Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Can anyone else see the train wreck coming. The debates hosted by CNBC proved how blind and out of touch the general public are. I felt good about the ass chewing the media got., and felt proud of the group of candidates as a whole. The thing is. That these politicians that were planing and waiting for a Newt Gingrich moment, because they felt that`s what it will take to move the poll numbers. I am not all that upset with them for doing it. But I am very upset with that it actually worked. I am so put off by how many of the asshole voters buy this type of crazy campaigning. Yes it is ok to feel good about the groups actions. But for the only ones who improved in the polls were the ones with the best gotcha lines,, AND THAT IS SICK. Are we really going to be this type of group here. I would like to hear some other thoughts on this. We have been smothered the Trump crap that for months now, good politicians are not getting heard because to many bought into the whole reality tv bull. I think it`s time to stop wasting time with such foolishness. This is too important. I do not see what is playing out, It feels like nothing has been learned from mistakes of the past.THE POPULARITY CONTEST NEEDS TO STOP. .....WHAT SAY YOU!
Yes Jack, That is a good idea, Term limits have been talked about. But only one candidate is serious about it. And he is polling at 4%. Rand Paul is the only candidate who is running on a platform to change Washington. He was at the top of the polling 5 months ago. He was 2nd behind Bush. Now since the Trump involvement , people seem to be only talking about individual agendas again. The selfishness of everyone`s wants has crept back into the fold. Trump got everyone divided more than ever. If people think Trump will fix this country your crazy. Ferguson and Baltimore were just warm ups for what will be in store for our country.
I would agree except , that has been the premise we have been using. And we see how thats been working. But any rate, fixing Washington should be what we want as top priority. All other issues will be fixed with proper constitutional guidance.
Do you think that changing Washington is the most important thing we need to do ?
It is a simple question. I still do not know if you think changing Washington should be at the top of the list.
Blade that would be nice, but it's the politicians who write the laws. Do you think for one minute a politician will write a law that will hang him/herself?
Blades, Do not take me wrong but you did not answer the question. Do you think changing the way Washington works should be our first and for most order of business in this election. I am not talking changing the Constitution. Everyone has a different view of fixing it. Just want to know where your priorities lie. I am not interested in arguing ,so I am asking to know, not to attack. That is not my mission in asking. But you keep trying to explain things
I am sorry you see me asking a simple question as painting with a broad brush. I actually thought I was keeping it simple. Oh well..So much for thinking I guess....I think maybe I will give up thinking, It just gets confusing at times.LOL :)......Oh wait there I go thinking again...Thinking to not Think...I NEED TO STOP THINKING
Blades I did not say changing Washington was simple. ...Have you been drinking?
HAVE I BEEN DRINKING ...WOW...gonna start calling you atlas or DE..
pretty clear this whole convo. was just a BS session at my bugger off I dont have time for ....your games
Blades, You seem to not be able to take a question and answer it straight up. I am not out to get you or anybody. But your inability to answer simple questions without confusing things leads me to wonder where the frig your coming from. I am one person here who is in your corner. I am in any ones corner who can have a respectful give and take. I will stick up for your opinion, even if it is different from mine... I was trying to understand why your conversation with me was so evasive of trying to get some good open minded discussion going.. So I asked if you were drinking. If you were drinking I could care less . I like a high ball myself now and then. So I guess the way you handled things in our conversation tonight, was actually a sober you. That is very telling in itself. I will not bother you again. If all you want to do is post your thoughts without having discussion is fine by me.
Kevin, Political influence has been around since the very beginning. Yes, politicians can be bought which helps fund their reelection campaigns which are their primary objective, getting reelected. Each politician knows he must win the majority of votes and he does that by consistently giving the majority of voters exactly what they want. Politics is a game of numbers and it has always been that way. Successful politicians now how to read the mood of the general public and give them what they want, even if it is just a mushy position. If the public believes they are getting what they want the politician is safe. Your politician is never at fault, it is always the other guys politician.
Am reading a book called the Townsmen (The Old West - Time Life published 1975, by the editors of Time-Life Books, with text by Keith Wheeler. Library of Congress #74-21780) Keeping in mind that even these editors, and writer have their own opinions, the book points out just what Jack has said, political influence has been around since the beginning. When the western lands were opened up, there was all kinds of fraud, and graft and misuse of power. And the politicians all were involved. Both sides.
By the way, most of the western territories were Democrats, Dakota, Wyoming, Kansas, Nebraska, Arizona. And The Democrats owned the government up until 1888 when finally Republicans got both houses. (Women's Sufferage finally got a start in the state of Wyoming, and this was with a GOP Gov. and a Democratic legislature.)
All these territories had been waiting for years and years to be given statehood - promised but never given. With the Republicans in charge, they finally got their statehood.
From the Townsmen, page 130 "Everywhere in the early West, elections offered irresistible opportunities for vote fraud. ............ When two rival candidates practiced fraud, the better cheater won, but not always. ........In a scandalous Nebraska election in 1859, vote fraud was so flagrant on both sides that the U.S. Congress, called upon to decide the contested results, awarded the office to the loser on the supposition that he must have cheated a little less."
I feel like we are in a similar situation, but we don't have a Congress and a President that we can expect to help.
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