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A Crash Dummy Explains The Importance of the Third Amendment

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Jack, Try telling that to the Patriots at the Bundy Ranch

.....................The Government at the time were calling these people Domestic Terrorists

Kevin, I have acknowledged two facts, our government cannot control our miltary against its citizens and if they could they are no match aganist our military, therefore, the discussion has no logic.

Jack . Have you ever heard of a group called Oath keepers?...Research them for a while and you will grow confidence that if and when we need to flex our 2nd ,,It will happen for sure.. You need to have faith of the number of people who will move when it is time...Many I talk to will move at that time but are just watching for the signs.Everyone knows it is a hard decision to come to. But make no mistake, just because it takes a lot of thought and is a tuff call, does not mean it will not be done.

kevin, no I have not heard of Oath Keepers

Jack, Check their web site out...You will really like this group of patriots I`m sure.

I agree with Kev Jack..these are true Patriots...

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (21Alive) -- The Oath Keepers have been standing guard outside of a Fort Wayne military recruitment center for 100 days now, and members told 21Alive that they are committed to stay 100 more.

Armed members of the Oath Keepers started their watch outside of Fort Wayne's military recruiting center in the Glenbrook Commons after four marines were gunned down at a recruiting center in Chattanooga, Tennessee this summer.

This is an organized militia that also stood guard during the Bundy Ranch standoff.  My grandson was just discharged from the Army National Guard./ he was finishing up his boot camp, when a piece of metal that had been put in his foot to save his toe  started working it's way out. He finished training, but then was discharged. He lost 3 awards he'd earned, and was told he could get back in if the Gov. would make that agreement. Anyway, he has been checking out the Oath Keepers. I believe he is not mature enough yet, though.    

Thank you Mike; I counted 79 of USA Top, Most Qualified, competent, seasoned, well-reasoned, effective and Oath Keeper American Patriot Top USA Military Brass 'canned' by the communist upstart Obama; now surrounded by a cadre of "military yes-men" who, no doubt, are his "best" at stroking his ego" and, National Security, The Safety of Our Reupblic and Her Citizenry be damned!

Does Obama envision these "yes-men" actually commanding his "refugee" young, healthy, military-capable, imports!  Do you think Obama envisions them "enlisted" in the United States Military, or will there be another EO establishing a separate National Military in The United States and having nothing whatsoever to do with The Constitution!

Obama is the biggest threat to The United States that are Republic and Her Citizens face today, and has been for longer the term he has allegedly served thusfar!

I do not question the patriotism of any person or group. I am merely pointing out the fact it is nearly impossible for our country to be controlled by a tyrannical group and it is also nearly impossible should it happen an armed citizen revolution could ever be successful against the government. If both cases are not a likely reality why even discuss the hypothesis?

No one said you question the Patriotism..Did you watch the video of Mr. Rhodes (founder of Oathkeepers ) gave? If you do not take time to look or read , You can never expand your knowledge. I know its hard to  look at other peoples views. I see an example of it in our White House. But looking at things from a neutral position helps one to see what others see. Then one can make a well informed decision on issues. If this sounds like an attack it is not. But I will call it as I see it. Sometimes I do not see it in the correct light. If this is the case here I`m sure you will correct me. And then I will stand corrected...It is up to you to be honest with your response.

Yes Kevin I did watch the video as soon as you alerted it to me. It had no measurable impact on my view of this subject. I try to examine every point of view and keep an open mind as much as possible. I watch, read and listen to conservative and liberal views every day and I try to sort out what I know is fact from the opinion that has no fact. I know that 95% of what I see and hear in the media is not factual and what I learn on the internet blogs is almost 100% unsubstantiated information. Having been around for a long time, I have learned where the real information can be found and since I am not in a position to be a part of those circles I have to rely on common sense logic to try to sort out what is true and what is not. Most of us fall into that same category. However, when I review the information I never connect two separate points of information together as fact unless they actually belong together and under no circumstance can be separate.

I stand corrected. Bottom line is , You think that a strong armed militia of the citizens will lose.So that means you think our armed marines will open fire ,and kill the citizens that pay their wages.I on the other hand think with proper technique. the armed soldiers will not open fire and mow down citizens.I think they will join the resistance.Hell ,we got army personal now that are not willing to even go to war for this POTUS.




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