We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

-------The Proposal--Tea Party--The Coalition---------

Across various Tea Party Groups, we have countless numbers of Americans -- Loyal, Conservative, American Patriots -- working hard to 'Save Our Beloved Republic' and the restoration of American First Principles and Values!
As you know, this is a very critical time in "The American Experiment", with a lawless, Illegal Federal Government in DC --- from Traitor Obama, his co-conspirators, right through both houses of Congress, and, of course, The Supreme Court of the United States which is stacked, almost fully, with prog activist Justices, at least 4 to 5 of the nine, who no more intend to uphold their Oaths than Obama!
Even while each of these 'social Tea Party Groups are working diligently, to be most effective in "Saving Our Beloved Republic", we are as weakened as we are separate!
I believe there needs to be One Coalition, One Umbrella Group, under which numerous Tea Party Groups, as well as other American Conservative Groups, under which The Movement as a whole can be most effective in ensuring the Safety and Security of The Republic of The United States of America!
At this point in Our Young Nation's History, Our/The 'American Experiment' in self-directed governance is under constant assault by 'The Enemy Within', while they pit group against group, attack Our Social Institutions and Values, and 'illegally import' individuals from other parts of the world whose intentions are in concert with that of "The Enemy Within"! The Federal Government, as a whole, is a Master Manipulator and fully intends to manipulate its 'human' imports to further weaken and ultimately destroy Our Free Republic!
We American Patriots, We Conservatives, We The People Must, Must Stop them Now! Their advances and inroads into our very destruction is already on a mass scale! They Must Be Stopped! We the People will not have a Prayer of Success to that end so long as we allow 'The Enemy Within'to further employ all its 'clever' divide and conquer' tactics


For Our Republic to Survive, it has to work!  It may naturally sort the "wheat from the chafe" as well! Or, will the Real, True, Red White and Blue, Loyal, American Patriots please take the reigns, knowing we can't all drive at once, but it will surely take millions, and millions of American Patriots to safely navigate Our Republic to it's true course once again; always with the Help of God in Our One Nation Under God!

In God We Trust! 

God Bless America!

In Liberty,

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Well Said Kat, I hope everyone reads this and spreads it around

I agree and I had already brought up this subject on "Stop This Insanity" - asking for any ideas and input in getting this "Coalition" started. (Didn't use coalition though, I like that word.) Anyway, I have just copied Kat's post and it is now posted on Stop This Insanity - with a forward from me. I really hope that this can be worked out. It would be the right way to begin.

I have said from the very first day I became an active grassroots member, to have any effect on changing government we must have a firm number on how large this movement is. To this day, the movement has used every excuse under the sun to expose that number, not because it is difficult to do just because each feel it is not important. As I have always said in politics numbers is everything. The black population represents 14%, the Hispanic about 17% and the LGBT group about 3%. Why do you think these groups have such success in politics getting their voices heard. Because of one simple fact, each of their strength in numbers is well quantified so the impact of their movement can easily be measured. Whereas our grassroots movement is merely and an estimate of our strength left only to the establishment politicians to gauge our effectiveness. So far the establishment has been correct in assessing our strength. 

Now if we are going to organize to use our numbers as a strength we first have to quantify that number. Then we must quantify the strength  of that number with respect to an issue. To be effective in any gambling activity, (politics is a gamble) you must have a handle on your strengths and your weakness with a heavy emphasis on the weakness side of the equation. Once all those factors are clear you can begin to develop strategies that take advance of your strengths and while considering the weaknesses in order to maximize success.

Members: 82547  •  Posts: 54009  •  Topics: 4216    from Stop This insanity -As Jack says, we need to have a working number of active members. This total from Stop the Insanity  is way out of kilter. Right now we have maybe 5 members left, 3 for sure active. We lost some very good members to health, death, and lack of interaction. We are now being inundated with non-participants from all over the world. They register, then discover they aren't accepted because of their ids fail the fraud detector.  So what about the other groups. How many are truly involved, how many are members there, but not actively involved anymore.

Before we can even start to make a difference, we need to know what forces we actually have.

!. List of every Tea Party group.

2. Main Contact person

3. Active, non-active members.

Anyway, this is just a start.

Next would come a listing from the groups of what is most important, what should be the direction for the Coalition group to take, are there certain areas where the Coalition could help elect a best choice candidate in a race.

Just some ideas.  By the way, in Madison, WI. there was a small group that started a program to work with the opposition group. I haven't heard anything more - I stay out of Madison. 

What happened, one couple reached out to the GOP party, and asked if there was any couple who would be interested in a dialogue. If so, here is our name. A GOP couple contacted them, set up a meeting. After a few meetings, they decided it was enough and so they reached out again , each party to their own. Got a few more interested people. They had some problems, some got angry and left, but others stayed. Soon they were having weekly meetings. Last I heard, they had been working together for over a year. (I do not get the Madison Newspaper, if I can help it - unless I'm tracking to see if my letter to the editor has been published.)   .   

Tried to find the first discussion I copied over for Stop This Insanity, but couldn't find it. Still learning about this forum. Anyway, here is what transpired on STI.

I copied the entire page with messages from JWLUD and Voted Perot.


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Posts: 10717

From We The People USA forum.

« on: November 09, 2015, 05:35:09 AM »

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(The only way for this to happen - everyone on every forum/site/group must look for someone to work with others selected on other groups. If this can be done, it will make a difference. And as several have said, "first select one or two needs and every party group works with the "Coalition" to accomplish that. Further, each group would also work on their own concerns, but the major shift will be one party, one issue, take back our country.)

From Kat
"Across various Tea Party Groups, we have countless numbers of Americans -- Loyal, Conservative, American Patriots -- working hard to 'Save Our Beloved Republic' and the restoration of American First Principles and Values!
As you know, this is a very critical time in "The American Experiment", with a lawless, Illegal Federal Government in DC --- from Traitor Obama, his co-conspirators, right through both houses of Congress, and, of course, The Supreme Court of the United States which is stacked, almost fully, with prog activist Justices, at least 4 to 5 of the nine, who no more intend to uphold their Oaths than Obama!
Even while each of these 'social Tea Party Groups are working diligently, to be most effective in "Saving Our Beloved Republic", we are as weakened as we are separate!
I believe there needs to be One Coalition, One Umbrella Group, under which numerous Tea Party Groups, as well as other American Conservative Groups, under which The Movement as a whole can be most effective in ensuring the Safety and Security of The Republic of The United States of America!
At this point in Our Young Nation's History, Our/The 'American Experiment' in self-directed governance is under constant assault by 'The Enemy Within', while they pit group against group, attack Our Social Institutions and Values, and 'illegally import' individuals from other parts of the world whose intentions are in concert with that of "The Enemy Within"! The Federal Government, as a whole, is a Master Manipulator and fully intends to manipulate its 'human' imports to further weaken and ultimately destroy Our Free Republic!
We American Patriots, We Conservatives, We The People Must, Must Stop them Now! Their advances and inroads into our very destruction is already on a mass scale! They Must Be Stopped! We the People will not have a Prayer of Success to that end so long as we allow 'The Enemy Within' to further employ all its 'clever' divide and conquer' tactics

For Our Republic to Survive, it has to work!  It may naturally sort the "wheat from the chafe" as well! Or, will the Real, True, Red White and Blue, Loyal, American Patriots please take the reigns, knowing we can't all drive at once, but it will surely take millions, and millions of American Patriots to safely navigate Our Republic to it's true course once again; always with the Help of God in Our One Nation Under God!

In God We Trust!"

God Bless America!

In Liberty,

(This message is also from KAT and she is encouraging anyone who is interested,. to join in the begin to take back our country. )

"Recruitment To All Americans, Each of WeThePeople To Come Together to Save Republic USA!
Posted by USA_kat on November 9, 2015 at 8:30am in Social Issues
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(If it suits you as the intended Recruitment Tool it is to be shared across 'social media' and Other Like-Minded Groups, then feel free to use the message below (edited as you need) To Save Republic USA! Contact me with any questions you might have!)

Good Morning.  I am extending my personal invitation to my "social media contacts" to please check out WeThePeopleUSA; a Conservative American Patriot Group of which I am proud to be a member!

Hoping that once you've assessed WTPUSA for yourself, you will be inspired to join; join not only the Main Group, WTPUSA, but your States Group(s)--for the State in which you live, and other State's Groups which may hold special interest for you; both the Main Group of WTPUSA and any one of the States' Groups are groups in which you will have an opportunity to make a solid contribution toward the essential purpose of Saving The Republic of The United States of America from the Tyrannical Oppressor which has taken root within We The Peoples' Federal Government, as well as way too many of the States' Governments!

To be candid, WTPUSA, nor any other Conservative American Patriot Group can accomplish this most Significant Undertaking and Challenge of Saving Republic USA on its own!, The Call To Save The Republic of The United States of America is the most significant challenge, A Constitutional Responsibility, each one of us among We The People is called to embark upon in our lifetime!
 Our response to Oppression and Tyranny affects Our Republic USA's very most Immediate Future and Well Beyond!  Where will Americans be in The Twenty-Third Century, in 2076? Americans who share your very same blood; offspring whom you will never know in this lifetime, where we will they be and will they remember anything of you, your Freedom and Liberty, or even Your Republic of The United States of America?

Will they live in Freedom and Liberty, or under the whim of A Tyrannical Oppressor who directs their every movement, thought, who slaughters "the unfit according the the trend of the day"--slaughters those with your very blood in the Public Arena and calls it Sport!

Each and every American, each one of us among We The People, must take stock and answer that question individually! Then we must step up and Fight In Earnest With The Utmost Dedication, to the level of our individual God-Given ability, to ensure The Preservation and Continuation of Our America, Our Republic of The United States of America!

May God Strengthen and Guide All Of You, We The People, Republic USA!

God Bless America!

In Liberty,

Kathleen Grillo (USA_kat)  http://wethepeopleusa.ning.com"

« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 10:20:21 AM by minnow »

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Posts: 6997

Re: From We The People USA forum.

« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2015, 06:10:18 PM »


Minnow ask Kat just how many countless Americans the tea party has? She will probably tell you lots, but she will not be able to give you any real figure that can be backed up. The tea party movements have been avoiding publishing such a number from the very beginning. The size and scope of the movement do not meet the agenda of every individual group that is out there. Getting a firm national combined number would be simple to do but that would go against their objectives so you will never know how strong or weak the movement really is. I have asked this question ever since the movement started and have yet to get an answer. I have a good estimate how large this movement is but no way to substantiate the numbers and the movement likes the idea it is purely a guess. That leaves them in control over their members.

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Voted Perot

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Posts: 2502

Re: From We The People USA forum.

« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2015, 07:45:44 PM »


  Not to mention the curiosity that when people do visit the home page@TEANET they see 80.000 plus members and only 3and1/2 users, that is probably a head scratcher for many.  Allen West said it best, the Tea Party has done the strategically sound thing to do, they have gone to ground.
 Exactly what The Colonel means by that I am sure a retired Coastie doesn't know. What I think is, are there people like us believing our contributions can be as simple a poorly lit Petri dish tending the serum's of freedom for an anonymous national audience, and the real heroes that actually shut down the Tom Styer hacks and get district only voting over the top for the county. They get rewarded with nothing else but a charge that might last until the next minor dragon is slain.
  There is no visible middle class. We present a small target.
Only a few people here know what I write or where. If I need to be found, I can be found.
Kind of like the Danish resistance, without the Viagra  

« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 07:56:18 PM by Voted Perot »

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Re: From We The People USA forum.

« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2015, 07:41:34 AM »

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I have to agree with both of you - and I blame the Media mostly. Notice how the Missouri take over went down? Political correctness take over. And where is the revolt against the name calling like white crackers, white trash, and other worse.  And why only white on black cop shootings, why aren't the black on black, cops or black on black gang shootings highlighted. Again, the bought and paid for Media. So what is next for this country? More of the same, and add in the LGBT, Black lives matter, Women's rights - our universities and schools are now in the limelight.

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Posts: 6997

Re: From We The People USA forum.

« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2015, 03:34:02 PM »


we can't blame the media...the media only follows where the dollars take them...and right now the conservative demographic doesn't produce the dollars they are looking for...again it is all based on numbers.

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Posts: 10717

Re: From We The People USA forum.

« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2015, 05:23:11 PM »

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I feel I can blame the Media - they used to be counted on, when we needed them.  Now we have no Fourth Estate that really cares about our country, our world. Money yes, but where are the true reporters, the ones who took down Watergate, Who discovered so many other unconstitutional behaviors of our Government. We do have the conservative side, but they are outside the main media.


Oh, Sean Hannity said that he really was pulling for Scott Walker, and was very disappointed when he had to quit. Got a chance to listen in, and his remarks made me feel very good. (I'm doing Kids Ranch again, and was picking up one of the kids, so had the radio on.)



I’m still pushing for more info from Voted Perot.

And, I just wrote and mailed a letter to Ted Party Express, I did donate a little –don’t have much money but I asked that the letter be read – because it was for the good of all Tea Party groups. I explained about the idea of a coalition and volunteers/ to work within the coalition. I also mentioned the idea of concentrating on only one or two issues within the coalition, while the individual groups continued on their local issues. I gave the contact information for Stop This Insanity, the Tea Party Organizers, and We The People, USA.  I am hopeful that whoever gets the letter will pass it on to the founder of Tea Party Express.  And he may be willing to contact other groups.  My message was that this was for the Tea Party itself – it’s time we begin growing into either a third party or takeover the GOP. I know, that isn’t in the cards, but perhaps it will get his attention.   

God Bless You, Virginia!  You've done a tremendous amount of work here; my gratitude and respect for all you have done, and, no doubt, will continue to do!  

I'm from the old-school, or maybe just older; but I'm so used to working surrounded by books, papers, comments, response ---- to where I could grab highlighted info qucikly, or somewhat qucikly, keep my head on straight, and not be jumping from page to page, site to site, trying to remember who is who, who is where, in what group, at what site!  

This only further serves to pinpoint the need for a localized place not only for local discussions, and Event Planning, Planned Actions, etc., bu One Place, again One Coalition, where we may each communicate more quickly and effectively, really en masse!

This one-to-one will get none of us anywhere fast!  Time is a precious commodity, one which can not afford to waste!

Envision one large amphitheater filed with people, one Mike or tech-appropriate sound system shared among various sub-set designated "Leaders", speaking on behalf of their members with prior agreed-upon positions and "authoroity" to make commitments and decision for those who so designated them!

Envision even a telephonic "amphitheater", at first on  a more local level for discussion and decision- making; "leader" selection, etc.; then to the National Stage, a National Conference Call, ultimately where each State is represented!  

Again, as I said in The Recruitment, the Plan-of-Action is to Unite among One Main Coalition and further divide ourselves!  

As I think 'out loud' silently as I type, I remind myself that only a fool reinvents the wheel, especially when she/he knows that wheel has already been invented; no point bickering about ownership; who said what first; that will get us a big 'zero'! My Honest Intention Is To Save The Republic of The United States of America not, I Pray, yes, Pray, not to stroke my ego, or another's either!  

Please, we much educate those on college campuses who find The Constitution some type of impediment to education, when exactly the opposite is the case!

While no human being can say with absolute certainty (that purview is God's Alone) that without Mark R. Levin, there would be no Convention of States Project (COSproject),my personal belief  is that is true! Professor/Dr. Levin's sole intent in painstakingly preparing The Liberty Amendments is The Salvation and Preservation of The Republic of The United States of America! As the brilliant Constitutional Attorney that he is, I must and do defer to him, even on the Matter of The Coalition, as the solution just may lie on COS Project!

More investigation is needed, but the more and more I consider this Critical Issue of Saving Our Precious RepublicUSA, I keep coming back around to this as the answer--perhaps the only answer!

One of the great benefits of Our Americanism is each persons Individuality; no one must every sacrifice their personal Individuality (redundant by intention)!

Thank you for all you have done, Virginia; thanks for bringing 'Stop The Insanity' to my attention, as I was unaware before!

Fighting For Liberty,


I am in the process of writing a letter to the Tea Party.Net, Niger Innis. Stop this insanity is part of this group,and the operating manager is Ron Dove. I have Ron's email address, and will send a message to him, also. I will ask them to also consider passing on your idea. We do need a one stop for the Tea Party - the groups are all great, but as you suggest, we also need the national coalition to accomplish what is needed to save our country.

As for the Convention of states, I agree. And from everyone I have read or heard, Mark Levin is the one. 

Let's say hypothetically, a coalition works, and you can get 5,000 or 50,000 people of like-minds that currently belong to different groups together. What would you do then? What is the plan? Who will lead? What are the priorities? How will people be held accountable? How will you fund your Vision/Mission?


My idea is to get the various groups on the same page with regards to a plan of attack against the progressive forces.

Item #1. To be successful, we must first get the upper hand legally over Congress and SCOTUS so what is done cannot be easily declared Unconstitutional by SCOTUS, and can not be overridden by another piece of Legislation by Congress. The simplest and quickest way to do that is to get the leaders to have their members petition their State Legislatures to adopt a simple 20 word amendment proposal and then petition for an article V amendment proposal convention. The proposal is a simple twenty word directive."The fourteenth, the sixteenth and the seventeenth articles of amendment to the Constitution of the United States are hereby repealed"

item #2. the Process is to get the 50 State Legislatures to vote to adopt that that twenty word proposal as the official language they will use in unison as the proposal for a Twenty Eighth Amendment. since all proposals must be worded the same.

Item #3. It takes 34 States petitioning Congress to force them to call an Article V Convention and 38 States to Ratify any Amendment. Once Congress calls the convention it will have to step back and have literally no say in the amendments proposed.

Item #4. Another item to have the State Legislatures do is to enact legislation that controls how delegates to the Convention will be selected and what they will be allowed to do while at the convention. There is some laws on the books already and a good model for that legislation is what Indiana has enacted. 

These model laws can be seen at; 


Item #5. The State Legislatures will have to educate the public in their States on what the procedure will be for ratification.

Item #6. Once the convention is called the various proposals for amendments will have to be agreed on in their wording and content by the delegates to that convention so the people in the various States must set the guidelines they want their Legislatures to hold the convention delegates to.

Those six items are necessary to provide a positive control over what happens at an Article V convention by the people, who will tell the Federal Government for the first time since the ratification of the Constitution what it will be allowed to do, and what it will be prevented from doing any more.

Article. V. states;
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

The underlined portion is the only control over the process that Congress has. The States need to be prepared for Congress to select the method that would most favor what they want the outcome of the ratification to be for their own best interests, and educate the citizens of their States on the necessity of the ratification happening, and why Congress must be put back in it's proper Constitutional place.

With one exception (the 27th amendment that took 200+ years to become ratified) Congress has been the sole proposer of amendments, and we see how that has turned our for the people of the United States so far. It.s time the people spoke and put the Federal Government in it's place.


The cost for doing this will be the cost to the individuals for Stamps, Phone Calls, Faxes, and E-mails they will individually use to contact their State Representatives. It will also cost them the time to go to local politicians offices individually and in groups to impress on those politicians that the people are demanding specific actions from them.

The Leadership of the various groups will have the added cost of communicating among themselves to agree on how to express this to their members and encourage them to participate actively until the process is done. Also to coordinate any activities between their groups to lend support of numbers to the groups in States that are resistant to the proposal for the 28th amendment.

Here is a quote from the http://www.articlevprojecttorestoreliberty.com/  article v group overview and proposal page that explains the prefered simple process to win;

"We need to consider a list of what we as citizens can all do today and how do we do it? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
With 77% of the people in this Country today thinking Washington is broken and cannot be fixed and will not change, we Constitutional and Patriotic Conservatives have a winning issue and a perfect storm to unite all against the Central government.

  2. The more government workers there are the less the general public’s votes count.
  3. Immerse yourself in the concept THAT THERE IS A SUCCESSFUL METHOD. Learn about the Article V Process- through study and       involvement. See the reality that we can make.

  4.  Help us develop the movement...we need 38 states. 

  •        to educate and inform on the Article V Process
  •        to promote our proposal of repeal of the 14th, 16th and 17th Amendments through a new 28th Amendment 
  •        to build support for [of] a state amendment  project [process] in 38 states
  •        we offer resource information for public downloads from our discussion posts and group brochures     

We encourage you to become an accomplished Student-Advocate-and Successful Campaigner. Let us close our eyes and put ourselves at a true victory party/convention. That is what we are striving for, to be successful, to be able to once again create the conditions where our Country and all of her citizens can prosper once again. Do not hesitate, the time is now, we are pressing toward 'a perfect storm.'

We ask you to please join our effort to take back our Freedoms and Liberties - States rights and powers through Article V and the proposed 28th Amendment. "

I am fully aware that there are many other amendment proposals that are worthy of becoming Constitutional Law but this 20 word proposal is the Key Lynch-Pin that gives the people and the States back the powers that Congress and the Progressive faction have Stolen from the People and the States to Usurp their rightful powers over that Federal Government. It will also empower the original checks and balances that the Founders originally engineered into the Constitution to prevent what is happening today.

If we don't do it, Who Will?

If we don't act, Who Will?

If we don't act to stop Federal Government Overreach and Oppression, Who Will?

 I totally agree and say. well stated.

There is a man who started in 2007 investigating banks and was appalled at what he found concerning foreclosures.At that point he had become a successful business man,an Attorney,and decided to start helping people save their homes from the banksters,as he felt that God was leading him to do this.To date he has helped many at little to no expense to them.

He has broadened his broadcasting to the present things at hand dealing with situations we are facing now.

He also wishes to bring like minded patriots together as a group giving us more power and louder voices. He is backed so far with Constitutional Lawyer's and Judges. Jim holds several degrees and runs a 1 man studio,7 days a week taking no time off because our Republic is so important to him and so many Americans are suffering.

The show is on Ustream  : Bank vs You He goes by the name HutMaster

If anyone is interested in being a part to organizing a large group,respond to this post and I can give you contact information.





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