We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

President Obama,

I understand you are trying to fix the U.S. automobile industry, but please don't say they build cars Americans don't want. I have a 1988 Mustang with 280.000 miles on it and I love the car. We rebuilt the engine and transmission just because, it didn't need it but I like to tinker. My Ford F-350 diesel has 230,000 miles on it and it pulls my horse trailer just fine and works on my ranch every day. Some people like those Jap cars and those Kraut rigs mostly so they can say they have a car that costs $35,000 as a status thing We have a $230,000 combine that gets driven only 2 months a year, also made in the US by John Deere. So don't knock American products, they are the best in the World.

I am also pretty clear that you and your staff are working on fixing the insurance industry, Wall Street's screw ups, cutting defense spending and nationalizing our health care system. Try to understand we all appreciate what you are trying to do, we really do. The thing that really bothers us, the Americans who dive the economy, is really quite simple. Neither you nor anyone on your staff has ever had a real job. All of you have been in the business of Government so long that you have no idea how business really works, but we do. You see we produce a product or perform a service and we get paid for that. Then we use that money to pay our bills, another thing you don't get but I'll write you about that later. Government knows only how to confiscate most of our money and just give it away to those who won't make a product or perform a service. I'm trying to keep it simple here so even you can understand it. This whole idea is wrong and it is the reason we declared independence from England in the first place. We actually fought a war over the whole thing, it was called the Revolutionary War and it all started in 1776.

Now I know you are a brilliant orator as long as you have your machine with you but the fact of the matter is you are a complete idiot. Your whole staff is about as inept as as inept was ever meant to mean. You and your buddies in the White House and Congress have screwed things up so badly that it has resulted in this mess in the first place. What makes you think you can run the car business, insurance business, the stock market and the country all at the same time when you can't even do one of those things?

So, please for the lover of God, Allah, Buddha, Wicca or whoever you want me to call on to get your attention, STOP! You have a little less that 4 years left in your administration. Take a lesson from President Eisenhower. DON'T DO ANYTHING! Take up golfing and hang out a golf clubs that wouldn't let Tiger Woods in a few years ago. Have a few drinks, a sandwich get your photo taken with George Soros and GO HOME. Stop what you are doing because you are making a bigger mess. Let people like the Border Patrol, Joe Arpaio and General Casey do their jobs and hopefully by 2012 there will still be a United Sates of America.

Thank you for your time,
JD Carpanzano

p.s. Please tell Hillary not to laugh in public, it's embarrassing.

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