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A Crash Dummy Explains The Importance of the Third Amendment

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Listen to this ans see why the Third Amendment is critical to understanding the reasons for the Bill of Rights and why we fought so hard for the Freedom and Liberty that the dark/evil vile progressive and elitist forces are so adamant about taking away from us.

so simple even a dummie can understand it....hope that dummies aren't offended....I think I'm in trouble...again....crap


Feel free to get the embed code and post it where ever you think it will help educate the public.

frist of all, if our government was  tyrannical they could easily occupy any space they choose, they certainly wouldn't be concerned about the 3rd amendment or any other part of the constitution. Next the idea that many citizens would be armed making it much more difficult for the government to achieve this end doesn't meet logic: because there is too great of unequal power between the citizen and the government. Every place the government met resistance they would just eliminate that resistance with the necessary firepower. The third amendment may have been a precaution at the time of our early development as a country, but it certainly has no relevance in today's society.

LOL Excellent....I am sharing and sharing and sharing.....

Here is another video more serious and 1:57 min long but thought it was worth bringing over to here and my videos in the video section

MOLON LABE - How the Second Amendment Guarantees a Free State


Come and get them!



Molon Labe®
(mo-lone lah-veh)

A short history and meaning behind the phrase “Molon Labe”


Molon Labe: Two simple, little words. But with these two words, two concepts were verbalized that have lived for nearly two and a half Millennia. They signify and characterize both the heart of the Warrior, and the indomitable spirit of mankind.


In 480 B.C. the forces of the Persian Empire under King Xerxes, numbering, according to Herodotus, two million men, bridged the Hellespont and marched in their myriads to invade and enslave Greece.


King Leonidas of Sparta and another Greek city-state agreed to help stop the invading Persians, and marched with 300 hand-picked troops to Thermopylae on the north coast of Greece. Thermopylae was the best of three possible defensive areas in which Xerxes' invading army had to advance. This mountain gap along the coast was about 60 feet wide, and was the best location for a blocking action. The confines between mountains and sea were so narrow that the Persian multitudes and their cavalry would be at least partially neutralized. Since the 300 knew they were going to die fighting against overwhelming forces the first requirement was that each man had to have a son left behind.

When Leonidas was preparing to make his stand, a Persian envoy arrived. The envoy explained to Leonidas the futility of trying to resist the advance of the huge Persian army and demanded that the Spartans lay down their arms. Leonidas told Xerxes "MOLON LABE", or "Come And Get Them."

After days of fighting and having killed countless numbers of Xerxes' elite troops, they were finally overrun after being betrayed by a traitor who showed the enemy another pass behind the defenders. King Leonidas, his Spartans and their Thespian allies died to the last man. Xerxes marched on and destroyed Athens. The standard of valor set by this sacrifice inspired the Greeks to rally and, in that fall and spring, defeat the Persians at Salamis and Plataea and preserve the beginnings of Western democracy and freedom from perishing in the cradle.


Two memorials remain today at Thermopylae. Upon the modern one, called the Leonidas Monument in honor of the Spartan king who fell there, is engraved on a marble slab is his response to Xerxes' demand that the Spartans lay down their arms. Leonidas' reply was two words:

" 'Come and get them.' "


The second monument is a plaque dedicated to those heroes at the site. It reads:


"Go tell the Spartans, travelers passing by, that here, obedient to their laws we lie."


The point of this true story is when anybody demands you to give up your arms, tell them "MOLON LABE".


These words live on today as the most notable quote in military history. And so began the classic example of courage and valor in its dismissal of overwhelming superiority of numbers, wherein the heart and spirit of brave men overcame insuperable odds.


We have adopted this defiant utterance as a battle cry in our war against oppression because it says so clearly and simply towards those who would take our arms.

It signifies our determination to not strike the first blow, but also to not stand mute and allow our loved ones, and all that we believe in and stand for, to be trampled by men who would deprive us of our God-given – or natural, if you will – rights, just to suit their own ends.


if anyone watches that movie and can come to the conclusion it makes logical sense, we are in for a long struggle. Does anyone believe our country can defend itself better from outside threats having 50 individual armed forces and intelligence agencies? A few hundred years ago we had a war between the states and millions of people were slaughtered needlessly. How smart was that decision?


I don't think you understood what it was saying. It was explaining the intent behind the 3rd that shows the reasoning for the rest of the Bill of rights. What the British Troops did in colonial times spurred the Americans to resist and the threat of taking away their guns ignited the Rebellion in concert with the taxation issues.The third lends credence to why we need the Second which is basically to protect us from our own Government. The British Troops were legally able to confiscate anything they wanted or needed, and to do ,anything they decided was in the interest of England. If you read that caveat into all the rest of the Bill of Rights you will see it applies to everyone of the 10 amendments.

Yes M I think I understood the message as relates to those times, but my point is it does not relate to our times of today. If every citizen was armed it would not prevent a tyrannical government from taking control by force. An armed citizen is no match against a tyrannical government. You are just asking for senseless mass slaughter.

Consider this Jack,

There are 1.46 Million people combined in Americas Armed Forces, All combined police forces amount to 1.1Million for a general total of 2.5 million armed government forces.

There are between 270 Million and 310 Million armed American Civilians given the best Government estimates. Who do you think would win in the end?

I also wonder - would our men and women stand against the people of America? Our sons, and daughters who respect the American flag and the Constitution. I believe that most do. So would they when push comes to shove, respect America, or believe the rhetoric of an out-of-control President. That's what I wonder.




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