We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Dear Congress

This bill you recently introduced, the one that’s over 600 pages, yes that one, what was up with having a speed reader come in to read the bill? You really think that was clever? I’ll bet ya’ll had a cute little chuckle over that, “They want us to read the bill, okay, we’ll show them.” That was by far the biggest slap in the face to the American people of all time. It exemplifies your conceited, narcissistic, self absorbed, megalomania! There is probably only a mere handful of you who even deserve to call yourselves representatives of the people, you disgust me and Americans all over the world. The very idea, 600 pages. The Eisenhower Highway construction act, the one that built all the roads and made America a mobile society, YES THAT ONE, was only SEVENTYFIVE PAGES! I am absolutely shocked at your behavior. If one of my kids pulled a stunt like that one I would have tanned their hide.

I’ve got a little news flash for you. That is OUR HOUSE, not yours. Furthermore you work for US, and nobody else. Ya’ll sit up there lining your pockets and making sweet deals for your spouses and tax us into oblivion without so much as a thank you. Well I’ve had it and like me many Americans have had it too. You can take all your precious congressional caucuses and sub committees and stuff them where the sun don’t shine because ya’ll are done. We, THE PEOPLE, are going to shut you down one way or another. I will do everything in my power to help send every last one of you home next cycle so start packing your bags. I can’t vote in all the districts, unless I contact ACORN I suppose, but I can send money to your opponents. I don’t care if I have to sell everything I own, beg, borrow or steal I am sending them money. I’m telling everyone I know to help me do this, and with things like Twitter and My-Space I can contact a lot of people. The gravy train is over. The buck starts and stops right here and notice has been served. Consider this YOUR pink slip.

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