremely Serious Now!

Comprehensive Look At New Hampshire’s Supreme Court Eligibility Compaint!

Posted on The Post & Email-By Lori Grider, Western Regional Campaign Director, The Cody Robert Judy for President U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign-On December 19, 2011:

(Dec. 19, 2011) — Before the New Hampshire Supreme Court is a case that could shake the political world clear through the…


Added by Jake Martinez on December 20, 2011 at 6:30am — No Comments

Sheriff Arpaio Fires Back at Obama Rights Charges!


Posted on NewsMax.com-By Gary Cohen-On December 17, 2011:

America’s toughest sheriff is living up to his nickname in a battle against the Department of Justice over its report accusing the Maricopa County, Ariz.,  Sheriff’s Department of a pattern of civil rights violations involving Latinos.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio says he intends to fight allegations in the 22-page Justice…


Added by Jake Martinez on December 18, 2011 at 9:49am — No Comments

Other Damaging Obama Background Information Not Exposed By Our Lame Stream Media In Run Up To 2008 Election!

What follows are other articles and/or blog posts that exposed some extremely damaging background information on then Sentaor Obama that was suspiciously kept from the American public in the run up to the 2008 Presidential Election by our Judas and/or Lame Stream Media-You Decide:

On September 26-27, 2009, the following eye-opening articles and/or blog posts were published by The Post & Email that revealed a recently released declassified FBI report that…


Added by Jake Martinez on December 16, 2011 at 11:30am — No Comments

U.S. Finds Pervasive Bias Against Latinos by Arizona Sheriff Arpaio??

What’s suspicious about this picture?

Posted on The New York Times-By MARC LACEY-On December 15, 2011:

“PHOENIX — In a strongly worded critique of the country’s best-known sheriff, the Justice Department on Thursday accused Sheriff…


Added by Jake Martinez on December 16, 2011 at 8:30am — No Comments


Dear Fellow Patriots:

What follows are extensive details about all elected officials, including local, State, and Government for all 50 States. Biographies, which include personal history, positions on all of the major issues, contact information, and a lot more. Extensive information about political candidates and elected officials all on one website. In addition, information about all Government officials within the various departments, agencies, Cabinet and Supreme Court Judges,…


Added by Jake Martinez on December 15, 2011 at 1:15pm — No Comments

Behind Holder’s war on voter-ID laws!

What’s wrong with this picture?

Posted on The New York Post-By Michael A. Walsh-Updated on December 15, 2011:

“If you want to buy over-the-counter cold medicine at your local drugstore, chances are you have to show a photo ID to do it. Same if you want to get on a plane, rent a car or open a bank account. So why not to vote?

But to Attorney General Eric Holder, the idea is an outrage. In the name of…


Added by Jake Martinez on December 15, 2011 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Liberty v the Fatal Cycle of Democracy: ‘The Path from Freedom to Bondage!’

A Must Read!

Posted on The Patriot Post-By Mark Alexander-On December 15, 2011:

“Honor, justice, and humanity, forbid us tamely to surrender that freedom which we received from our gallant ancestors, and which our innocent posterity have a right to receive from us. We cannot endure the infamy and guilt of resigning succeeding generations to that wretchedness which inevitably awaits them if we basely…


Added by Jake Martinez on December 15, 2011 at 12:04pm — No Comments

The Truth About Newt Gingrich From A Conservative Perspective!

Dear Fellow Patriots:

Heads-up: On Wednesday John Ziegler launched a brand new web site devoted to telling the truth about Newt Gingrich from the conservative perspective. The site promises to be by far the most comprehensive source of information about why it would be a bad idea for Republicans to nominate Newt Gingrich. It also announces a $10,000 bet offer regarding Gingrich's candidacy-You Decide: 

The site can be found at the following URLs::…


Added by Jake Martinez on December 14, 2011 at 6:12am — No Comments



ObamaBallotChallenge.com is a website that was recently founded by Capt. Pamela Barnett (Ret.), which includes an initiative to assist ordinary registered voting citizens wishing to challenge Obama’s constitutional eligibility and name placement on the presidential ballot for 2012.  She and her team are currently compiling election laws from all 50 states and will be providing forms and sample letters, which registered voters can use to file a…


Added by Jake Martinez on December 13, 2011 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Request for guidance for the removal of a candidate from the NM ‘2012 Primary Presidential Election Ballot’!

Dear Fellow Patriots:

What follows is a letter that I recently forwarded to our NM Secretary of State requesting her guidance and/or assistance in the removal of President Obama from the NM 2012 Primary Presidential Election Ballot:

“December 13, 2011

Mrs. Dianna J. Duran

New Mexico Secretary of State

325 Don Gaspar, Suite 300

Santa Fe, NM 87503

Phone: (505) 827-3600

Fax: (505) 827-8081

Dear Mrs. Duran:



Added by Jake Martinez on December 13, 2011 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Update On: “The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!"

Dear Fellow Patriots:

What follows is a letter that I recently forwarded to my NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall regarding what I consider to be the “Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History”:

"December 12, 2011

The Honorable Tom Udall

United States Senate

110 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510-3101

Dear Senator Udall:

Thank you again for your speedy response regarding the Stop Trading on Congressional…


Added by Jake Martinez on December 12, 2011 at 4:24pm — 2 Comments

Detainment Camps Going Live: FEMA Seeking Subcontractors to Provide “Temporary Camp Services” In All 50 States!

If True-What’s shocking about this picture?

Posted on SHTF.com-By Mac Slavo, SHTFplan.com-On December 7, 2011:

For the better part of two decades FEMA detention camps were believed to be a figment of tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists. As more information over the years has been made available through alternative news researchers like Alex Jones in his full length documentary…


Added by Jake Martinez on December 9, 2011 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Oath Keepers Alert: Federal Agents Demand Customer Lists From Mormon Food Storage Facility!

What’s disturbing about this picture?

Posted on Oath Keepers-On December 8, 2011:

Oath Keepers has learned that federal agents recently visited a Later Day Saints (Mormon) Church food storage cannery in Tennessee, demanding customer lists, wanting to know the identity of Americans who are purchasing food storage from the Mormons.

This incident was confirmed, in person, by Oath…


Added by Jake Martinez on December 9, 2011 at 10:30am — No Comments

Letter to News Outlets-RE: Congressional Insider Stock Market Trading and Agenda 21 (Land Grab Movement)!

Dear Fellow Patriots:

What follows is a letter that I recently forwarded to news outlet s around the country regarding the Congressional Insider Stock Market Trading and Agenda 21 (Land Grab Movement) issues:

“December  8, 2011

Dear Investigative News Reporters:

I would like share the following…


Added by Jake Martinez on December 9, 2011 at 10:30am — No Comments

Evidence: ATF Used ‘Fast And Furious’ To Demonize 2nd Amendment!

What’s disturbing about this picture?

Posted on Prison Planet-By Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet.com-On December 7, 2011:

“As we postulated when the scandal broke, the Fast and Furious program that saw the ATF deliver guns into the hands of Mexican drug gangs was admittedly exploited to demonize the second amendment and push new gun control regulations.



Added by Jake Martinez on December 9, 2011 at 10:30am — No Comments

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